
HRE2O Study Guide for Unit 3: Called to Be and RelateWrite down the meaning and importance of the following terms and people. Be brief.TermDefinitionCultureSelf-UnderstandingIdentitySelf-EsteemIndividualismReligionTranscendenceHetaireiaErosStorgePhiliaAgapeIntimacySexualityReciprocityGolden RuleHuman DignityCommunicationSymbolSignCultural SymbolUniversal SymbolRitualRoutineAngerCan you remember the three elements of culture? List them below:First elementSecond elementThird elementCan you remember the seven traits of culture? You should be able to identify each one:Seven Traits of Culture1. should be able to identify and describe all seven tendencies of individualism. To test your knowledge, fill in the blanks below:I am not _______ by anything or anyone. _____________ in my highest dignity. I am responsible for myself. You cannot place a claim on my freedom unless I am encroaching on the freedom of another.I possess rights, which are enshrined in a number of declarations of human rights, including Canada’s __________ of rights. These rights ________ my freedom and dignity.I have the ______ claim to freedom, dignity and rights as everyone else. I must have a _______ in government or in decisions that affect them.I accept things only when the _________ for accepting them are compelling. I do not accept things without ________.In relationship to the world and to others, I am an _____________. I have to treat the world as an ________ to observe. I see everything from my own perspective.The earth is an object. It is no longer God’s ___________. I can use it or __________ it as I see fit for my benefit and ______________. In the same way, I am master over my own _______.In a world where everything is centered around me, God has no place except at the _______ of my life (sickness, death, sorrow). God is _____________ out of a culture that operates out of self-interest.Review the five key ways that Christ still acts in culture.What is chastity and what is not chastity?What does it mean to be pure of heart?The Stages of the family life cycle: Be able to match each stage with the correct description. Review your notes.Application scenarios: Be prepared to do the following: Pretend that you volunteer at a teen call centre called the Christian Support Hotline. You must respond to both of the following callers. You must apply your knowledge of the topic being addressed by the callers you respond to.Caller 1: “My name is Tim. My girlfriend is so jealous. She’s always accusing me of cheating on her, even though I never have. If I even say hello to another girl, she goes nuts and starts threatening to hurt herself or me if I continue to talk to other girls. Today, she threw my phone against a wall just because she saw a text from someone she didn’t know and shoved me against some lockers. After shoving me, she became very apologetic and seemed to really regret her actions. Is this normal?” As you advise Tim, identify what aspects of his relationship are not healthy and why these aspects are concerning.Make sure you apply your knowledge of the forms of abuse and the cycle of abuse.Give him advice for moving forward.Caller 2: “My name is Emily. I just read a story in my Church bulletin about a man from my parish. This man suffers from HIV. The parishioners at my Church are being encouraged to donate money towards HIV/AIDS research. I feel really uninformed about HIV. Can you help me become more educated on the topic?” As you advise Emily, make sure you do the following:Identify what HIV and AIDS stand for.Explain the difference between HIV and AIDS.Explain how HIV is transmitted and what fluids are involved in the transmission.Identify the common ways HIV is contracted and the best way to stay avoid contracting HIV/AIDS. ................

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