Quality Review Agenda Template

Privileged and Confidential – for Quality Improvement Purposes

Quality Review Agenda Template for Reviewable Matters

(Insert name of team) Quality & Patient Safety Team (Q&PS) or Council



1. Introductions

2. Review of Quality Review Meeting Requirements

1. This Quality Review is under the Terms of Reference of (insert name of Q&PS team or council):

Evidence Act of Nova Scotia S.60 (2) and

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Nova Scotia S. 19D (1) as amended

2. No names of patients or staff involved should be used

3. No electronic notes. No paper will leave the room. Please ensure that you hand in any paper notes to the Chair at the end of the meeting

4. There is a legal requirement to ensure confidentiality related to the Quality Review.

5. The finalized recommendations will be made available through the Quality Review co-leads

6. All opinions are valid

7. The purpose is not to find blame

This review must be restricted to an assessment of the course of treatment for this patient and recommendations, if any, in relation to how care could be enhanced or procedures improved to increase quality in the future

3. Review case timelines/facts of the case

4. Discussion of the de-identified facts of the case

5. Discussion of recommendations for the future

Recommendations are written in the SMART format: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

6. Adjournment


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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