Research Africa

Research Africa Project

This project involves the students researching a country on the continent of Africa and presenting the information using power-point showing me the history of contemporary African nations (as well as the background history of their ancient society)

Choose a partner and complete the following assignment:

Select a country on the continent of Africa. Once you have selected a country, research and present to me the following topics:

Give me a little background information about their ancient history (government, religion, social structure, artistic activity, language). Tell what type of government is in place. Who is the leader of the country? What kind of economy exists? What are the major religions? Explain their social structure. What do the people do for entertainment in the country? Describe the geographical features of the country (mountains, rivers, oceans, etc). Identify the climate zone your country located in. How does this affect their society and the way they live? What kind of relationship exists between the country and the U.S.?

Explain interesting facts about their culture such as their traditions or customs. Display their national flag.

You and your partner will present this information to the class and you will have to turn in a sheet that displays your researched information. Make sure both you and your partner’s names are on the sheet. You will be presenting your information using a power-point. The sheet attached to this is the rubric from which your presentation will be evaluated from. Arrange your presentation accordingly. Please make sure that your power-point is creative, displaying a variety of visual aids. Make sure your audience can read and understand your power-point. (Be aware of your backgrounds of your power-point). Your power-point information must be cited and have a work cited page (APA format).

If you do not want to present you may write a two page paper using the same information above as a guide for what should be in your paper. The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman 12pt font. You must cite your sources and have a work cited page. You must have a title page as well. So your paper should be 4 pages total.

Due: (TBA)

Research Africa Presentation


Names:____________________ Date:________

Out of

Knowledge of Content 30pts ______

Presentation (visual aids etc) 20pts ______

Grammar 20pts ______

APA Work Cited Page 20pts ______

Creativity 10pts ______

Total 100pts ______

Bonus (copy of information) (10pts) ______


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Research Report : Power Point Project

Teacher Name: Ms. Dix

Student Name:     ________________________________________

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Sources (APA format) Work |All sources (information |All sources (information |All sources (information |Some sources are not |

|Cited Page |and graphics) are |and graphics) are |and graphics) are |accurately documented. |

| |accurately documented in |accurately documented, but|accurately documented, but| |

| |the desired format. |a few are not in the |many are not in the | |

| | |desired format. |desired format. | |

|Mechanics |No grammatical, spelling |Almost no grammatical, |A few grammatical |Many grammatical, |

| |or punctuation errors. |spelling or punctuation |spelling, or punctuation |spelling, or punctuation |

| | |errors |errors. |errors. |

|Paragraph Construction |All paragraphs include |Most paragraphs include |Paragraphs included |Paragraphing structure was|

| |introductory sentence, |introductory sentence, |related information but |not clear and sentences |

| |explanations or details, |explanations or details, |were typically not |were not typically related|

| |and concluding sentence. |and concluding sentence. |constructed well. |within the paragraphs. |

|Quality of Information |Information clearly |Information clearly |Information clearly |Information has little or |

| |relates to the main topic.|relates to the main topic.|relates to the main topic.|nothing to do with the |

| |It includes several |It provides 1-2 supporting|No details and/or examples|main topic. |

| |supporting details and/or |details and/or examples. |are given. | |

| |examples. | | | |

|Power-Point Presentation |Artifacts are neat, |Artifacts are accurate and|Artifacts are neat and |Artifacts are not accurate|

| |accurate and add to the |add to the reader's |accurate and sometimes add|OR do not add to the |

| |reader's understanding of |understanding of the |to the reader's |reader's understanding of |

| |the topic. Power-Point |topic. Power-Point |understanding of the |the topic. Power-Point |

| |contains all items |contains some items |topic. Power-Point |does not contain any items|

| |presented on your project |presented on your project |contain few items |presented on your project |

| |sheet |sheet. |presented on your project |sheet. |

| | | |sheet | |

|Visual Aid |Artifacts are neat, |Artifacts are accurate and|Artifacts are neat and |Artifacts are not accurate|

| |accurate and add to the |add to the reader's |accurate and sometimes add|OR do not add to the |

| |reader's understanding of |understanding of the |to the reader's |reader's understanding of |

| |the topic. Visual aids |topic. Visual aids contain|understanding of the |the topic. Visual aids do |

| |contains all items |some items presented on |topic. Visual aids |not contain any items |

| |presented on your project |your project sheet. |contain few items |presented on your project |

| |sheet | |presented on your project |sheet. |

| | | |sheet | |

Here are some websites you can use for your research:


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