A: Daniel, this is hard - Teach International



Topic: Preferences

Grammar/Linguistic Aim: Present Simple

Communicative aim: Students will be able to discuss preferences in relation to work.

Level: Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate

Journalist: Hello Mr Pitt, it’s lovely to meet you.

Brad: Hi, you too. I love interviews with reporters. Please ask me anything.

Journalist: What do you like about being famous?

Brad: I really enjoy the parties, the amazing places that I travel to and of course the women I meet.

Journalist: Interesting. Do you feel bored when journalists always ask you the same questions?

Brad: No, I don’t. It is just part of my job!

Shortened form

Adverbs of frequency often precede Present Simple

7. ACTIVITY IDEA to match dialogue “Preferences”

Topic: Preferences

Grammar Aim: Present Simple

Communicative aim: Students will be able to discuss preferences in relation to work.

Pre-activity preparation:

Distribute the worksheet below to each student. Then, read through each question as a class, checking understanding where needed and getting the students to circle their preferences.


Students will then discuss and explain their preferences in pairs (or small groups).

The teacher can first demonstrate, with a confident student, a discussion based on their circled preferences.

The prompts at the top of the worksheet are used to facilitate discussion.

Materials/student handout/s below:

|Take turns to make statements |

|Student A |Students B (while listening) |

| | |

|The reason I feel like that is because… |Absolutely. |

|It has the advantage that … |Yes, yes. |

|Otherwise, I miss out on … |Yes, I know what you mean. |

| |I see what you mean. |

|OR |I think like that too. |

|I’m not sure, really, why. I just do. |I feel like that too. |

| | |

| |Okay. Ah, huh. |

The following questions will help you identify your work preferences.

1. I enjoy working with:

a. data (information, ideas, words, numbers)

b. people

c. things (machines, equipment)

2. I prefer working:

a. indoors

b. outdoors

c. some inside and some outside

3. I want to work for a company:

a. with less than 100 employees

b. with 100 to 500 employees

c. with 500 or more employees

d. that I own

4. I would like to work in a:

a. large city

b. medium size city

c. town or suburban area

d. small town or rural area

5. I prefer a job that involves:

a. a lot of travel

b. some travel

c. no travel

6. I like jobs that require:

a. interacting with a lot of people

b. some interaction with people

c. very little interaction with people

d. no interaction with people

7. I’d like work duties that:

a. frequently change

b. vary from day to day

c. are fairly routine

d. never change

8. I am willing to work overtime:

a. as much as possible

b. frequently

c. occasionally

d. never

9. I like the idea of working:

a. full-time

b. part-time

c. temporary

10. What are some things you like to do in your spare time?

11. What are your hobbies, interests and/or sporting activities?


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