'Mom at Sixteen'

"Mom at Sixteen"

[pic]Did You Know?

• Approximately one in five adolescents has had sexual intercourse before age 15.

• One in three girls gets pregnant at least once by age 20.

• The U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy, birth and abortion rates of any western industrialized nation – even though teen pregnancy has declined 30% in the U.S. over the last decade or so.

• Two-thirds of sexually experienced teens wish they had waited longer to have sex.

• Only about one-third of the parents of sexually active 14-year-olds know that their child has had sex.

• Teens say parents are the number one influence on them when it comes to decisions about sex, while parents think that peers and media have more influence.

• Most teens (69%) agree that it would be much easier for them to postpone sexual activity and avoid teen pregnancy if they were able to have more open, honest conversations about these topics with their parents.

• Two out of three teen mothers never finish high school. Nearly 80% the fathers of babies born to teens do not marry their babies' mothers.

• Babies born to teens are at increased risk of health problems, developmental delays, school failure and related problems well into young adulthood.

Mom at Sixteen" deals with the following themes:

? Sex is serious and sex has consequences – emotional and physical.

? Starting sex early is very risky.

? You can get pregnant the first time you have sex.

? Teen pregnancy affects the whole family.

? The teen years are for learning and growing up – not for pregnancy and parenthood.

.Discussion Questions:

.Teens, sex, pregnancy and parenthood:

? Do you think that Jacey was too young to have sex with Brad? Why or why not? How does someone know they're ready to have sex? What is the "right" time?

? What do you think about Jacey's reunion with Brad? Describe how Brad was feeling when he found out that he had a son. What are some other things Brad could have done?

? Why do you think Terry wanted so badly to hide Jacey's pregnancy? Why did she want to pretend that baby Charley was hers?

? What advice would you have given Terry if you had found out about her family's secret? Why?

? Why did Jacey keep trying to avoid Donna? Did Donna do the right thing in pursuing Jacey? Why or why not?

? What could Terry have done differently before Jacey and Brad became serious with each other and had sex? What could she have said? How?

? What advice would you give Macy when it comes to sex? Why? How do you think Jacey's situation affected Macy overall? Why?



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