Branch Officers

Dick Whittingham - President

Tel: 01458 224057. Email: dickwhittingham@

Tom Ainsby - Life Vice-president

Tel: 01749 672099. Email: tomainsby@

Paul Branson - Chairman & Regional Delegate

Tel/fax: 01458 832026. Email: branson455@

John Hawkins - Vice-chairman & Wings Appeal Organiser

Tel: 01934 732520. Email: john.hawkins@

Noel Pettigrew - Secretary & Membership Secretary

Tel: 01749 677023. Email: noel.pettigrew@

Trish Long MIAB - Treasurer

Tel: 07846 157905. Email: trishlong@hotmail.co.uk

Carolyn Browning - Welfare Officer

Tel: 01458 851617. Email: CarolynJBrowning@

Martin Leach - Social Officer

Tel: 01458 445955. Email: m.leach576@

Tom Ainsby & Paul Branson - Deputy Welfare Officers


Finances. Balances at 12 January 2018 were: Main - Current AC £2,983.54, Deposit AC £1,000.00; Welfare - Current AC £991.94, Deposit AC £5,242.92.

Branch Meetings These take place at The Britannia Inn, Bath Road, Wells, Somerset BA5 3LQ, Tel: 01749 672023 on the first Monday of every month.

Monday 5 February 2018 starting at 1100. Speaker Professor Janet Diamond – Unearthing Egyptology.

Monday 5 March 2018. AGM starting at 1030.

Monday 2 April 2018, starting at 1030 (NB Public Holiday). Speaker, Branch Member David Charles – Bees and Flight.

Monday 7 May 2018, starting at 1030. Speaker Alan Goudge.

Monday 4 June 2018, starting at 1030.Speaker Arthur Spencer Bellicose - Lancaster Operations.

Monday 2 July 2018, starting at 1030. Speaker Robert Dungey - Mission Aviation Fellowship.

Future Events

Events. The Social Officer is arranging a visit to Filton Air Museum this year.

RAFA Branch AGM. If any Member has a Nomination for someone to the Committee, would they please send it to the Honorary Secretary.

The Annual RAFA Luncheon. The Annual Royal Air Forces Association Luncheon will be held at the Wells Golf Club, Blackheath Lane, Wells, Somerset BA5 3DS, email wellssomersetgolfclubltd@hdid.co.uk, telephone 01749 675005, on Wednesday 14 March 2018 at 1230 for 1300. All Branch members and friends are cordially invited.

The Menus are:

Starters: Roasted Red Pepper Soup with a Warm Bread Roll.

Chef’s Own Chicken and Duck Liver Pate with Red Onion Marmalade and Melba Toast.

Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese with Crisp Salad.

Main Course: Slow Braised Lamb Leg Steak in a Red Wine, Mint and Tarragon Gravy.

Breast of Chicken filled with Brie and Mushroom with a White Wine and Tomato Sauce.

Fresh Herb and Sesame Crusted Salmon Fillets with Caper and Lemon Butter.

Spinach and Feta Crepe.

Served with Roasted Baby New Potatoes and Fresh Vegetables.

Puddings: Peach and Ginger Crumble with Vanilla Custard.

Dark Chocolate and Rum Mousse.

Selection of Cheese and Biscuits.

Tea or Coffee and Mints afterwards, decaffeinated available.

It is to be noted that the maximum number of guests allowed is forty. Anyone who applies after forty has been reached will not be accepted so get your applications in fast. Would anybody wishing to attend please complete the Application Form at the end of this Newsletter and return it to the Organiser, Noel Pettigrew, with a cheque for the meal, no later than 5 March 2018. The prices are £21 for two courses and £25 for three courses.

Transport to Wells Golf Club. Please let me know whether the lack of appropriate personal or public transport is preventing you from joining us and we will do our best to help either by offering lifts or, within reason, providing taxis. All requests will be, as usual, in complete confidence. Carolyn Browning, HWO.

Wales, Midland and South West Area Annual Conference and Reunion. The Annual Area Conference and Reunion will take place over the weekend of Friday 23 March to Sunday 25 March 2018 at the Cheltenham Chase Hotel, Brockworth, Gloucester. The Branch will send a delegate to represent us during the business sessions, but all members are welcome to participate in the Reunion. Details are available via the Secretary.

Flag Raising Ceremony. Sunday 1 April 2018. To mark the 100th Anniversary of the formation of the RAF, the Branch is planning a short flag-raising ceremony at Glastonbury Abbey at 1200 on Sunday 1 April (Easter Sunday). Further details later.

RAFA website. The Mid-Somerset Branch website can be found at Please consult regularly to keep up to date. There is the opportunity to provide feedback via email address to rafa.midsomerset@.

Subscriptions. For those Members who joined prior to 1 Jan 2017, membership subscriptions (Full - £20.50, Associate - £14.50) fall due on 1 Jan each year. Reminders will be sent by HQ in Leicester. A Direct Debit mandate would make sure that you don’t forget! New members renew on the anniversary of their joining.

Reports on Past Events

Branch Christmas Lunch – Monday 4 December 2017

Members of Mid-Somerset Branch RAFA had their December Meeting at the Britannia Inn, Wells on 4 December 2017, when Terry Merritt-Smith was invited to present a historical musical interlude from the MGM Studios, which was much appreciated by all including the special request of ‘I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas!’

Many members stayed for a Special Christmas Lunch, provided by our Landlord Rob Rouse. Terry Merritt-Smith is pictured first on the left. Opposite him is a new member Mike Green and among the diners are our President Group Captain Dick Whittingham, Chairman Paul Branson, several ex RAF National Servicemen, Carolyn Browning our Welfare Officer, Social organiser Martin Leach, Vice-chairman John Hawkins and Secretary Noel Pettigrew.

Branch Concert at Millfield School – Wednesday 13 December 2017

By kind permission of the Headmaster, the Branch once again sponsored, in association with the Air Cadet Organisation, 1955 (City of Wells) Squadron, a fund-raising Band Concert at Millfield School, Street on Wednesday 13 December 2017. Music was provided by the RAF Regiment Concert band under the direction of Flight Lieutenant Tom Rodda providing a varied and very popular collection of works including some (probable) first performances. The Chairman of the organising Committee Paul Branson, gave an address offering his thanks to the Band for their outstanding performance and wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Whilst Paul Branson acted as a supporter, Sqn Ldr John Heath Commander of Sector No 1 (Northern Alliance) of the Devon & Somerset Wing Air Cadets, took the opportunity to mark the promotion of Flight Sergeant Laura Blackburn to the rank of Warrant Officer by presenting her with her commissioning Warrant.


Thanks to the outstanding efforts of Branch supporters led by Vice-chairman John Hawkins and with the dedicated and determined efforts of Air Cadets and staff from 914 (Glastonbury and Street), 1182 (Shepton Mallet), and 1955 (City of Wells) Squadrons, the Branch collected over £3,000 for the 2017 Wings Appeal. This success relies upon the good will of the local supermarkets (Sainsbury) Street, (Morrisons and Tesco) Glastonbury, (Aldi and Tesco) Shepton Mallet and (Morrisons, Tesco and Waitrose) Wells to allow us to collect on their premises, but also on the generosity of the general public in responding to our appeals. Well done to all, young and old alike, who stood their sometimes challenging stints in the foyers!

Fund raising continues as a year-round activity and Tesco at Wells are currently featuring us in their ‘token for charity’ campaign (see photo). Our ‘slot’ is only until 28 Feb 18, so all members and friends of the Association are invited to vote for us with their tokens!

General News. Would any member willing to receive the Newsletter by email please contact the Editor.

Editor: Noel Pettigrew, 4 Stillington Close, Wells, Somerset BA5 2EY. Telephone: 01749 677023.


The Wells Golf Club, Blackheath Lane, Wells, BA5 3DS, Telephone 01749 675005.

Wednesday 14 March 2018.

Name of Member:

Number of Guests:

Menu Choices:




Cheque enclosed for……………….. (to be submitted not later than Monday 5 March 2018), made out to Mid-Somerset RAFA and sent to the Secretary, Noel Pettigrew, 4 Stillington Close, Wells, Somerset BA5 2EY.




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