Community Foundation of New Jersey


of the Community Foundation of New Jersey

Carl Feltz, Jr., AIA, was instrumental in the design of commercial structures such as airports, resorts, churches, hospitals, restaurants and professional office buildings. During his career, Mr. Feltz also lent his talents to the design of individual homes and condominiums with his office located in Point Pleasant. Civic- minded in nature, Mr. Feltz served as a Member and Chairman of the Point Pleasant Borough Planning Board, Member and Past President of the Point Pleasant Rotary Club, Chairman of the Point Pleasant Tourism Council and Member of the American Institute of Architects. This scholarship, established by OceanFirst Foundation, honors the legacy and many contributions of Carl Feltz, Jr., Former Trustee of OceanFirst Foundation.

Contact Information:

Faith Krueger

Community Foundation of New Jersey - Scholarship Services

Post Office Box 338, Morristown, New Jersey 07963-0338

973.267.5533 x 227 ~ Fax 973.267.2903 ~ fkrueger@

General Guidelines

• The Carl Feltz, Jr. Memorial Scholarship will provide one (1) award, minimum of which will be $2,000 to a full time matriculated student enrolled in an accredited architectural program at a School of Architecture within the United States and has successfully completed a minimum of one full year of study towards his or her professional degree (may be either a Bachelor of Architecture or Master of Architecture).

• Student shall have a permanent legal family address in either Ocean or Monmouth County, New Jersey.

• Student will demonstrate an interest and commitment to pursuing an architectural career after successful completion of education.

• Scholarship is merit based but financial need will be taken into consideration during the application review process.

• Scholarship award will be made payable to the recipient’s educational institution.

Application Deadline

All applications and supplemental documentation must be complete and returned to the Community Foundation of New Jersey at the address listed above. Applications must be postmarked by May 1.

Continued Eligibility

Previous recipients are eligible for consideration for an additional two consecutive years provided the student remains in good academic standing (minimum 2.5 GPA) and continues to satisfy all of the criteria listed below.


Carl Feltz, Jr., AIA, was instrumental in the design of commercial structures such as airports, resorts, churches, hospitals, restaurants and professional office buildings. During his career, Mr. Feltz also lent his talents to the design of individual homes and condominiums with his office located in Point Pleasant. Civic- minded in nature, Mr. Feltz served as a Member and Chairman of the Point Pleasant Borough Planning Board, Member and Past President of the Point Pleasant Rotary Club, Chairman of the Point Pleasant Tourism Council and Member of the American Institute of Architects. This scholarship, established by OceanFirst Foundation, honors the legacy and many contributions of Carl Feltz, Jr., Former Trustee of OceanFirst Foundation.

Only a full-time matriculated student enrolled in an accredited architectural program at a School of Architecture within the United States and has successfully completed a minimum of one year of study toward his/her professional degree (may be either a Bachelor of Architecture or Master of Architecture) need apply. Application must be received no later than May 1. For further information or questions, please contact Faith Krueger at fkrueger@ or 973.267.5533 x 227.

Applicant Contact Information

Check one: _____ Mr.

_____ Ms. First Middle Last

Permanent Address: Street

City State Zip

Phone Number: Cell Phone:

Email Address: Social Security Number: 000-00-____________ity Number: xxx-xx-cholarshipship

(Last 4 Digits)

Date of Birth: Country of Birth:

Are you a legal resident of New Jersey: Yes _____ No _____

I am a: _____ U.S. Citizen

_____ Permanent Resident Alien

_____ Non-Resident – type of visa ___________________________________

Gender: _____ Female _____ Male

Ethnicity: _____ African American _____ Hispanic/Latino

_____ Asian/Pacific Islander _____ White (not of Hispanic origin)

_____ American Indian/Alaskan Native _____ Other (specify) _________________

Family Information

Father/Guardian Mother/Guardian

Address Address

|Father/Guardian’s Occupation/Employer | |

|Father /Guardian’s Annual Income | |

|Mother/Guardian’s Occupation/Employer | |

|Mother/Guardian’s Annual Income | |

All Dependents Living In Your Home including yourself

|Name/Relationship to Applicant |Age |School Attending/Cost |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


Name of College/University You Currently Attend:

City State ZIP



Anticipated Educational Expenses

Please fill in the expenses you anticipate for the 2015-2016 academic year. This information can be found on your college or university website or through the financial aid office.

|Tuition |$ |

|Mandatory Fees |$ |

|Room & Board (on campus housing only) |$ |

|Books |$ |

|Supplies |$ |

|Total Anticipated Educational Expenses |$ |

Anticipated Student Resources

Please list any scholarships or grants that you have been awarded or are pending for 2015-2016 and the amount of each award. Please include Pell grants or other federal aid, state aid, work-study, scholarships from your school and other outside scholarships or awards.

|Parental Contribution to Education |Amount Per Year $ |

|Student Contribution to Education |Amount Per Year $ |

|Scholarships |Amount Per Year |Status (Pending or Awarded) |

|1) |$ | |

|2) |$ | |

|3) |$ | |

|4) |$ | |

|5) |$ | |

|6) |$ | |

|7) |$ | |

|Total Scholarships |$ | |

|Grants |Amount Per Year |Status (Pending or Awarded) |

|1) |$ | |

|2) |$ | |

|3) |$ | |

|4) |$ | |

|5) |$ | |

|6) |$ | |

|7) |$ | |

|Total Grants |$ | |

|Loans |Amount Per Year |Status (Pending or Awarded) |

|1) |$ | |

|2) |$ | |

|3) |$ | |

|4) |$ | |

|5) |$ | |

|6) |$ | |

|7) |$ | |

|Total Loans |$ | |

Copies of all financial aid letters must be included with application.

Financial Status

|Family Assets |Total balance in cash, savings & checking | |

| | |$ |

| |Net worth (value minus debt) of investments, | |

| |including real estate: | |

| | |$ |

| |Other Sources of Income (Specify) | |

| |Total Assets: |$ |

|Family Gross Annual Income |Father: |$ |

| |Mother: |$ |

| |Student: |$ |

| |Total Annual Income: |$ |

|Number of households supported by gross income: | |

|Number of dependents supported by gross income: | |

|Number of siblings attending college next year: | |

Please provide in annual dollar amounts estimated expenses:

|Family Expenses |Costs |

|Mortgage or Rent |$ |

|Medical Expenses (not paid by insurer) |$ |

|Child Care/Day Care |$ |

|Other Expenses |$ |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Total Family Expenses | |

Did you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? If so, what is your Expected Family Contribution (EFC)? $

(Optional) You may use the space below to explain any compelling circumstances or factors, which you feel warrant special attention to include unusual personal, family or financial circumstances or challenges.

Applicant Resume

Awards and Honors

In order of importance to you, list awards and honors you have received during the past four years and briefly explain their significance. No attachments please.

|Awards/Honors |Significance |Date Received |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

School Activities

In order of involvement/importance to you, please list the top five extra-curricular activities you have participated in during the past four years, e.g. clubs, student government, national honor society, sports, music, drama, etc. No attachments please.

|Activity |Grade(s) and dates |Honors and/or positions held – Circle |Hours Per |Reference/Telephone |

| |of participation |either elected (E) or appointed (A) |Month | |

|1) | |E/A | | |

|2) | |E/A | | |

|3) | |E/A | | |

|4) | |E/A | | |

|5) | |E/A | | |

Community and Volunteer Involvement

In order of involvement/importance to you, please list the top five community or volunteer extra-curricular activities you have participated in during the past four years. No attachments please.

|Activity |Grade(s) and/or dates|Honors and/or positions held – |Hours Per Month |Reference/Telephone |

| |of participation |Circle either elected (E) or | | |

| | |appointed (A) | | |

|1) | |E/A | | |

|2) | |E/A | | |

|3) | |E/A | | |

|4) | |E/A | | |

|5) | |E/A | | |

Work Experience

List your paid work experience during the past four years, beginning with your most recent position.

|Employer |Nature of Work |Dates |Hours Per Week |Reference/Telephone |

|1) | | | | |

|2) | | | | |

|3) | | | | |

|4) | | | | |

|5) | | | | |

REQUIRED ESSAY: In no more than two double spaced pages, please provide a statement of your career goals and the reason for these goals.

Required Signatures

I declare that I have met the eligibility requirements for the scholarship program(s) indicated on the first page of this application form. I further declare that all statements made on this application form or in conjunction with this application form are my own and are accurate and true.

Student’s Signature: Date

Checklist: In addition to this application form and your essay, you MUST submit the following:

_____ Complete copy of your FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR). You can print a copy of your SAR by visiting the FAFSA website at fafsa.logging into your account.

_____ Copies of financial aid award letters. Documents must state the estimated cost per year of attending the institution and the details of the financial aid package offered by the institution.

_____ Official college transcript (with raised seal).

_____ One (1) letter of recommendation that you believe will strengthen your application.

Deadline: All applications must be complete and postmarked no later than May 1. Only complete applications (consisting of this application form and all of the supplemental materials listed above) will be considered by the selection committee.

Mail this application and all required supplemental materials to:

Community Foundation of New Jersey

Attention: Scholarship Services

Post Office Box 338

Morristown, NJ 07963-0338


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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