African-American Scientists & Inventors - Weebly

African-American Scientists & Inventors Research Project

For this assignment, you will prepare a poster and a one page paper on an African American scientist. In order to complete this project, you will need to research your subject. Look for personal and historical information about the place and time this person lived and worked. Gather facts about the field of science this person succeeded in. Keep in mind that you will use this information to present your scientist to the class. Make sure that you answer the questions below on your time line paper or PowerPoint. This project can be a partner project but be reminded that what ever grade is earned will not be changed for any reason. You earn your grade as a partnership.

Poster/PowerPoint Timeline Requirements:

s When they lived

s What they invented or what their most important accomplishment was

s What time period in history did this person live? How did the time and place affect his/her

s What inspired them to do what they did

s Obstacles they had to overcome

s How our lives have changed as a result of their accomplishment/invention

s Some background information on the science they worked/work in,

Timeline presentation & setup Requirements:

|Poster / PowerPoint time line (minium 10 events). | |

|Picture - We need to know what he/she looks/looked like! | |

|First, Middle and Last name (if all apply) of your scientist | |

|Birth date and Year of Death if not alive. | |

|In what country was this person born and where did he/she do his/her work? | |

|For what reason is this person famous ? . | |

|Inventions or contributions made by this person | |

|A fact that you found interesting OR a quote by that person. | |

| | |

Websites to Use for Research:

The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences:


African-American Scientists & Inventors Research Project Acknowledgement

I am doing my project on ______________________ _________.

I understand that I should do my best on the project since it is a 100 point test grade. The due date is February 11, 2015. I understand that late projects WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

______________________________________ ___ Signature of student

______________________________________ ___ Signature of parent/guardian

|CATEGORY |5 |4 |3 |2 |

|Title |The timeline has a creative title |The timeline has an effective|The timeline has a title that |The title is missing or difficult to |

| |that accurately describes the |title that accurately |is easy to locate. |locate. |

| |material and is easy to locate. |describes the material and is| | |

| | |easy to locate. | | |

|Fonts and Colors |The use of font styles and colors is |The use of font styles and |The use of font styles and |The use of font styles and colors is |

| |consistent and shows a logical |colors is consistent and |colors is consistent , but is |not consistent OR detracts from the |

| |pattern. It helps organize the |shows a logical pattern for |not used effectively to |organization. |

| |material. |the most part. It helps |organize. | |

| | |organize the material | | |

| | |somewhat. | | |

|Dates |An accurate, complete date has been |An accurate, complete date |An accurate date has been |Dates are inaccurate and/or missing |

| |included for each event. |has been included for almost |included for almost every |for several events. |

| | |every event. |event. | |

|Readability |The overall appearance of the |The overall appearance of the|The timeline is relatively |The timeline is difficult to read. |

| |timeline is pleasing and easy to |timeline is somewhat pleasing|readable. | |

| |read. |and easy to read. | | |

Chemistry Project African American Scientist

New Due: 2/12/15

Instructions: Review this rubric and bring it to class with you when you turn in your project.

Setup (25%)

|Graphics |All graphics are effective and |All graphics are effective, |Some graphics are effective and|Several graphics are not effective. |

| |balanced with text use. |but there appear to be too |their use is balanced with text| |

| | |few or too many. |use. | |

|Sources |Careful and accurate records are kept|Careful and accurate records |Careful and accurate records |Sources are not documented accurately|

|*sources may be attach |to document the source of 95-100% of |are kept to document the |are kept to document the source|or are not kept on many facts and |

|to the back of the |the facts and graphics in the |source of 94-85% of the facts|of 84-75% of the facts and |graphics. |

|poster or given in the |brochure. |and graphics in the brochure.|graphics in the brochure. | |

|last slide of the | | | | |

|powerpoint. | | | | |

Content (50%)

|CATEGORY |5 |4 |3 |2 |

|Events - accuracy |10 or more Facts are given and are |8-10 Facts were accurate for |7-5 Facts were accurate for |5 or less Facts were given or often |

| |accurate for all events reported on |almost all events reported on|most (~75%) of the events |inaccurate for events reported on the|

| |the timeline. |the timeline. |reported on the timeline. |timeline. |

|Events – important facts|10 or more Facts are given and are |8-10 Facts were accurate for |7-5 Facts were accurate for |5 or less Facts were given or often |

| |accurate for all events reported on |almost all events reported on|most (~75%) of the events |inaccurate for events reported on the|

| |the timeline. |the timeline. |reported on the timeline. |timeline. |

Presentation (25%)

|CATEGORY |5 |4 |3 |2 |

|Comprehension |Student is able to |Student is able to |Student is able to |Student is unable to |

| |accurately answer almost |accurately answer most |accurately answer a few |accurately answer |

| |all questions posed by |questions posed by |questions posed by |questions posed by |

| |classmates about the |classmates about the |classmates about the |classmates about the |

| |topic. |topic. |topic. |topic. |

|Preparedness |Student is completely |Student seems pretty |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at |

| |prepared and has |prepared but might have |prepared, but it is clear|all prepared to present. |

| |obviously rehearsed. |needed a couple more |that rehearsal was | |

| | |rehearsals. |lacking. | |

|Speaks Clearly |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or can not |

| |distinctly all (100-95%) |distinctly all (100-95%) |distinctly most ( 94-85%)|be understood OR |

| |the time, and |the time, but |of the time. |mispronounces more than |

| |mispronounces no words. |mispronounces one word. |Mispronounces no more |one word. |

| | | |than one word. | |

|Stays on Topic |Stays on topic all (100%)|Stays on topic most |Stays on topic some |It was hard to tell what |

| |of the time. |(99-90%) of the time. |(89%-75%) of the time. |the topic was. |

|Uses Complete Sentences |Always (99-100% of time) |Mostly (80-98%) speaks in|Sometimes (70-80%) speaks|Rarely speaks in complete|

| |speaks in complete |complete sentences. |in complete sentences. |sentences. |

| |sentences. | | | |

|Listens to Other |Listens intently. Does |Listens intently but has |Sometimes does not appear|Sometimes does not appear|

|Presentations |not make distracting |one distracting noise or |to be listening but is |to be listening and has |

| |noises or movements. |movement. |not distracting. |distracting noises or |

| | | | |movements. |







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