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IDAHO SPRINGS CITY COUNCILREGULAR MEETINGAugust 08, 2016 The City Council of the City of Idaho Springs held a regular meeting on Monday, August 08, 2016 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Michael Hillman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.Answering the roll was: Mike Hillman, Bob Bowland, Tracy Stokes, Jason Siegel, Denise Deese, Kate Collier and John Curtis. Also present were City Clerk Diane Breece, City Administrator Andrew Marsh, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dan Wolf, Police Chief Chris Malanka, Public Works Superintendent John Bordoni. Treasurer John Young and City Attorney Carmen Beery were not in attendance.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.Mayor Hillman announced that Denise Deese is resigning after tonight’s meeting due to moving out of Idaho Springs. He thanked her for the many years of service to the citizens of Idaho Springs. Agenda ApprovalTracy Stokes moved to approve the agenda for August 08, 2016. Bob Bowland seconded and the motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.Approval of MinutesJason Siegel moved to approve the minutes for July 25, 2016. Kate Collier seconded and the motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Approval of BillsJohn Curtis moved to approve bills to August 08, 2016. Bob Bowland seconded and the motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Conflict of InterestBob Bowland indicated that he would be recusing himself from voting on Ordinance #4, Series 2016 due to his financial interest in Argo Holdings, LLC.Unscheduled Public CommentChris Malanka spoke to the Council regarding the previously discussed marijuana business that would like to move their grow facility to 2500 Colorado Blvd. He believes that the location is not a good fit in the neighborhood. He states that the air filtration is not sufficient and that potentially dangerous chemicals may affect other businesses in the building. He feels that the impact to the community is greater than the need of the marijuana business.Public CommentKristel Deleo who resides at 185 Montane spoke to Council about her concerns about the traffic and especially the speeders in her area. She also read a letter from a neighbor with the same concerns.Keith Montag with Clear Creek County spoke to Council about the proposed affordable housing project in the rear area of 2500 Colorado Blvd. where the marijuana business would like to move their grown facility. His main concern is that CHFA will be used in the housing project. This is a federal program that may be in jeopardy due to the marijuana situation.Jennifer Kermode with Summit County Housing spoke to reiterate the CHFA piece of this project. Funding in a small community is a multi-layered financed process and CHFA looks at all possible impacts to the program.Chuck and Lue Howard spoke to the Council about concerns as property owners, that the needs of the county residents could be overlooked if the marijuana business would be allowed to move their grow operations. They addressed the fact that a lot of energy and work has been put in the potential housing project and it needs to move forward.Mary Jane Loevlie spoke to Council as co-owner of Argo Holdings and stated that she is very impressed with what is going on in the City and would like the Council to step back and reconsider the request of the marijuana business.JoAnn Sorensen spoke to Council, thanking them for taking a look at transportation issues in the County.Kevin O’Malley provided a handout to the Council, outlining the potential housing project and spoke about the importance of affordable housing in Clear Creek County.Rick Garnett of 245 Divide View Dr. spoke of the profound implications of the needs of the residents that rely on the housing market. He asked Council to re-consider allowing the marijuana grow to move to their requested location.Planning/Community DevelopmentAlan Tiefenbach presented his staff report describing the annexation petition submitted by ARGO Holdings, LLCOrdinance First ReadingJohn Curtis moved to approve Ordinance #4, Series 2016; An ordinance annexing to the City of Idaho Springs certain unincorporated lands located in Section 36, Township 3S, Range 73 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Clear Creek County, Colorado, to be known as the “Argo Annexation to the City of Idaho Springs”. Tracy Stokes seconded and the motion carried by a 6-0 vote with Bob Bowland recusing.Jason Siegel moved to approve Ordinance #5, Series 2016; An ordinance adopting a new Section of 10-5 of the Idaho Springs Municipal Code concerning the safety of animals in vehicles and enclosed spaces. Kate Collier seconded and the motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote. City AdministratorAndrew Marsh gave his staff report with no request(s) for action. City ClerkCity Clerk Diane Breece gave her staff report with no request(s) for action.Police DepartmentChris Malanka gave staff his staff reports with four request(s) for action. Kate Collier moved to approve position description and title change for the position currently identified as Sergeant, to the title of Lieutenant to accurately classify the duties and responsibilities of the position. Tracy Stokes seconded and the motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.Kate Collier moved to approve the annual tow contract with Allied Towing, with no changes. Jason Siegel seconded and the motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.The requests for installation of a crosswalk at 1840 Miner St., bus top stop in the 1800 block of Miner St. and installation of a stop sign at the intersection of Virginia Canyon and Virginia St. were tabled.Public Works DepartmentJohn Bordoni gave his staff report with no request(s) for action.Water/WastewaterDan Wolf gave his staff report with no request(s) for action. Committee ReportsThere were no committee reports.Work Session ItemsThe work session items for August 15, 2016 are: Continued discussion on Mountain Medicinals request to move retail grow, transportation and compensation for Treasurer. AdjournmentMayor Hillman adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m. The next regular Council meeting will be August 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. ................

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