
-351130-133960005856054-40227800Counterarguments and CounterclaimsWhat is a counterargument? It is the opposing viewpoint to YOUR argument/opinion/thesis statementWhy should you present a counter argument? It shows the reader you are an expert on the issueIt shows the reader that you are considering the opposition’s point of viewIt shows your reader why an opposing point of view is wrong How do you present a counterargument? With a 1-2 punch. First, you present the opposing view point, then you knock it downWhere does the counterargument of your essay go? You have two options here: 1. The challenge: Make it your third body paragraph2. Add it as part of your conclusionWhat is the layout of a counterclaim paragraph? Parts of ParagraphTIntroduce Counterclaim(Many people believe..It’s often thought that..It may seem that…)EExpand on counterclaimXEvidence to support counterclaim(Use your EAGLE to introduce, integrate, and cite)AExplain the validity of the counter claim ***PRESENT YOUR SIDE AGAIN telling why the opponents are mistaken(What these critics/skeptics fail to consider…This view sounds convincing at first, but…)XTextual evidence to combat counterclaim and support your thesis statement(Use your EAGLE to introduce, integrate, and cite)AExplain why your point is stronger than the counter claimSSum it up! Example Paragraph: Bringing Beverages to Class Thesis statement: Despite the fact that there has been much controversy over bringing food and drinks into classrooms, students should be permitted to bring drinks with them into class.Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: The primary reason why students should be allowed to bring beverages into class is because they wouldn’t have to leave to get a drinkBody Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence: Not only would students spend more time in class if they were allowed to bring water with them, but allowing students to carry a water bottle would help them actively hydrate during the day. With health concerns and awareness on the rise, it is important for schools to provide students with a constant source of nutrition: water.Body Paragraph 3: (With the counter argument). Part of ParagraphExampleTIntroduce CounterclaimSpeaking of health, skeptics argue that students lack the responsibility to have drinks in class. EExpand on counterclaimThey claim that students often spill beverages, which harm school materials and dirty the classrooms. They would rather students not bring beverages to school than risk a spill.XEvidence to support counterclaimThese critics have a valid argument, especially since “40% of all drink bottles, such as cans and Tervis cups don’t close properly” (Obama 42).AExplain the validity of the counter claimThe beverages in these containers can spill and attract bugs or stain class materials. Classroom materials, such as iPads are often expensive and difficult to replace when damaged. ***PRESENT YOUR SIDE AGAIN These skeptics fail to consider there are many ways to combat this trivial problem. Schools can allow students to carry clear liquids, such as water, or bottles must be able to completely close. There are so many bottles on the market today that are pretty, and trendy and close completely.XTextual evidence to combat counterclaim and support your thesis statementJust last week, Michelle Obama met with the CEO of Lululemon and they discussed how “reusable water bottles have become both trendy and nutritious” (42).AExplain why your point is stronger than the counter claimThe water bottles featured in the article “Water Water, Everywhere” closed completely and came in all different sizes, colors and materials. They were personalized and closed securely, completely eliminating the fear of spills in classrooms. SSum it up! If schools allowed students to bring these safe water bottles to school, no critic could argue that student irresponsibility overcomes student hydration. Let’s Practice!Write another counter argument paragraph to the “beverages in classrooms” essay. Here are two quotes you can use: 1. From Women’s Health, page 32: “There are 80% more cases of allergies reported in the past five years, and 20% of all children have a life threatening airborne allergy” (Obama).2. From “Airborne Allergies” by Sampson, Sicherer page 34: “Airborne exposure, like odor, does not affect the body systemically. In order for an individual with a peanut allergy to have a life-threatening allergic reaction, the protein must be ingested.”Part of ParagraphYour WritingTIntroduce CounterclaimEExpand on counterclaimXEvidence to support counterclaimAExplain the validity of the counter claim***PRESENT YOUR SIDE AGAIN XTextual evidence to combat counterclaim and support your thesis statementAExplain why your point is stronger than the counter claimSSum it up! Now it’s your turn! Circle One: Your thesis statement isPro pit bull and Anti-Ban or Pro-ban and Anti- pit bull Circle one: The counter point would be: Pro pit bull and Anti-Ban or Pro-ban and Anti- pit bullWrite your counter claim paragraph: Part of ParagraphYour WritingTIntroduce CounterclaimEExpand on counterclaimXEvidence to support counterclaimAExplain the validity of the counter claim***PRESENT YOUR SIDE AGAIN XTextual evidence to combat counterclaim and support your thesis statementAExplain why your point is stronger than the counter claimSSum it up! For more help, go here: “Counterargument Lesson Plan” ................

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