HIGHER ADMIN AND IT - Business Studies at Campbeltown ...

HIGHER ADMIN AND ITHOMEWORK The Admin AssistantTime and Task ManagementEffective TeamsWorkplace RegulationsImpact of ITCustomer CareUsing IT applicationsCommunications in Administration41998903810000Name:Class:THE ADMIN ASSISTANTMarks102,1aIdentify 2 examples of Items that would be included in a person specification and justify the purpose of this document in the interview process4bIn addition to the interview, discuss the need for additional selection processes to ensure the best person is appointed6TIME AND TASK MANAGEMENTMarks131,41Justify the need for employees to have good time management skills2132,32Outline 4 ways a team leader may monitor the progress of a project4132,43Outline 4 features of effective targets44Describe the implications of a manager failing to delegate effectively6122,15Outline ways in which an employee’s targets can be monitored4111,46Compare the use of a paper-based diary with an electronic diary2112,17Describe 3 long-term implications for a senior manager who fails to delegate tasks to his team68Justify the need for a manager to monitor and evaluate tasks4112,49Describe 3 methods of appraisal610Justify the need for an appraisal system as part of the staff development process4102,311Describe 3 time management techniques612Justify the need for employees to develop good time management skills3092,113Discuss strategies used by senior administrative assistants to improve their efficiency in task management814Identify 2 time stealers and for each suggest how these can be avoided4092,515Identify possible areas of development for an employee which may follow an appraisal meeting416405003019621500Describe 3 methods of monitoring and controlling targets6-17540-55569700EFFECTIVE TEAMSMarks102,417Describe 3 features/characteristics of an effective team6132,318Outline reasons why a team may be ineffective4122,519Describe the advantages and disadvantages to an individual of working as part of a team8112,520Discuss reasons why some teams are more effective than others8102,121Outline 4 benefits of good leadership447523401143000WORKPLACE REGULATIONSMarks132,522Outline 2 features of the following legislationThe Computer Misuse ActThe Copyright, Designs and Patents Act4122,323Outline 4 rights of the individual as outlined in the Data Protection Act4102,224Describe 2 key responsibilities employers have with regards to Display Screen Equipment Regulations42,125Describe 3 ways in which an organisation can inform employees of changes in legal requirements626Describe 2 responsibilities employers have with regards to Health and Safety of their employees427Describe 2 ways an employee can ensure that confidential data they are working with is kept secure428Describe 2 ways an employee can ensure they are healthy and safe while working in an office environment4091,129Outline the benefits to an organisation of employees receiving induction training22,430Outline and justify 2 ways of making sure employees are aware of new legislation or changes to legislation affecting the office environment4IMPACT OF ITMarks121,131Outline flexible working practices an organisation could offer41,232Describe the impact of flexible working on an organisation42,133Describe how developments in ICT have had an impact on workflow62,334One potential disadvantage of a network is that viruses can spread very quickly.Discuss the consequences and implications of an organisation failing to protect its network8132,235Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet as a source of business information8122,236Describe ergonomic features that would ensure a good working environment62,437Justify the decision to introduce an e-commerce facility3112,138Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce to an organisation’s customers62,339Outline 4 features of an intranet within a school4101,440Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of flexible working for an employer62,241Suggest and justify 2 methods of ensuring the security and confidentiality of electronic information42,542Outline the benefits of an organisation’s decision to change from a traditional cellular office layout to an open plan layout42,543Discuss the use of the Internet as a source of business information8092,244Discuss the ways in which flexible working practices can improve the work/life balance of employees62,445Describe 2 possible consequences for the employee moving from a cellular to an open plan office layout4166489852700CUSTOMER CAREMarks132,246Outline the benefits of dealing with customers face to face42,247Describe the following methods of research used by Customer Service:Mystery shopperLoyalty cardsCustomer focus group648Justify the importance of customer satisfaction to an organisation22,349Justify the importance of a mission statement to the organisation22,550Justify the need for a complaints policy2122,251Justify the expense of training Administrative Assistants in customer care.22,352Describe 3 methods of researching customer satisfaction levels62,553Outline the qualities required of an Administrative Assistant when dealing with external customers454Describe the areas that might be covered by customer Service Strategy6112,355Describe 3 methods a company may use to gather information about customer satisfaction62.456Outline 4 reasons given by customers for not complaining457Discuss the importance of good customer service to an organisation6101,158Outline 3 areas of customer service that a mystery shopper might investigate31,259Compare the use of a mystery shopper with a customer focus group21.360Describe 3 consequences, and their implications, of poor customer service6091,361Justify why customer satisfaction is important to an organisation42,162Outline 2 features of a Mission Statement and justify the importance of this statement to the organisation463Outline 4 factors to be considered to ensure internal customer satisfaction4203583420556000COMMUNICATIONS IN ADMIN131,364Describe 3 software applications that can be used by an Administrative Assistant62,365Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet as a source of business information8122,566Justify the use of remote meetings2112,267Suggest and justify 3 features of presentation software which a speaker would find useful6101,568More than 40,000 mystery shoppers’ personal details are stored on one company’s database. Outline 3 principles of good information handling which this company should follow32,269Outline each of the following IT termsOne to many relationshipConditional formattingMaster slideCross-referencing4091,470Describe features of presentation software which may be used to enhance the delivery of a training session42,371Describe features of a good e-commerce website672E-mail is an important method of communication. Discuss the impact of e-mail on an organisation673Compare web-based and paper-based sources of information in the organisation of a business trip42,574Compare the use of a database and a Spreadsheet or storing and analysing information475Outline possible barriers to communication417411705969000 ................

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