Aeries Parent/Student Portal Log In Information Start …

[Pages:1]Aeries Parent/Student Portal Log In Information

Start at the Murrieta Mesa High School website. Locate the menu on the right side of the page, and click Aeries Grade Portal. This will direct you to an outside website: Parent.aspx

Once you are at the Aeries Portal, you will choose the PARENT PORTAL or the STUDENT PORTAL option.

(Save this as a bookmark for future use.) If you have had an ABI account in the past, you will use your email and password to log in at this time. If you have NEVER set up an ABI account for your student(s) you will now click the CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT button under the log in option. Follow the instructions you are given to set up a new account. You will need your students' permanent ID number, Phone Number and a Verification Code that are below:

Student Name: Student ID: Phone Number: Verification Code:

It is important that BOTH the Parent AND the Student have a Portal Account for online registration this spring. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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