Maidu Neighborhood Association Newsletter February 2010

Maidu Neighborhood Association Newsletter February 2010

Maidu Garage Sale

by Dave Steele

It's that time for the valued tradition of spring cleaning - out with the old and in with the new. . . . . . . and since you are getting rid of the "old" anyway, you should take advantage of the annual Maidu Garage Sale on Saturday, April 24 (mark your calendar now).

For a donation of $10 to the Neighborhood Association, you will get advertising in the Sacramento Bee, the Pennysaver, and on Craigslist; your location will be noted on the map that’s widely distributed; you will receive balloons to mark your location and a garage sale kit. You will also be eligible to win special prizes in a drawing.

The money we receive from the $10 donation supports the activities the Maidu Association sponsors throughout the year. Our activities include the park cleanup with free lunch provided, movies in the park, National Night Out with free dinner at Maidu Park, refreshments while gathering and waiting for Santa at the park, etc. For all the benefits you receive from the Neighborhood Association, it's the best investment of $10 you can make.

Now would be a good time to begin sorting the items you could sell. Wouldn’t a little extra cash be good?

Garage Sale Registration Form will be included in next newsletter.

Next Meeting of Maidu Neighborhood Association: 7 pm, Tuesday, February 23, 2010, Sargeant Elementary School, Activity Room, 1200 Ridgecrest, Roseville. The Activity Room is toward the back of the school. Enter off N. Cirby.

Neighborhood Web Site:

Eagle Scout Project

West Colonial Open Space

by Andy Wepplo

For my Eagle Scout project, I plan to make two informational kiosks for the City of Roseville’s open space along West Colonial Parkway. My plan is to make the kiosks educational and informative, enhancing the use of the City’s open space. The kiosks will be made of aluminum sheets and laminated to protect against ultraviolet rays and graffiti. They will be about three-feet high. The kiosks will offer interesting facts about the open space including the wildlife and plants located there.

I expect to begin the construction of the kiosks in March, and I hope to be completed within a couple of weekends. I am working with the City of Roseville to ensure that all planning and work is done according to their requirements. I will make a presentation at the February Maidu Neighborhood Association meeting on Tuesday, February 23, at 7 pm at Sargeant Elementary School, in the Activity Room. I invite anyone who would like more information about my Eagle Scout project to come to the meeting and hear my proposal.

Charter Review Forums

Opportunity to Comment on Roseville Charter Amendments

February 16 and March 15, 2010

The City of Roseville is a charter city. A charter describes the basic law that defines a municipal government and its powers, functions, and essential procedures. The charter also establishes a degree of self-governance while addressing aspects of Roseville’s authority.

The City of Roseville has historically reviewed and amended the charter every 10 years. The Charter Review Commission was appointed in January 2009 and has worked for the last year examining the City’s charter in order to make recommendations to improve city government operations. The review will conclude in the next couple of weeks.

Two public meetings will be held to report on the Commission’s recommendations. The first meeting or forum will be held on Tuesday, February 16, at 5:30 pm at the Martha Riley Library Meeting Room at 1501 Pleasant Grove Boulevard, Roseville, and the second will be held on Monday, March 15, at 5:30 pm at the Maidu Community Center, located at 1550 Maidu Drive, Roseville.

Commission recommendations approved by the City Council in May will go before voters as ballot measures in November.

For more information, you may want to visit the City of Roseville’s website, which is or call the City Clerk at (916) 774-5263.

Maidu Indian Museum Speaker Series

Alan Wallace will be the speaker for the Cultural Heritage Series on Saturday, March 14, at the new Maidu Indian Museum, 1970 Johnson Ranch Drive, Roseville. His talk is entitled, “Wisdom of our Elders.” The doors open at 6:30 pm and the talk will be from 7 pm to 8 pm. There is no fee for this series.

West Colonial Estates Update

By Lance Hibben

It’s hard to believe but in April 2010, it will be 6 years since the West Colonial Estate project (located at the north end of West Colonial Parkway south of Maidu Park) was introduced by City of Roseville representatives to Maidu neighbors and the Maidu Neighborhood Association. Since April 2004, a neighborhood study was completed and the City approved the sale/development of 17 lots for building single family homes and approved a planned open space. Development and construction began but eventually stalled due to economic conditions. A bank took over control of the project including the vacant lots and 4 partially-built homes. The partially-built homes sat idle for nearly 2 years while the bank decided what to do and resolved a number of legal and financial issues.

Since the last Maidu Newsletter update, a lot of activity has taken place. Improvements include the following: First, construction on all 4 homes has been completed and front yard landscaping has been added. Second, West Colonial Parkway was finally repaved. Third, the preserved open space now has post-and-cable fencing to protect it and decomposed granite pathways have been installed including benches for sitting down to enjoy the scenery. Other volunteer improvements are planned for the open space in the near future.

As of January 2010, the 4 completed homes are on the market available for sale. The homes range in size from 2,858 to 3,382 square feet and are priced in the mid-$400,000 range. One single-story and three 2-story unfurnished homes are available for visitors to review. Regarding the remaining 13 vacant lots, they are for sale although there are no signs, and the bank would prefer to sell them as a package deal to one developer; however, they are willing to consider other options as well.

The sales consultant representing the bank indicated the company is very pleased with the project and is confident it will be a nice addition to the neighborhood. To see the homes, from Dietrich Park and Sargeant Elementary School, turn south from North Cirby onto Stoney Point until it runs into West Colonial Parkway, turn right and proceed to the new homes.

Brown Bag Lunch Features Flower Arranging Tips

The Friends of the Roseville Public Library invite amateur flower arrangers and decorators to hear the 2010 Brown Bag Lunch speaker, Jean O’Connor, speak on February 18. Ms. O’Connor, a retired library staff member, has turned her flower-arranging avocation into a second career. She will be sharing tips and basic instruction for the novice flower arranger at a free lunch meeting, Thursday, February 18, from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Maidu Library, 1530 Maidu Drive.

Ms. O’Connor began her interest in arranging with the Roseville Flower Arrangers over 35 years ago. Today, she is a member of the Auburn Flower Arrangers and the Sacramento Floral Guild. She also presents flower-arranging classes throughout Sacramento and the bay area.

The community is invited to bring their lunch and learn how to improve the look of a supermarket bouquet and learn about flower-arranging tools. The Friends will supply drinks and dessert. For additional information, please use the following sites: or friends@.


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