Welcome to Level 3!

0-723900 English Level 3Integrated StrandStudents’ HandbookFall 2015, Quarter 11967026306Contents: Level 3 in a NutshellAssessmentCGEsCoursework GradesMid and Final ExamsCourse books and other materialsHow to pass Level 3!Vocabulary lists (VTLs) Vocabulary in Context (in sentences)Vocabulary Parts of SpeechVocabulary onlineFinal Exam Specifications for Students Level 3 Calendar00Contents: Level 3 in a NutshellAssessmentCGEsCoursework GradesMid and Final ExamsCourse books and other materialsHow to pass Level 3!Vocabulary lists (VTLs) Vocabulary in Context (in sentences)Vocabulary Parts of SpeechVocabulary onlineFinal Exam Specifications for Students Level 3 Calendar Level 3 in a NutshellWelcome to Level 3!This document shows you the main things you need to know to succeed in Level 3.AimsIn Level 3 Integrated we have two aims:To prepare you for universityE.g. by helping you to: understand academic written and spoken textstake notestake part in discussions, to recognize and use important vocabulary (taken from two word lists: the General Service List of 2000 words and the Academic Word List)Target: Intermediate; EFR B1/B2; modest to competent userTo prepare you to do the IELTS International English Language Testing System exam.Target: Academic Band 5 and aboveAssessmentThere are nine grades given in Level 3: four Integrated and five Writing.Integrated StrandTotal value: 60% 2 CGE tests of Vocabulary & Reading Skills30%1 course work grade allocated by teachers (CWGs) 10%1 final exam of Listening and Reading20%Writing StrandTotal value: 40% 1 Writing Projects8%2 Information transfer tasks2% / 5% 1 Final Timed Writing Exam 20%1 teacher’s choice5%Computer Generated Exams (CGE Tests) There are two of these. You will take them in the Computer Lab in weeks 4 and 7. They are each worth 10% of your grade.Level Three CGEs: Specifications for StudentsGeneral Information:1. Each CGE has two parts: VTL and reading skills. Students have 40 min to complete each part. Total time allowed: 1 hour and 20 min2. Each CGE is 15% of the Level Three grade (10% for VTL and 5% for reading skills)3. There are four VTL tasks in each CGE: matching (groups of nouns, verbs, adjectives & adverbs; 6 words & 3 definitions)Multiple Choice Questions for meaning (sentence plus 4 choices)Multiple Choice Questions for Parts of Speech (sentence plus 3 choices)2 gap-fill paragraphs; six gaps for each paragraph and twelve words to choose from4. Each CGE has a reading part5. Practice CGEs will be available the week before the CGE takes place.CGE Onetakes place in the computer lab lesson, Week Four70 questions (50 VTL and 20 reading skills)VTLs 1A, 1B, 2A & 2BTwo reading tasks, 10 questions for each task. All questions test skimming and scanning.CGE Twotakes place in the computer lab lesson, Week Seven65 questions (50 VTL and 15 reading skills)VTLs 3A & 3B plus a small number of words from VTLs 1A, 1B, 2A & 2BReading part consists of five short paragraphs, 3 questions each. All questions test detailed understandingCourse Work GradeYou will get one Course Work Grade (CWG) during the quarter. It is worth 10% of your grade. This grade is given by your Integrated teacher for work that s/he will tell you about. Final ExamsThere is one major paper-based exam and it is worth 20% of your total grade. The final exam will consist of the following parts:A Listening Dialogue (10 qs)A Lecture (10 qs)A note-taking Lecture (10 qs)A medium-length reading passage (topic=Numbers, Words, People) (15 qs)A longer reading passage (topic=Numbers, Words, People) (15 qs)General InformationThe Final Exam will be two hours long.It is 20% of the Level Three grade.It will take place in Week Eight.There will be 5 tasks: 3 listening tasks and 2 reading tasksListening Section 60 minsTask 1: DialogueYou will hear this once only.This will hear a dialogue: two people will talk about an everyday topicAs you will listen you will answer 10 questions (e.g. multiple choice questions, completing notes, short answer questions)Task 2: Lecture You will hear this twice.This will hear a lecture on one of the Level Three topics (Numbers, Words, People)As you listen you will answer 10 questions (e.g. multiple choice questions, completing notes, short answer questions)Task 3: Note-taking Lecture You will hear this twice.You will listen to a lecture and take notesWhen you get your exam paper, you will answer 10 questions using your notesThe Reading Section60 minsTask 1This will be a magazine article on one of the Level Three topics (Numbers, Words, People)There will be 15 questions (e.g. multiple choice questions, True/False/Not Given questions, summary completion)You should spend about 30 minutes on this taskTask 2This will be a long academic reading textThere will be 15 questions (e.g. multiple choice questions, True/False/Not Given questions, summary completion)You should spend about 30 minutes on this taskAdvice and Things to RememberBefore the ExamThis is a reading and listening exam. Improving your reading and listening takes time and you will be working on these skills in your Level Three Integrated Skills class so don’t skip classesYou can improve your reading and listening by practicing outside class. Why not read something that interests you online? Why not try reading an English newspaper or magazine? On the Day of the ExamArrive 20 minutes early so you are ready for the exam. If you arrive late you will miss part of the Listening Section. Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late will not be allowed to take the exam – they will have to ask for a make-up exam and will lose marksBring your ID (UAEU ID, National ID, passport or driving license)During the ExamWrite your answers on the Answer SheetRead the instructionsCheck the number of words that you are allowed to use for short answer questionsCheck that your spelling is correctOrganize your time so that you spend enough time on each part of the exam.Spend extra time checking your answersCourse materialsYour course book and materials are:Level 3 Integrated Skills iBookThe Level 3 Moodle site (Moodle.)Student Handbook: Vocabulary to Learn Lists 1a to 3bRoad to IELTS Online CourseHow to Pass Level 3 Work hard!Don’t take days off! Every semester most students who are absent 6 or more times fail Level 3. About half of the students with 5 absences fail. Most students with 4 absences or less, pass! Work hard on Vocabulary! Students who get poor grades on vocabulary almost always fail. Above all: Work Independently and Be Interested. The most important thing is to get better. You do this by working away from class as well as in class. And you do it by being interested in what you are learning and working hard at learning it. Vocabulary Vocabulary to Learn Lists (VTLs)VTL 1ANounsVerbsAdjectivesAdverbs etc.CenturyDoubleAdvancedExactlyDiscoveryImagineCommonExperimentMentionCurrentExplanationPronounceExcellentTradeSpreadIndependentQuarterweighOrdinaryScientificVTL 1BNounsVerbsAdjectivesAdverbs etc.ChanceCalculateDetailedoriginallyDistribution ExploreInfluentialFeatureHandlePreviousGenerationReproduceSpecificNatureRepresentObjectOutcomePatternRoleStageVTL 2ANounsVerbsAdjectivesAdverbs etc.RequestAdoptAncientAbsolutelyRootsArrangeAware (of)GraduallySeriesContainEfficientRegularlystructureOriginatereasonableSeparatelyRequireUnlikeSettleVTL 2BNounsVerbsAdjectivesAdverbs etc.ConditionClassifyComplicatedWidelyDeviceDamageEffectiveGapEnablePhysicalSenseEstimateSuitableTheoryManageUniqueuniverseMeanVariedSufferVTL 3ANounsVerbsAdjectivesAdverbs etc.CreatureAdmireAmbitiousEquallyDescriptionAnnoyClearRapidlyIndividualCleverSteadilyModelCruelSituationExtraordinaryToolGenerousTypeLegalWeaponNormalRemarkableSensitiveVTL 3BNounsVerbsAdjectivesAdverbs etc.AspectArgueFinancialBasicallyCharacterContributeNaturallyComponentEstablishContinentDiseaseLackLocalsPovertyPressureSectionQualityRateTestable WordMeaningExampleList 1ACentury A hundred yearsThe 20th century started in 1900 and finished at the end of 1999.DiscoverySomething found for the first timeThe discovery of penicillin has saved millions of lives.ExperimentA scientific testWe did an interesting experiment in Science today.ExplanationSomething said in words which shows why or howOne explanation for global warming says it is caused by carbon dioxide.TradeBuying and selling goodsTrade between China and the USA is bigger than ever.QuarterOne fourth part (1/4)A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes.DoubleMultiply by twoThe world population will double by the year 2050.ImagineThink about; picture in your mindImagine what life will be like in the year 3000.MentionSay something about something in a few wordsShe mentioned that she was not feeling well.PronounceTo say something in a particular wayHow do you pronounce this word: k-n-i-f-e?SpreadTo go across a wide areaThe use of smartphones has spread across the whole world.WeighTo measure or say the weight someone or something isI weigh 84 kilos.AdvancedModern, new, high levelI am studying Advanced monNormal, ordinary, easily foundToo little exercise is a common problem, these days.CurrentFrom now, at this timeThe current world population is about 7 billion.ExcellentVery, very goodExcellent work!IndependentStanding alone, not needing othersStudents need to be independent learners.OrdinaryNormal, not specialWe live in an ordinary house, the same as all the other in the street.ScientificTo do with scienceModern medicines are tested using scientific methods.ExactlyCorrectly, without any errorA litre of water weighs exactly one kilo.List 1BChancePossibility, opportunity, (idea that something can happen)There is a chance that Spain will win the World Cup for a third time.Distribution Giving out, spreadThe distribution of food and medicine was difficult because of damage to roads. FeatureAn important part of somethingOne nice feature of the house is the outdoor swimming pool.GenerationPeople in the same age groupThe older generation do not understand the younger generationNatureLiving things; the natural worldThe elephant, the blue whale and the tiger are wonders of nature.ObjectThing you can see or touchThe oldest man-made objects are?fish hooks, arrowheads, buttons and things.OutcomeResultDear Sir, I need to know my exam outcome …PatternRepeated design, order or way of doing somethingEducation follows different patterns in different countries.RolePart someone plays, job, responsibilityParents have a role in education even more important than that of teachers.StagePart, step or phase of a processThe last stage in the process is to take the goods to shops.CalculateWork out the answerWe need to calculate the cost.ExploreLook around to find information or other things.Captain Kirk’s job was to explore space.HandleDeal with, control, useThis is a dangerous chemical so be careful how you handle it.ReproduceCopy; have babies Rabbits reproduce every month or two.RepresentStand for; showThe UN tries to represent all nations.DetailedWith a lot of informationHe gave a detailed report.InfluentialAffecting the way people think or feel about somethingIt was one of the most influential books ever written.PreviousBefore another oneHe has two children from a previous marriage.SpecificExact, clear, about one particular thingThe specific details of Shakespeare’s life are not known.OriginallyIn the beginning; at firstOriginally, this house belonged to a prince but now it belongs to a pop star.List 2ARequestAsking for somethingIf you need anything, you should make a request on the website.RootsWhere something comes from; origin; the parts of a plant that are in the groundMany health problems have their roots in poor diet and lack of exercise.SeriesA number of things that go in orderThe Fibonacci series starts like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ...StructureSomething made of different partsMore than 18,000 metal pieces make up the structure of the Eiffel Tower.AdoptTake up something; take in childrenWe have adopted many words into English from other languages.ArrangeTo organizeJulia arranged everything for us.ContainTo hold insideThe vocabulary lists contain the most useful words to learn.OriginateStart, beginCoffee drinking originated in Yemen.RequireNeedCorrect answers in the IELTS exam require correct spelling.SettleLive, stop movingArabic speakers settled in Spain for 700 years.AncientVery old, from a different timeSanskrit is the ancient language of India and is not spoken today.Aware (of)Know aboutIn Papua New Guinea, some tribes are not aware of other tribes that live just a few kilometres away.EfficientWorking well without wasteIt’s a very efficient engine that uses little fuel.ReasonableFair, logical, well-behavedIt sounds reasonable. I think it’s a good idea.UnlikeDifferent fromUnlike Earth, nothing can live on Venus.AbsolutelyTotally, very much‘Would you like to meet for dinner?” “Absolutely!”GraduallyLittle by littleI am gradually improving.RegularlyRepeating with equal times between, oftenI regularly send emails to my mother.SeparatelyNot connected, each aloneSome languages have developed separately but I’ll look at ones that have developed together.List 2BConditionWhat someone or something is like, state; necessary part of an agreement; medical illnessThe car is in good condition.DeviceMachine or tool for doing somethingNow you can measure distances with a little electronic device.GapEmpty space between two thingsFill the gap with the word you think is best.SenseAbility to see, hear etc.; meaning; logicOur five senses are sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.TheoryIdea which explains somethingThe Big Bang theory is an idea about how the universe began.UniverseAll of space and everything in it.The universe is all space, all stars, all planets and everything.ClassifyPut things into groups and name themWe classify living things as plants, animals, bacteria and so on.DamageBreak part of somethingIf you damage the brain it may affect the way you speak.EnableMake possible, give the abilityThe new test will enable doctors to see the disease earlier.EstimateGuess, calculateScientists estimate that the brain has about 100 billion cells!ManageOrganize; do something difficult successfullyHow did the Egyptians manage to build the pyramids 3000 years ago?MeanIndicate, show, have a meaningGlobal warming could mean trouble for the whole world.SufferFeel pain or have an illnessPeople who suffer brain damage may not be able to speak plicatedWith many parts, difficult to understandThe explanation was very complicated – I didn’t really understand it.EffectiveGood, doing the job wellPanadol is effective with some headaches but not for really bad ones.PhysicalTo do with the body or matter, not with the mind or ideasHis physical condition is excellent, but his mind is not healthy.SuitableRight for a situationChoose the most suitable paragraph for the heading.UniqueOne and onlyLanguage is one of the things that makes humans unique.VariedDifferent; not all the sameA healthy diet should be varied.WidelyIn many placesIt is widely known that fruit, vegetables and exercise are good for your health.List 3ACreatureLiving thing that can moveLike all living creatures, birds need plenty of water.DescriptionWords which show what something / someone is likeWhich one? Can you give me a description?IndividualSingle personEach of us is different. We are all individuals.ModelGood example; small 3D copyIn science today, we made a model of the solar system.SituationPlace and time; things that surround and affect a person or thing.The situation at work is getting worse, there are lots of problems.ToolThing made for doing a jobFirst, you need to get the right tools for the job.TypeSort, one of a group of similar thingsA reptile is a type of animal that lays eggs.WeaponTool for attacking someone or somethingThe police came because he was carrying a dangerous weapon.AdmireLike and respectNelson Mandela was widely admired.AnnoyMake a little angryIt annoys me when people are late.AmbitiousHoping to do something bigBarak Obama was ambitious as a child.ClearEasy to see or understandThese instructions are not clear. I don’t understand what to do. CleverIntelligentShe is clever. She will do well at school.CruelHurtful, painful, wanting to hurt someoneCats are cruel to birds and mice.ExtraordinaryVery unusual, not ordinaryThis cold weather is extraordinary for the UAE.GenerousKind and givingMy father is very generous. He often gives us presents.LegalAllowed by law; to do with the lawIs it legal to smoke in public places in the UAE?NormalOrdinaryYour temperature is normal. Nothing unusual there.RemarkableVery unusual, not ordinarySuch cold weather here is remarkable!SensitiveAffected by very small thingsBe kind. He’s very sensitive.EquallyTo the same amountOur assessment is designed to treat all students equally.RapidlyQuickly, fastExports of cars rose rapidly between 2003 and 2007.SteadilyContinuing in the same waySales of PCs have fallen steadily since 2010.List 3BAspectPart, view, pointOne aspect of my job that I don’t like is the stress.CharacterPersonality; person; letterHe is a strong character. He does not give up ponentPartThere are four main components to this machine.ContinentLarge land mass, e.g. Asia, Africa, Europe etc.Asia is the biggest continent.DiseaseIllnessSmallpox is the only disease that has been completely stopped.LackDoes not have something that is needed, need, wantA lack of vitamin D can lead to weak bones.LocalsPeople from the areaLocals wear traditional clothes.PovertyBeing poorPoverty is worse in Africa than any other continent.PressureA force that presses In the deep ocean the water pressure is so great it can kill a person.SectionPartThe front section of a ship is called the bow.QualityHow good or bad something isThis is very high quality tea.RateSpeedMy heart rate is very low. Just 45 beats per minute.ArgueFight with words; make a point; defend an ideaDon’t argue with your mother. Just do what she says.ContributeAdd something to something else; giveCO2 contributes to global warming.EstablishStart (especially a business)UAE University was established in 1976.FinancialTo do with moneyThe World Bank says the financial situation has improved since 2007.BasicallyIn summaryBasically, the UAE is a desert country.NaturallyOf course; not artificially, as part of natureNaturally, it will be easier for a large family to support grandparents than a small one.Testable Parts of SpeechThe following words from the VTLs may be tested in terms of parts of speech.VTL 1 A and BNounVerbAdjectiveAdverbcalculationcalculatorcalculateexplorationexplorerexploreexploratory independenceindependentindependentlyimaginationimagineimaginarysciencescientistscientificscientificallyVTL 2 A and BNounVerbAdjectiveAdverbarrangementarrangearrangedcomplicationcomplicatecomplicatedmanagementmanagermanagemanagerialrequirementrequirerequiredvarietyvaryvariedvariousTL 3 A and BParts of SpeechNounVerbAdjectiveAdverbdescriptiondescribedescriptiveadmirationadmireadmirablelocationlocallocatelocalOn-line Materials for VTL ActivitiesMaterials for helping students to learn these words can be found in the iBook and on-line. Here are details of some online materials put together by your teachers:Agata Szcerbik’s blog can be found at: Allan Young’s blog can be found at: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" (Teachers / Students should scroll down the right hand side of the blog till they see the category heading in bold UGRU Level 3 VTL Resources.?If students click directly on each link it will take them directly to the relevant resource page, no log-in required.)Spelling City:? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" is a comprehensive spelling site that works on the iPad. There are several different activities at varying levels of difficulty.VTL 1a: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" VTL 1AVTL 1b: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" VTL 1BVTL 2a: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" VTL 2AVTL 2b: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" VTL 2BVTL 3a: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" VTL 3AVTL 3b: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" VTL 3BHeadmagnet: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" make it easy, students should ONLY choose the study option "Question to Answer". You can create an account with Headmagnet - You should use your UAEU email details so it is easy to remember the log-in. You can then import Allan’s lists into your own account.QuizletHere are Quizlet materials put together by Michael Fintel:Quizlet Sets for the Quarter System:VTLs:VTL 1a: 1b: 2a: 2b: 3a: 3b: in context:VTL 1a Context: 1b Context : 2a Context: 2b Context: 3a Context: 3b Context: are some Quizlet materials from Daniel Baxter Jackson that include the Arabic equivalent to the VTL words: are ‘Vocab Test’ materials from Joud Jabri-Pickett. These each contain a number of varied task types.vtl 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b are Vocab Videos put together by Baxter. These feature a walkthrough (and talkthrough) of the meaning, an Arabic translation and a question for discussion that help you to practice each item. VTL 1A.1 1A.2 1B.1 1B.2 2A.1 2A.2 2B.1 2B.2 3A.1 3A.2 3B.1 3B.2 & 2iBook Chapter 1VTL 1aVTL 1bK DriveSupplementary MaterialsSkill: SkimmingMain ideaGistTopicShorter readings focused on reading skills from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourceLonger exam-style reading from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourceGeneral Skills: Following instructionsKey WordsPredictingNote-taking skills:HeadingsDialogue & Lecture from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourcePast simple, present simple, and future tense.Review and productionGrammar productionIELTS-style practiceCGE #1 Practice Test (Wednesday, 9 September – Week 3)CWG (ongoing and at teacher’s discretion)3 & 4iBook Chapter 2VTL 2aVTL 2bK DriveSupplementary MaterialsSkill: ScanningKey WordsSynonymsShorter readings focused on reading skills from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourceLonger exam-style reading from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourceGeneral Skills: SynonymsDistractorsNote-taking skills:Key DetailsDialogue & Lecture from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary source1st ConditionalReview and productionGrammar productionIELTS-style practiceCGE #1: VTL’s 1a-2b & Reading Skills Test (skimming and Scanning) (Wednesday, 16 September – Week 4)CWG (ongoing and at teacher’s discretion)5 & 6iBook Chapter 3VTL 3aVTL 3bK DriveSupplementary MaterialsSkill: Reading For DetailReading the question carefullyUsing skimming and scanningSynonym and Pronoun ReferencesShorter readings focused on reading skills from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourceLonger exam-style reading from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourceGeneral Skills: Keeping Calm & Re-finding place if lostNote-taking skills:Cleaning up and final thoughtsDialogue & Lecture from iBook, K Drive, or another supplementary sourceRelative ClausesReview and productionGrammar productionIELTS-style practiceCWG (ongoing and at teacher’s discretion)CGE #2 Practice Test (Wednesday, 30 September – Week 6)Practice Final Exam (Available Sunday, 27 September)7iBook Chapters 1, 2, & 3VTL 1a-3bK DriveSupplementary MaterialsReviewReviewReviewReviewCGE #2: VTL’s 1a-3b & Reading Skills Test (Reading for Detailed Understanding) (Wednesday, 7 October)CWG Grades Due: Thursday, 8 October8Final Exam ................

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