Sacraments at the Service of Communion II

Name:______________________________________________ Mock Revision: Marriage & FamilyKey Terms: (pages 68 onwards...)Cohabitation: __________________________________________________________________________________Marriage: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Pre-marital sex: ________________________________________________________________________________Promiscuity: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Adultery: _____________________________________________________________________________________Faithfulness: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Re-marriage: __________________________________________________________________________________Outline how attitudes to sex and marriage have changed(page 68)Most people now __________________________________ before marriage. In the past this would not have been ________________________________.It is now acceptable for couples to _________________________________. In the past this would not have been ________________________________.The average age for marriage has __________________________________. In the past most people would have been married by _______ now it is ______.Only a minority of marriages take place in a _______________________. In the past most people would have married in a __________________________The type of family has changed. In the past, most families consisted of ___________________________________________________________. Today, most households are not headed by a __________________________Explain why most Christians are against sex outside marriage(page 69)Adultery is wrong because it breaks the _____________________________, The 10 Commandments say “do not commit a_________________________”, and J______________ said it is wrong in the B_____________________.Sex is for p____________________ & this must take place within ________The B_________ says pre-marital sex is _____________________________All C______________ teach pre-marital sex is wrong.But...Some Christians accept that couples may live together before m___________ but would expect them to marry before _________________________________ & would only accept a couple having a sexual relationship if they are in a long term relationship because:The church has to come to terms with ____________________________Jesus taught _______________________________________________ Explain why Muslims are against sex outside marriage(page 70)Sex before marriage is ______________________ in Islam. It says this in the Q_____________________. The S_________________ also says this.Boys and girls are separated ______________________. There should be no mixing of the sexes apart from ___________________________________. It says this in the Q__________________.The purpose of sex is p________________. Muslims believe that children should only be born in a family where ________________________________Adultery is a _________ in Islam.It is condemned by _____________________________________________It breaks ____________________________________________________It is likely to harm the ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Purposes of marriage in Christianity(p74)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Purposes of marriage in Islam(p76)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain how the marriage service shows the purpose of marriage for Christians: (p74)Match the correct statement to the purpose.Feature:How it shows the purposePriest welcomes thecoupleExplain purpose of marriageBible readingsVowsExchange ringsPrayersSymbolises the marriage is never endingLearn about Christian marriageShows marriage is a sacrament & that God is part of the marriageAsk God & Holy Spirit to help marriage to workAct as church’s witness to the weddingShows marriage is never ending & that the couple will remain faithful to each other. Shows marriage is never ending & that the couple will remain faithful to each other. What are the main features of a Muslim marriage?(p76)Declaration ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signing of __________________________________________________________Agreement of m______________________________________________________Readings from the ____________________________________________________K_________________________________________________________________Prayers ____________________________________________________________A wedding f_________________________________________________________Outline how attitudes to divorce have changed (p80)Nowadays, divorce is accepted as _________________________________________More people are getting _______________________________________________Because... It is now c__________________________________________________It is easier because __________________________________________________Women are no longer _________________________________________________Changing expectations of marriage - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________Outline Christian attitudes to divorce (p80 – 81) Catholic ChurchDo not allow d____________________.Marriage is a s____________________.Breaking vow “till d____________ do us part.”Allow a__________________________ (the marriage was never a true marriage)J_______________ taught that divorce is wrong.Non-Catholic churchesBelieve divorce is wrong but accept it in certain c_______________________Lesser of 2 e____________________Jesus allowed divorce for a________________________Christians believe in f__________________________It is better to divorce than live in h_________ & q____________ all the timeOutline Muslim attitudes to divorce (p83)Divorce is allowed because:The Q_____________________ allows divorceThe S_____________________ allows divorce & has laws about how it should operateIt is better to divorce than have h__________________ & b__________Marriage is a c_______________ &c__________________ can be endedIf the marriage isn’t working then the husband must state _______ times in front of w_____________________ that the marriage is over. Then there is a _________ month waiting period called i______________ where the couple try to reconcile.Some Muslims disagree with divorce because:Muhammad said that Allah h______________ divorceMost marriages are arranged by f_________________ who want it to workDescribe four types of families (p87)NERSOutline how family life has changed in the UK (p87)In the past, the most common type of family was the ____________________ whereas nowadays the _________________________________ is becoming more popular. )Although the ______________________________ is still the most popular.)S_________________________ have increased as more couples d_________The number of children brought up by c______________________________ parents has increased.R______________________________ are becoming more popular as more people divorce & remarry.Christian teachings on family life (p88)Islam & Family life (p89 & 94) How do mosques help with the upbringing of children: Exam practise:Write out the following questions in your book on paper & answer them as you would in the mock:What is a reconstituted family? (2)Explain why family life is important in Islam (8)Describe how churches help with the upbringing of children. (6)Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why family life is important in that religion. (8)Outline Christian teachings on family life (6)“A religious wedding ceremony helps to make a marriage work” Do you agree? (4)“Religion helps families stay together.” Do you agree? Why? (4)“Children don’t need a mother and a father who are married to each other.” Do you agree? Why? (4)Outline how family life has changed in the UK (6)Outline Christian attitudes to divorce (8)Outline how attitudes to divorce have changed (6) ................

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