Population distribution of Africa

Center #1: Settlement in Africa


Center #1: Settlement in Africa



Center #2 Trade and Physical Geography


Using the graphic above, answer the following questions about physical geography’s affect on trade.

1. What mode of transportation/type of movement seems to be most helpful to trade in the southern part of Asia?

2. Notice the trade lines stay to the middle and the bottom of the image. From what we have learned in this class, and your knowledge of geography, tell me what prevents trade further North in Asia (Russia)?

3. What could explain why two lines of trade go on either side of India? What barriers to trade exist in the middle of North India/South China?

4. From your knowledge of geography, what landform does the lighter color on the graphic seem to indicate is present there? Why might trade routes avoid this landform?

Center #3: Culture and Physical Geography



Use the elevation and precipitation map and compare them to the map of religion on this page.

1. Religion is one of the most visible parts of culture. Based on physical geography, why did religion spread the way it did in the past? (Think landforms)

2. Notice Islam spreads from West to East (starting in Saudi Arabia). Why was that spread prevented based on physical geography?

3. Did physical geography help spread Islam? In what way? (Look at Indonesia)

4. What about physical geography helped Buddhism to spread North and East but prevented its spread south?

5. What about physical geography might cause Shinto Buddhism in Japan to remain only there?

Center 4: Barriers and Assists

Assists to diffusion:

Climate, Mountain Passes, Plains, Water

Barriers diffusion:

Climate, Deserts, Mountains, Water

[pic] [pic]

1. Rank the (4) assists and (4) barriers to diffusion in order of their importance as an assistance or barrier. Why did you choose what you did for #1 on each list?

2. Which physical factors are on both lists? Why would they be on both lists?

3. Look at the images above. Why is nothing built in the picture on top? Why is the road built where it is in the picture on bottom?

4. What is another example (not mentioned) of a physical barrier to diffusion? Why is it a barrier?

5. What is another example (not mentioned) of a physical assist to diffusion? Why is it an assist?


Key African Settlement facts:

• Population concentrations are highest in the following regions:

a. Along the Nile River, which provides a critical water resource and provides access to the rest of the world.

b. The Maghreb region of the northwest coast, which lies in a wetter and milder climate zone

c. West Africa, where the early population developed a system of agriculture based on some of Africa’s best soil

d. Highland East Africa, where volcanic highlands associated with the rift Valley development contain fertile volcanic soils used for subsistence and cash-crop agricultural systems

e. The eastern half of South Africa, where population distribution is related to an urban economy based on mining activities

• Rapid population growth is stressing resources in some areas of Africa.

• Urbanization is increasing as a result of the rural-to-urban migration.

a. Africa had urban traditions in the past even though most people did not live in cities.

b. At the present trend, half the population of Africa may be urban by 2025.

Key geographic questions:

1. Using the key facts section and the map of Africa, why do settlements form where they do in Africa? List examples.

2. Reading the paragraphs on rapid population growth and urbanization as well as using graphics A and B, why aren’t people in Africa spreading out? What prevents their migration?

3. Look at the map of cities around the world. What pattern do those settlements have? Do African cities follow the same pattern?

4. If you were starting a city in Africa tomorrow, where would you locate it? Why would that be a good location (What would assist you)?

5. Pick a location you would not put your city in. What barriers to locating your settlement there exist?


Elevation Map


To the right:

Precipitation map

Lighter = less precipitation








= origin of group


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