Editable Scheme of Work for GCSE Linear Unit 1, Section 3

Practical support to help you deliver this Edexcel specification as a linear course

Following the announcement that from September 2012 GCSE specifications will move to linear assessment, this scheme of work has been adapted to help you implement the Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies Short Course or Full Course specification in a linear way. It can be used to deliver the teaching models presented in the Course Planner, but is not intended to be prescriptive and is provided in editable Word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.

Other course planning support

Course Planner

In addition to this revised Scheme of Work, we have produced an updated course planner that offers examples of possible models that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs.

SPaG Guide

Following the announcement that SPaG would be introduced into the assessment of GCSE Religious Studies qualifications, we have produced a guide to show how these have been implemented in the Edexcel specification.

Other Edexcel teaching resources

Pearson produces a range of Edexcel resources for this specification, including:

• Student books — full colour textbooks for each examined unit of the specification, plus student books for six of the 12 Controlled Assessment topics.

• Teacher Guides – lesson plans and activity worksheets in print format and as editable files.

• ActiveTeach — digital teaching resources on an easy-to-use CD ROM.

• Exam Wizard — instant access to banks of GCSE questions from past papers.

Textbooks have also been produced by Hodder Education to support this specification

Edexcel Additional Support

• Ask the Expert — puts you in direct email contact with over 200 of our senior subject experts

Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies

Unit 1 Section 3 Marriage and the Family

Edexcel Scheme of Work

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 1: |To identify what the terms marriage, divorce, and |In groups, students discuss their own definitions for |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.1 |

|Changing attitudes to marriage, |homosexuality mean. |marriage, divorce and homosexuality (teacher guides them to |provides useful information. |

|divorce, family life and |To discover how attitudes to marriage, divorce, and |the glossary definition for homosexuality). |Useful TV programmes include What the Victorians Did For Us and The |

|homosexuality in the UK, and |homosexuality have changed in the UK. |Students discuss why and how attitudes have changed. They |Victorian Farm; a large number are available on the BBC website. |

|reasons for them. |To identify the reasons why attitudes to marriage, |possibly watch a TV programme about how life was in Victorian| |

| |divorce, and homosexuality have changed in the UK. |times. They write down how and why attitudes have changed. | |

|Topic 2: |To identify that sex outside marriage means pre-marital|Teacher explains the terms sex outside marriage, pre-marital |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.2 |

|Christian attitudes to sex |sex and extra-marital sex (adultery). |sex, extra-marital sex and adultery. |provides useful information. |

|outside marriage, and the |To identify the different Christian attitudes to sex |Students draw and complete a table that includes a |See the Edexcel specification for glossary definitions of adultery |

|reasons for them. |outside of marriage. |description of attitudes towards adultery and attitudes |and pre-marital sex. |

| |To identify the reasons for the different Christian |towards pre-marital sex, including the reasons for these | |

| |attitudes to sex outside of marriage. |attitudes. | |

|Topic 3: |To identify the Muslim attitudes to sex outside of |Students discuss Muslim attitudes to sex outside marriage. |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.3 |

|Attitudes to sex outside |marriage. |They consider pre-marital sex and adultery. If possible, they|provides useful information. |

|marriage in one religion other |To identify the reasons for the Muslim attitudes to sex|watch videos about Muslim attitudes. |See Taking Issue 2 – BBC Educational. |

|than Christianity, and the |outside of marriage. |Students make a list of reasons why Muslims have these | |

|reasons for them. | |attitudes. | |

|Topic 4: |To understand why there are different Christian |Students make a list of the purposes of marriage. |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.4 |

|Different Christian attitudes to|attitudes to divorce. |Students draw a spider diagram of all their ideas about |provides useful information. |

|divorce, and the reasons for |To understand the reasons why different Christians have|divorce. | |

|them. |certain reasons for accepting or not accepting divorce |Teacher explains the different Christian views on divorce, | |

| |(also considering the complications of remarriage). |linking them to the problem of remarriage. | |

| | |Students divide into groups, each one taking a different view| |

| | |on divorce and illustrating/ explaining it on a poster. | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 3: Marriage and the Family Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 5: |To understand the different attitudes to divorce in |Teacher explains the different Muslim attitudes to divorce |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.5 |

|Different attitudes to divorce |Islam. |and reasons for them. |provides useful information. |

|in one religion other than |To understand the reasons why Muslims have different |Students produce a booklet explaining the Muslim views on |Further information can be found at |

|Christianity, and the reasons |reasons for accepting or not accepting divorce. |divorce to a non-Muslim. |

|for them. | | |gedivorcerev2.shtml |

| | | |

| | | |_1.shtml |

|Topic 6: |To study Christian teachings on family life. |Teacher explains different Christian teachings on family |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.6 |

|Christian teachings on family |To understand the importance of Christian teachings on|life, using appropriate Bible references. |provides useful information. |

|life and its importance. |family life. |Students divide into groups, each group taking a different |A useful resource is |

| | |teaching and working out why it is important to family | |

| | |life, and then producing a presentation to give to the | |

| | |class about the teaching (perhaps using PowerPoint). | |

|Topic 7: |To study Muslim teachings on family life. |Students discuss the different Muslim teachings about |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.7 |

|The teachings of one religion |To understand the importance of Muslim teachings on |family life. |provides useful information. |

|other than Christianity on |family life. |They produce a list of reasons why Muslims might have these| |

|family life and its importance.| |different attitudes. | |

|Topic 8: |To understand the three different Christian attitudes |Teacher recaps the current legal situation about |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.8 |

|Christian attitudes to |to homosexuality. |homosexuality in the UK. |provides useful information. |

|homosexuality and the reasons |To learn the reasons for the different Christian |Teacher explains the different Christian attitudes towards |Further information can be found at: |

|for them. |attitudes towards homosexuality. |homosexuality. |

| | |Class holds a discussion and identifies a list of reasons |s/samesexmarriage.shtml |

| | |for the different attitudes towards homosexuality. | |

|Topic 9: |To understand the Muslim attitudes to homosexuality. |Teacher explains attitudes to homosexuality in Islam using |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.9 |

|Attitudes to homosexuality in |To learn the reasons for the Muslim attitudes towards |information from an appropriate textbook. |provides useful information. |

|one religion other than |homosexuality. |Students write reasons why most Muslims hold one particular| |

|Christianity and the reasons | |attitude and only a few hold the opposing attitude. | |

|for them. | | | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 3: Marriage and the Family Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 10: |To understand the different Christian attitudes to |Students discuss the different Christian attitudes to |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.10 |

|Different Christian attitudes |contraception. |contraception. |provides useful information. |

|to contraception, and the |To identify reasons why these attitudes are held. |They look at information on the BBC website and produce a |Further useful information can be found at: |

|reasons for them. | |list of reasons why different Christians might have these |

| | |attitudes. |s/contraception_1. shtml |

|Topic 11: |To understand the attitudes to contraception within |Students discuss Muslim attitudes to contraception. |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 3.11 |

|Different attitudes to |Islam. |They look at information on the BBC website about Islam and|provides useful information. |

|contraception in one religion |To identify reasons why these attitudes are held. |contraception to produce a list of reasons why Muslims |Further information can be found at: |

|other than Christianity, and | |might have these attitudes to contraception. | |

|the reasons for them. | | |islam/islamethics/contraception.shtml |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 3: Marriage and the Family Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

This grid is for you to create your own scheme of work if needed.

|Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|key questions | | | |

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Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 3: Marriage and the Family Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012


Content coverage

Week by week content coverage

Exemplar resources

Learning outcomes

We are happy to provide this scheme of work for you to amend and adapt to suit your teaching purposes.

We hope you find this useful.

Editable scheme of work

Edexcel GCSE Linear Religious Studies Unit 1 Section 3: Marriage and the Family


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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