Algebra 1 Syllabus - Onslow County Schools

Foundations of Math 1/NC Math 1 SyllabusMr. St.Clair Room: 682Contact information: Email: (910)989-2048Website: (Teachers top of page and then find my name)Other: Remind information textsOffice hours: Planning (Period 4)NC Math 1 Curriculum: Unit 0 – ReviewUnit 1 – Function NotationUnit 2 – Linear FunctionsUnit 3 – Systems of EquationsUnit 4 – Statistics Unit 5 – Exponential Functions Unit 6 – Distance and MidpointUnit 7 – QuadraticsRequired Material: 1 SPIRAL notebook or Composition notebookAgenda, Calendar, etc. MANDATORY!PencilsColored pencils or colored pensHighlightersRulerTI 83+/TI 84 graphing calculator(Preferred)Grading Scale:100 – 90A89 – 80B79 – 70C69 – 60DLess than 60FGrading Policy: Class work (Homework, Assignments, Notebook etc.)– 30% Quizzes – 30% Tests/Projects – 40% Total – 100%Foundations of Math 1 Exam (December):At the end of the 3rd six weeks, all students in Foundations of Math 1 will take a teacher made benchmark for the standards cover in Foundations of Math 1. The exam will count as 25% of the overall course grade.End of Course NC Math 1 Exam (May):At the end of the 3rd six weeks, all students in Math 1 will take the EOC Math 1 exam. The exam will count as 25% of the final average and to be proficient on the exam the student will need to score a level 3, 4, or, 5.Classroom Rules:Be respectfulBe teachableBe preparedBe responsibleFollow school rules Consequences:When the rules have been broken there will be consequences that the teacher will give out. These include but are not limited to:Verbal warningLunch detention – about 15 minutes long AND a phone call to a parentReferral to office to speak with Administration. *For further information about levels of discipline refer to the student handbook*Classroom Policies and Procedures:Warm Ups: If you’re in class or remote, there will be problems posted on the smartboard, on Delta Math, or Teams for you to completed prior to the beginning of my lesson. We will review the problems once everyone has been able to complete the work. GRADED!Notes/Notebooks: You will take notes every day except for review and test days. When taking notes, listen carefully and record notes as specifically as possible for the lesson. Ask questions when the notes don’t make sense. We will take notes in a workbook that will be provided. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR NOTES DAILY HOME TO GAIN A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE MATERIAL! If you are absent do your best to get the notes from a classmate or Microsoft Teams. I will collect your workbook on Test day, and THIS WILL COUNT AS AN ASSIGNMENT!!Homework: Homework will be assigned/checked DAILY on COMPLETENESS of the worksheet/Delta Math assignment. ALL work must be shown to receive CREDIT!! Homework will be either on paper or on Delta Math. If it is on Delta Math, you will need to show work in your HOMEWORK NOTEBOOK. You can complete Delta Math assignments on your computer or cellphone. Paper copy homework will be put it into your workbook. Quizzes: There will be several quizzes throughout the week covering what has been discussed throughout each day’s lessons. If you are absent when a quiz is given you will need to check with me regarding making it up or if the test grade will replace the missing quiz.Tests: Tests will occur at the end of a unit. If you are not in school the day before and on the test day, you must make the test up within 5 days. If you are absent for several days prior to test day, we can make arrangements to take the test after school hours or by some other arrangement. JHS Math Department policy is that tests will?not be returned?to the students.? Students can have the opportunity to view their test but not allowed to keep it. Students will?not be allowed to make copies or take pictures?of their test.Refresh/Extra Help: (POSTPONED DURING PLAN B/C) Tutoring will be done during Refresh. All students with an average below a 77% will have mandatory Refresh tutoring. But all students are welcome to attend for additional help.Additional office hours are available by student request.Projects: There will be projects that will be assigned throughout the semester. The projects will be done individually. Remember projects are worth the same as a test grade so take them seriously!1:1 Laptops: Throughout the course, the 1:1 laptops will be utilized on a daily basis. There will be activities in class and at home that will need to be completed. Our class will utilize Teams, OneNote, and Delta Math. All school and county rules pertaining to the laptops must be followed at all time. Restrooms: You will need to go to the bathroom between classes or during lunch. The only time I will permit students to go to the restroom is if it is an emergency. NO BATHROOM PASSES WHILE THE TEACHER IS IN FRONT OF THE CLASS TEACHING!!!!! No bathroom breaks in the first and last 10 minutes of class. Signing in and out of class is MANDATORY. ABUSE IT THEN YOU LOSE IT!!!Participation: You will be asked to work individually which consists of working hard and doing your OWN WORK. If caught copying another student’s work this will result in a new assignment for both students involved. The only way to really learn how to do problems is work on lots of them. The more you work, the more you will understand the concepts being learned.Policy for Absences: To learn math, you MUST be in class! If you are absent it is your responsibility to…Make up missed work and notes posted Teams by Test day. Make up missed tests within 5 school days. Failure to do this will result in a grade of ZERO for that test. All absences over 10 must be waived by the principal. Tardiness: Refer to Student Handbook for further details.Personal Electronics: Refer to Student Handbook for further details.Food and Drinks: No food or drinks permitted during class time! You will be asked to put food away or be thrown away.Clothing: Refer to Student Handbook for further details.Math Links for Additional Help:Khan Academy: Math: (Teacher code – 486245) I look forward to seeing everyone grow as math students this year.Mr. St.Clair ................

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