Judith Homberg - Radboud Universiteit

Curriculum vitae of Judith Homberg

Personal details

Surname, First name, title(s): Homberg, Judith, Dr.

Gender: Female

Date and place of Birth: 14-05-1976, Purmerend, The Netherlands

Nationality: Dutch

Current working address: Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Group Behavioural Neurogenetics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, Radboud University Medical Centre (RUMC), Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Email: j.homberg@cns.umcn.nl

Phone: +31 24 3610906


University: VU Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: 08-09-2004

Supervisor: prof.dr. ANM Schoffelmeer, prof.dr. Taco de Vries, prof.dr. Louk Vanderschuren

Title of thesis: Vulnerability and drug addiction: Individual differences in rat cocaine self-administration.


University: Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: 17-03-1999, cum laude

Main subject: Neurobiology


1998 Research assistant at the Laboratory of Behavioural Biology, ETH, Zurich

1999-2003 PhD student at the Dept. of Medical Pharmacology at the VU Medical Centre, Amsterdam

2004-2007 Postdoc at the Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht

2007-2010 Senior Scientist at the Dept. of Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, Nijmegen

2010- Assistant Professor (faculty position), leader of the Behavioural Neurogenetics group at the Dept. of Cognitive Neuroscience, RUNMC

2011 Associate Professor, Dept. of Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC

2013 Principal Investigator at the Donders Institute

2014 Junior Principal Investigator at RUMC

Honors and prizes

2007 NWO VENI grant

2010 NWO VIDI grant

2011 Aspasia Award for highly qualified Women in Science by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

2011 European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (EBPS) Young Investigator Prize

2012 Top reviewer of the Journal Neuropharmacology

2013 International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (IBANGS) Young Scientist Award

(Co)supervisor of the following PhD students:

Drs. Piet Schipper. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2011-present (finishing)

Drs. Noortje van der Knaap. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2011-present (finishing)

Drs. Stephanie Miceli. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2011-present (finishing)

Drs. Yvet Kroeze. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2011-present (finishing)

Drs. Peter Karel. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience RUMC, 2011-present (finishing)

Drs. Anne-Marije Kaag. Dept. of Psychiatry, AMC, Amsterdam 2012-present (finishing)

Drs. Deborah Peeters. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience and Dept. Psychiatry, RUMC, 2013-present.

Drs. Dorien Maas, Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience and Dept. Molecular Animal Physiology, RUMC, 2016-present.

Drs. Sabrina Hanswijk, Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2016-present.

Drs. Danielle Mendes, Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2016-present.

Visiting PhD students:

Drs. Yacine Bouguezza (Visiting PhD student from Algeria) Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2013-2015

Drs. Elisavet Kyriakou (Guest PhD student from Noldus IT) Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2014-2016

Drs. Guiseppe Manfre (Guest PhD student from Noldus IT) Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2015-2016

Drs. Mina Sadaghi, Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, 2015-2016.

Guest PhD students:

Drs. Lisa van de Wijer, Dept Internal Medicine, RUMC, 2015-present

Drs. Lidiane Pereira Garcia, Dept Molecular Animal Physiology

Finished PhD projects (co-promotorship):

1. Dr. Lourens Nonkes. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUMC, Nijmegen

Thesis defense May 15th 2012.

2. Dr. Rick van der Doelen. Dept. Anatomy, RUMC, Nijmegen

Thesis defense May 6th 2015 (cum laude).

3. Dr. Carola Jansen. Dept. Anatomy, RUMC, Nijmegen

Thesis defense Nov 17th 2015.

4. Dr. Anne Marije Kaag. AMC, UVA, Amsterdam

Thesis defense May 31th 2016.

Postdocs in my group:

Dr. M. Verheij. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUNMC, Nijmegen, 2009-2017. Worked at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA in 2014 based on a fellowship of the NIDA

Dr. Marloes Henckens. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUNMC, Nijmegen 2014-2018. Obtained Veni in 2015

Dr. Lourens Nonkes. Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience, RUNMC, Nijmegen 2014-present

Organization of symposia and meetings

( Chair Dutch Neuroscience meeting 2015 (chair elect in 2014 and past-chair in 2016)

( Organization of International Society for Serotonin Research biannual meeting 2016 in Seattle

( Organization of minisymposium at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego 2013 about new tools in rat genetics (invitation speakers, chair)

( Organization of symposium at the EBPS meeting in Amsterdam 2011. “Serotonin beyond emotion: Learning, memory and cognitive control” (invitation speakers, chair)

( Organization of symposia at the ENP meeting in 2008, 2009, 2012 (invitation speakers, chair).

( Co-organisator of European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (EBPS) meeting in Amsterdam 2011, and ENP meeting (Lunteren) in 2011, 2012.

( Organization of symposium at the Stress & Behaviour conference in St Petersburg (Russia) May 16-20, 2009 “ Serotonin transporter knockout models in psychiatric research” (invitation speakers, chair)

( Organization of mini-symposium in Nijmegen May 28th 2008 in collaboration with dr. A. Kalueff (U.S.A): “ Serotonin transporter knockout models: an update” (invitation speakers, arrangement location, chair).

( Organization of NWO Brain & Cognition workshop, March 30-31, 2009, Nijmegen (proposal, invitations, location, chair): “Solving the serotonin paradox: From bench to bedside and back”

Professional activities

( Associate Editor Plos ONE (2012-current)

( Associate Editor World Journal of Psychiatry (2016-2019)

( Guest editor Behavioural Brain Research (2014) – editor of special issue on serotonin

( Guest editor Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience (2013) – editor of special issue on developmental serotonin

( Co-editor of book: Genes, Environment and Neural Mechanisms of Emotions. To be published by OUP.

( Member of the editorial board of Behavioural Pharmacology

( Review: Neuropharmacology, British Journal of Pharmacology; Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior; Neuroscience Letters; Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology; The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States; Plos ONE, Molecular Psychiatry, Trends in Neurosciences, Trans Phil B, Toxicology Letters, Behavioural Pharmacology, Emotion, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Psychopharmacology, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Cerebral Cortex, etc.

( Memberships: Neurofederatie, European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (EBPS), Society for Neuroscience (SfN), International Society for Serotonin Research (ISSR)

( Member of NWO committees (Rubicon, Mozaiek)

( Grant evaluation for KU Leuven, Utrecht University

( Chair of the Donders Gender Steering Workgroup (2013-current)

( Director Translational Neuroscience Unit (2015-current), a technical platform to integrate in vivo and in vitro neuroscience research in Nijmegen.

( Vice-chair non-human research committee of the Department of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015-current)

( Member and founder of the animal facility user committee (2010-current)

( Chair Advisory Appointment Committee Mike X Cohen (2015)

( Member Advisory Appointment Committee of Prof. Gilles van Luijtelaar (2013), and Dr. Fleur Zeldenrust (2016)

PhD thesis defense committee:

( November 27th 2008: Drs. Jocelien Olivier (Nijmegen)

( December 5th 2008: Drs. Balázs Gaszner (Nijmegen)

( April 8th 2009: Drs. Michel Verheij (Nijmegen)

( August 27th 2009: Drs. Mathieu Sommers (Nijmegen)

( February 17th 2011: Drs. D.C.W.A. van Wijk (Nijmegen)

( April 17th 2013: Drs. M. Henckes (Nijmegen)

( May 3rd 2013: Drs. D.F. Mastroeni & L. Chouliaras (Maastricht)

( June 19th 2013: Drs. M. Oostland (Amsterdam)

( June 20th 2013: Drs. M. Balemans (Nijmegen)

( October 9th 2013: Drs. S. Koot (Utrecht)

( December 17th 2014: Drs. S. de Brouwer (Nijmegen)

( November 24th 2014: Drs. D. Windhorst (Leiden)

( May 11th 2016: Drs. Hassiba Beljoud (Nijmegen)

( June 6th 2016: Drs. K.M. Mothapo (Nijmegen)

Manuscript committee + thesis defense committee:

Drs. Mathieu Sommers (Nijmegen, 2009)

Drs. Dafna Windhorst (Leiden, 2015)

Drs. S. Kanatsou (Amsterdam, 2016)


( 07-09-2004: Radio interview in ‘Noorderlicht

• 12-02-2010: Interview by Science News:

( 21-12-2010: Interview by the Dutch Magazine “Psychologie’

( 11-01-2011: Interview by the RU Magazine “VOX’

( 09-03-2011: Interview for the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research

( 02-04-212: TEDxMaastricht

( Thesis defense Lourens Nonkes May 15th 2012: Science Agenda RU, Intermediair

( 18-11-2012: Radio 1, link between addiction and creativity

( 12/13-06-2014: Serotonin and sensitivity to social influences: link to the orange fever during the soccer World Cup 2014:

Radio: National Radio 5 (De kennis van Nu), National Radio 1, Radio Veronica, Radio FunX, Radio RTV NH, Radio BNR, Radio Gelderland

National, local and online newspapers: Amongst others, The Parool, De Telegraaf, Trouw, NOS 3, Noordhollands Dagblad, Algemeen Dagblad, De gelderlander, Metronews, Spitsnieuws, nu.nl

Personal emails of people who read my interviews

( Thesis defense Rick van der Doelen May 6th 2015: Brabants Dagblad; De Psychiater

( Media attention publication Schipper et al., 2015:

( Brain Awareness week 2016: Lecture for High school children at the Udens College sector havo/vwo


( Laboratory animals course (art. 9)

( “Working with radioactive compounds”

( Supervision of graduate students (2008), PhD-students (2009), and workgroups (2011)

( RUNMC ‘leiding geven voor professionals’ (2009-2010)

Research grants

PI = principal investigator

( 2016: Gene Editing Rat Resource Center: Generation of TpH1 knockout rat

( 2015: EFRO: Early Nutrition for a Healthy Brain (€284.000)

( 2015: China exchange program of the KNAW: Finetuning the role of serotonin in depression: neurotransmission and/or neurotrophic actions? (€40.000)

( 2015: Dobberke Stichting: Towards individualized pharmacological treatment of pathological aggression: The role of the 5-HT1A receptor. PI (€5.000)

( 2015: ERANET_NEURON: RESPOND: RolE of Serotonin in the Pathogenesis Of Neurodevelopmental Disorder. Associate Partner ((€ 0).

( 2015: Scholarship from Brazilian Government (Science without Borders); PhD student Danielle Mendes. Remediation of depression-like phenotypes through BDNF liposomes in serotonin transporter knockout rats. PI.

( 2015: Scholarship from Iranian Government; PhD student Mina Sadighi. Host supervisor

( 2015: DCN project: Maternal genotype matters! PI (€ 240.000).

( 2015: Fullbright Scholarship USA; Master student Juliette Rando. Host supervisor

( 2015: NWO minigrant, program “more knowledge with less animals”: Serotonin transporter expression has no influence on stress coping transitions in rats. PI (€ 4.500)

( 2015: Donders Top Talent: Targeting Myelination as a Novel Anti-Depressant Strategy: Multidisciplinary Approach in a Rat Model. PI (€ 240.000)

( 2015: Congress subsidy NWO (ALW + MaGW): Organisation of the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting. PI (€ 10.000)

( 2014: Investment grant of the Gelderland Provence: Touch screen operant cages to cross the gap between preclinical and clinical research. PI (€ 240.000)

( 2013: NWO minigrant, program “more knowledge with less animals”: The attribution of incentive salience to an appetitive conditioned cue is not affected by knockout of the serotonin transporter in rats. PI (€ 5.500).

( 2013: DCN project: Towards individualized pharmacological treatment of pathological aggression: The role of the 5-HT1A receptor. co-PI, collaboration with Dr. Robbert-Jan Verkes (€ 228.000).

( 2013: Brain Foundation grant: The epigenetics of the neurodevelopmental effects of antidepressants. PI, collaboration with Dr. Jo Zhou (€ 35.000).

( 2011: ZonMW Topsubsidy: Serotonin transporter gene variation and sensitivity to conditioned cues: cause and cure in cocaine dependence. PI, collaboration with Dr. Liesbeth Reneman and Dr. Rick Dijkhuizen (€ 675.000).

( 2011: ECNP (European College of Neuropsychopharmacology) Research grant: Serotonin-BDNF interactions in cocaine dependence. Research fellow: Dr. Michel Verheij. Function: home Institute supervisor, collaboration with Dr. M.A. Riva (host institute supervisor, University of Milan, Italy) (€ 40.000).

( 2011: KNAW congress grant to financially support the EBPS meeting (Amsterdam, 2011) (€ 8.500).

( 2011: Aspasia Award for highly qualified Women in Science by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). PI (€ 50.000).

( 2010: NWO-ALW VIDI grant: Gene x environment interactions: for better and for worse. PI (€ 800.000).

( 2010: ZonMW addiction implementation project: The role of serotonin in cocaine dependence. PI, collaboration with Dr. Liesbeth Reneman (€ 50.000).

( 2010: DCN internal call: The epigenetics of the age-dependent effects of Prozac. PI, collaboration with Dr. Jo Zhou (€ 228.000).

( 2010: NWO Brain and Cognition: What antidepressant manuals do not tell: tampering with serotonin and consequences for fetal brain development. PI. Collaboration with Dr. D. Schubert (€ 505.000).

( 2010: Mead Johnson contract research: Effect of fish oil diets on neural development. Co-PI; collaboration with Dr Amanda Kiliaan. (€ 250.000).

( 2009: NWO-ALW Grant: Serotonin transporter gene polymorphism by adverse early life events interaction: an anatomical and behavioural approach towards the understanding of nature-nurture interaction in the psychobiology of depression and resilience to stress. Co-PI, collaboration with Dr Tamas Kozicz. (€ 280.000).

( 2009: ZonMW-NIDA Grant: Negative reinforcement in cocaine dependence: the integration of CRF and 5-HT stress and emotional systems. PI, collaboration with Dr. George Koob. (€ 100.000 + $ 60.000).

( 2009: NWO Joint forces Network Grant; organisation of workshop. PI (€ 4.000).

( 2008: DCN project: “The psychiatrist's emergency call: What are the long-term effects of Prozac on fetal neurodevelopment? PI (€ 100.000).

( 2007: Subsidy of the Dutch Brain Foundation: “serotonerge modulatie van keuzegedrag”. PI (€ 25.000).

( 2007: Veni subsidie (ZonMW): “A state-of-the-art genetic modifier screen in the rat to identify novel mechanisms mediating serotonin homeostasis and related behavioural abnormalities”. PI (€ 208.000).

( 2001: Travel grant of the Nederlandse Stichting voor Farmacologische Wetenschappen and the VU fondsendek to visit the Neuroscience meeting in San Diego, USA. (€ 1.000).

( 1998: Fellowships of Stichting Dr. Hendrik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds, Dr Saal van Zwanenbergstichting, The Dutch Brain Foundation, and VU fondsendek for research at the ETH in Zürich, Switzerland (July to December 1998). PI (€ 2.000).

Invited oral presentations

( November 2016: Plenary lecture. LARC Neuroscience meeting, Rennes, France

( July 2016: Characterization of the TpH2 knockout rat. ISSR meeting, Seattle, USA

( April 2016: Serotonin transporter gene variance: for better and for worse. NuMind Project meeting, Chile

( January 2016: The role of serotonin in regular and compulsive cocaine self-administration. H2020 meeting “Tactics”, Malta

( Dec 2015: Serotonin transporter constitutive knockout and local knockdown increase anxiety and compulsive cocaine self-administration in rats. Rat Genomics meeting, New York, USA

( Nov 2015: The neurodevelopmental effects of serotonin. Berlin, Germany

( Sept 2015: Serotonin transporter constitutive knockout and local knockdown increase anxiety and compulsive cocaine self-administration in rats. AGNP Symposium, Munchen, Germany

( June 2015: Food-derived serotonergic components and effects of mood and cognition. CNIP meeting, Dublin, Ireland

( July 2014: Serotonin, prefrontal cortex and executive functions. International Society for Serotonin Research West Cape, South Africa

( January 2014: The role of serotonin in cocaine addiction: neurodevelopment and neurochemistry. Erlangen University, Germany

( November 2013: Characterization of a novel dopamine D1 receptor mutant rat model. Society for Neuroscience meeting, San Diego, USA

( October 2013: Serotonin transporter gene variance and neurodevelopment. Summerschool Emotion. Wuerzburg, Germany

( July 2013: Serotonin transporter gene variance: for better and for worse. Mannheim, Germany

( May 2013: Serotonin transporter gene variance: for better and for worse. IBANGS meeting, Leuven, Belgium

( May 2013: The developmental effects of antidepressants. Minisymposium ePOD, Amsterdam

( March 2013: Early life adversity x serotonin genotype interaction: effects on HPA-axis function. German Neuroscience meeting, Goetingen

( December 2012: Serotonin transporter gene variance: for better and for worse. Cambridge, Rat genomics meeting

( November 2012: The dark side of drug addiction: focus on serotonin. Nijmegen, TNU seminar

( October 2012: The role of serotonin in neurodevelopment: an update. Donders Institute theme 3 meeting, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

( June 2012: fear, anxiety and individual therapy. PhD students symposium, Munster, Germany

( June 2012: Gene x early life environment. Summer school, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

( March 2012: Serotonin gene variation and decision making. Rome, decision making workshop.

( Nov 2011: Serotonin transporter gene variation: for-better-and-for-Worse. University of Marburg, Germany (dr. Markus Wöhr).

( June 2011: Contribution to Female career meeting at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

( May 2011: Serotonin transporter: cause and cure in cocaine dependence. Donders Institute theme 3 meeting, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

( May 2011: Towards a common denominator in a complex array of phenotypes: the SERT knockout rat, IBANGS satellite, Rome, Italy

( April 2011: The serotonin transporter: emotion, cognition, and neurodevelopment. RMI, Utrecht (prof.dr. L. Vanderschuren), The Netherlands

( March 2011: The serotonin transporter: emotion, cognition, and neurodevelopment. RMI, Utrecht (prof.dr. Marco Riva), Milan, Italy

( November 2010: The serotonin transporter: emotion, cognition, and neurodevelopment. Nijmegen (Dr. W. Hendriks, dept Cell Biology), The Netherlands

( June 2010: The serotonin transporter: emotion, cognition, and neurodevelopment. Maastricht, The Netherlands

( December 2009: Serotonin transporter genetic variation: for better and for worse. Wuerzurg (prof. E. Asan), Germany

( November 2009: Good and bad times: the effect of serotonin genetic variation in the rat. Harlan, Venray, The Netherlands

( October 2009: Serotonin transporter genetic variation: for better and for worse. Donders Centre for Neuroscience, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

( October 2009: Negative reinforcement in cocaine dependence: the integration of CRF and 5-HT stress and emotional systems. NIDA workshop, Washington, VS

( June 2009: Serotonin -mediated neurodevelopmental changes and cognitive flexibility in emotional decision making. ENP meeting 2009, Doorwerth, The Netherlands

( May 2009: A synthesis of serotonin-mediated behavioural and cognitive processes in serotonin transporter deficient rats. Stress & Behavior meeting, St. Petersburg, Russia

( April 2009: The role of serotonin in the cognitive and emotional control over behaviour. VUMC Amsterdam, The Netherlands

( March 2009: Serotonin-mediated neurodevelopmental changes and the link between emotional control and cognitive flexibility. Contactgroep gedragsgenetica Nederland, Utrecht, The Netherlands

( November 2008: Symposium in relation to the thesis defence of Jocelien Olivier: “Understanding serotonin-mediated neurodevelopmental changes in the brain’s emotional-cognitive system using rats lacking the serotonin transporter. Utrecht, The Netherlands

( October 2008; A genetic modifier screen in the serotonin transporter knockout rat. DCN, Nijmegen

( June 2008: Genetic-mediated serotonin transporter dosage affects long-term decision making in rats and humans. ENP meeting Doorwerth, The Netherlands

( April 2008: A synthesis of serotonin-mediated behavioural and cognitive processes in serotonin transporter deficient rats: is it compulsivity? NIN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

( March 2008 Is the serotonin transporter knockout rat a model for compulsive behaviour?: LACDR/LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands

( February 2008: The serotonin transporter knockout rat: Exploring the behavioural consequences of disturbed serotonin homeostasis in the serotonin transporter knockout rat. Department of Biological Psychiatry, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

( September 2007: Reverse genetics: Cocaine’s mechanisms scrutinized using knockout and mutant rats derived from ENU-driven target-selected mutagenesis. EBPS meeting Tuebing, Germany

( March 2007: The serotonin transporter knockout rat: Exploring the behavioural consequences of disturbed serotonin homeostasis in the serotonin transporter knockout rat. Department of Ethology and Welfare, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

( January 2007: The serotonin transporter knockout rat: Exploring the behavioural consequences of disturbed serotonin homeostasis in the serotonin transporter knockout rat. Strassbourg, France

( December 2006: The serotonin transporter knockout rat: Exploring the behavioural consequences of disturbed serotonin homeostasis in the serotonin transporter knockout rat. Department of Psychopharmacology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

( October 2006: Primary characterization of the opioid-like receptor knockout rat. Grunenthal, Aken, Germany.

( June 2006: Serotonin transporter knockout rats as a tool to study impulse control disorders. ENP-meeting, Doorwerth, The Netherlands

( May 2006: Functional characterization of the serotonin transporter knockout rat. RMI, Utrecht, The Netherlands

( November 2005: Functional characterization of the serotonin transporter knockout rat: loss or gain of happiness. RMI, Utrecht, The Netherlands

( September 2005: Functional characterization of the serotonin transporter knockout rat. EBPS meeting, Barcelona, Spain

( April 2003: Self-grooming behaviour predicts an enhanced motivation to self-administer cocaine. UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


111 papers; H-index 25

1. Homberg JR, Olivier JDA, van den Broeke M, Youn J, Ellenbroek AK, Karel P, Shan L, van Boxtel R, Ooms S, Balemans M, Langedijk J, Muller M, Vriend G, Cools A, Cuppen E, Ellenbroek BA (in press). The role of the dopamine D1 receptor in social cognition: Studies using a novel genetic rat model. Disease Models & Mechanisms.

2. Homberg JR, Kyzar EJ, Scattoni ML, Norton WH, Pittman J, Gaikwad S, Nguyen M, Poudel MK, Ullmann JFP, Diamond DM, Kaluyeva AA, Parker MO, Brown RE, Song C, Gainetdinov RR, Gottesman II, and Kalueff AV (2016) Genetic and environmental modulation of neurodevelopmental disorders: translational insights from labs to beds. Brain Research Bulletin. 125:79-91

3. Belgers M, Leenaars M, Homberg JR, Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Schellekens AF, Hooijmans CR (in press). Ibogaine and addiction in the animal model, a systematic review and meta-analysis. Translational Psychiatry.

4. Homberg JR, Kyzar EJ, Nguyen M, Norton WH, Pittman J, Poudel MK, Gaikwad S, Nakamura S, Koshiba M, Yamanouchi H, Scattoni ML, Ullman JFP, Diamond DM, Kaluyeva AA, Parker MO, Klimenko VM, Apryatin SA, Brown RE, Song C, Gainetdinov RR, Gottesman II and Kalueff AV (2016). Understanding autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders through experimental translational neurobehavioral models. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 65:292-312

5. van Strien T, Konttinen H, Homberg JR, Engels RCM, Winkense LHH (2016). Emotional eating as a mediator between depression and weight gain. Appetite. 100:216-24

6. Van de Wijer L, Schellekens AFA, Burger DM, Homberg JR, de Mast Q, van der Ven, AJAM (in press) Efavirens in children: do we really know what we are doing? Lancet Infectious Diseases

7. Kaag AM, Levar N, Woutersen K, Homberg J, van den brink W, Reneman L, van Wingen G (in press) Hyper-responsiveness of the neural fear network during fear conditioning and extinction learning in male cocaine users. American Journal of Psychiatry.

8. Pawluski J, Boulle F, Homberg J, Machiels B, Kroeze Y, Kumar N, Steinbusch H, Kenis G, van den HoveD (in press) Developmental fluoxetine exposure increases behavioral despair and alters epigenetic regulation of the hippocampal BDNF gene in adult female offspring. Hormones and Behavior. 80:47-57.

9. Kaag AM, van Wingen G, Caan MW, Homberg J, van den Brink W, Reneman L (2016) White matter alterations in cocaine users are negatively related to the number of additionally (ab)used substances. Addiction Biology

10. Bouelle F, Pawluski J, Steinbusch H, Homberg JR, Kroeze YL, Machein B, Kenis G, van den Hove DL (2016) Prenatal stress and early-life exposure to fluoxetine have enduring effects on anxiety and hippocampal BDNF gene expression in adult male offspring. Developmental Psychobiology. 58(4):427-38

11. Homberg JR, Kyzar EJ, Stewart AM, Nguyen M, Poudel MK, Echevarria DJ, Collier AD, Gaikwad S, Klimenko VM, Norton W, Pittman J, Nakamura S, Koshiba M, Yamanouchi H, Apryatin SA, Scattoni ML, Diamond DM, Ullmann JFP, Parker MO, Brown RE, Song C, Kalueff AV (2016) Improving treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders: recommendations based on preclinical studies. Expert Opinion On Drug Discovery 11(1):11-25

12. Kyriakou EI, van der Kieft JG, de Heer RC, Spink A, Nguyen HP, Homberg JR, Van der Harst JE (in press) Automated quantitative analysis to assess motor function in different rat models of impaired coordination and ataxia. Journal of Neuroscience Methods

13. Lopresto D, Schipper P, Homberg JR (2015) Neural circuits and mechanisms involved in fear generalization: Implications for the pathophysiology and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 60:31-42

14. Borghans B, Homberg JR (2015) models for posttraumatic stress disorder: An overview of what is used in research. World Journal of Psychiatry. 5(4):387-96

15. De Raaf MA, Kroeze Y, Middelman A, de Man FS, de Jong H, Noordegraaf AV, de Korte C, Voelkel N, Homberg J, and Bogaard H (2015) Serotonin transporter is not required for the development of severe pulmonary hypertension in the Sugen hypoxia rat model. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 309(10):L1164-73

16. Kroeze Y, Peeters D, Boulle F, van den Hove DLA, van Bokhoven H, Zhou H, Homberg JR (2015) Long-term consequences of chronic fluoxetine exposure on the expression of myelination-related genes in the rat hippocampus. Translational Psychiatry. 5:e642

17. Crunelle CL, Kaag AM, van den Munkhof H, Reneman L, Homberg JR, Sabbe B, van den Brink W, van Wingen G (2015) Dysfunctional amygdala activation and connectivity with the prefrontal cortex in current cocaine users. Human Brain Mapping 36(10):4222-30

18. Schipper, P, Lopresto D, Roy R, Joosten J, Henckens M, Kozicz T, Homberg JR (2015) Improved stress control in serotonin transporter knockout rats: involvement of the prefrontal cortex and dorsal raphe nucleus. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 6(7):1143-50

19. Olde Loohuis NF, Kole K, Glennon JC, Karel P, Van der Borg G, Van Gemert Y, Kos A, Shahabipour F, Meinhardt J, Tiesinga P, Van den Bosch D, Van Bokhoven H, Martens GJ, Kaplan BB, Homberg JR, Aschrafi A (2015) Elevated MicroRNA-181c and MicroRNA-30d levels in the Enlarged Amygdala of the Valproic Acid Rat Model of Autism. Neurobiology of Disease. 80:42-53

20. Salari A, Bakhtiari A, Homberg JR (2015) Activation of GABA-A receptors during postnatal brain development increases anxiety- and depression-related behaviors in a time- and dose-dependent manner in adult mice. Eur Neuropharmacology. 25(8):1260-74

21. van der Marel K, Bouet V, Meerhoff GF, Freret T, Boulouard M, Dauphin F, Klomp A, Lucassen PJ, Homberg JR, Dijkhuizen RM, Reneman L (2015) Effects of long-term methylphenidate treatment in adolescent and adult rats on hippocampal shape, functional connectivity and adult neurogenesis. Neuroscience. 309:243-58.

22. van Strien T, Levitan RD, Enegls RCME, Homberg JR (2015) Season of birth, the dopamine D4 receptor gene and emotional eating in males and females. Evidence of a genetic plasticity factor? Appetite. 90:51-7

23. Müller CP, Homberg JR. Serotonin revisited (2014). Behav Brain Res. 277C:1-2.

24. Khojasteh F, Mehrpouya S, Homberg JR, Raufi S, Mirzamohammadi S, Soleimani M, Barati M (2104) Effect of cognitive impairment induced by permanent bilateral common carotid occlusion on depression-related behavioral, biochemical, immunological, neuronal markers. Brain Research 1596:58-68.

25. Van der Doelen R, Calabrese F, Guidotti G, Geenen B, Riva MA, Kozicz T, Homberg JR (2014) Early life stress and serotonin transporter gene variation interact to affect the transcription of the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors, and the co-chaperone FKBP5, in the adult rat brain. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8:355.

26. Kaag AM, Crunelle CL, van Wingen G, Homberg J, van den Brink W, Reneman L (2014) Relationship between trait impulsivity and cortical volume, thickness and surface area in male cocaine users and non-drug using controls. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 144:210-7.

27. Verheij MMM, Karel P, Cools AR, Homberg JR (2014) Reduced cocaine-induced serotonin, but not dopamine and noradrenaline, release in rats with a genetic deletion of serotonin transporters. Eur Neuropsychopharmacology 24(11):1850-4.

28. Van de Wiel S, Verheij MMM, Homberg JR (2014) Designing modulators of serotonin signaling to treat abuse disorders. Expert Opinion On Drug Discovery. 9(11):1293-306.

29. Janssen C; Zerbi V; Mutsaers MP; de Jong BS; Wiesmann M; Arnoldussen IA; Geenen B; Heerschap A; Muskiet FA; Jouni ZE; van Tol EA; Gross G; Homberg JR; Berg BM, Kiliaan AJ (2015) Impact of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on cognition, motor skills, and hippocampal neurogenesis in developing C57BL/6J mice. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 26(1):24-35.

30. Calabrese F, Van der Doelen R, Guidotti G, Kozicz T, Homberg JR, Riva MA (2015) Exposure to early life stress regulates Bdnf expression in SERT mutant rats in an anatomically-selective fashion. J Neurochemistry. 132(1):146-54.

31. van der Doelen RHA, Arnoldussen IA, Ghareh H, van Och L, Homberg JR*, Kozicz T* (2015). Early life adversity and serotonin transporter gene variation interact to affect DNA methylation of the corticotropin-releasing factor gene promoter region in the adult rat brain. Development and Psychophatology 27(1):123-35. *equal author contribution

32. van der Knaap N, El Marroun H, Klumpers F, Mous S, Jaddoe V, Hofman A, Homberg J, White T, Tiemeier H, Fernández G (2014) Beyond classical inheritance: the influence of maternal genotype upon child's brain morphology and behavior. Journal of Neuroscience 34(29):9516-21.

33. Van der Doelen R, Deschamps W, D'Annibale C, Peeters D, Wevers R, Zelena D, Homberg J*, Kozicz T*. (2014). Early life adversity and serotonin transporter gene variation interact at the level of the adrenal gland to affect the adult hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Translational Psychiatry. 4:e409. * Shared last author

34. Kepser LJ, Homberg JR (2014) The neurodevelopmental effects of serotonin: a behavioural perspective. Behavioural Brain Research pii: S0166-4328(14)00323-4.

35. Müller C, Homberg JR (2014) The role of serotonin in drug use and addiction. Behavioural Brain Research. pii: S0166-4328(14)00225-3. 6th Downloaded from Behavioural Brain Research website in 2014

36. Ellenbroek BE, Homberg JR, Verheij MM, Spooren W, van den Bos R, Martens G (2014). Alexander Rudolf Cools. Psychopharmacology 231(11):2219-22

37. Homberg JR, Molteni R, Calabrese F, Riva MA (2014) The serotonin-BDNF duo: developmental implications for the vulnerability to psychopathology. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews 43C:35-47

38. Shan L, Schipper P, Nonkes L, Homberg JR (2014). Impaired fear extinction as displayed by serotonin transporter knockout rats housed in open cages is disrupted by IVC cage housing. Plos One 9(3):e91472.

39. Crunelle CL, Kaag AM, van Wingen G, van den Munkhof HE, Homberg J, Reneman L, Van den Brink W. Reduced frontal brain volume in non-treatment seeking cocaine dependent individuals: role of impulsivity, smoking and depression (2014). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:7.

40. Homberg JR, Kolk SM, Schubert D (2013) Editorial perspective of the Research Topic “Deciphering serotonin's role in neurodevelopment”. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 7:212.

41. Nonkes L, van de Vondervoort I, Homberg JR (2014) The attribution of incentive salience to an appetitive conditioned stimulus is not affected by knockout of the serotonin transporter in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 259:268-73

42. Macchi F, Homberg JR, Calabrese F, Zecchillo C, Racagni G, Riva MA, Molteni R. (2013) Altered inflammatory responsiveness in serotonin transporter mutant rats. J Neuroinflammation. 2013 10(1):116.

43. El Marroun H, White TJH, Van der Knaap N, Homberg JR, Fernandez G, Schoemaker N, Jaddoe VWV, Hofman A, Verhulst FC, Hudziak JJ, Stricker BHC, Tiemeier H (in press). Prenatal exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and autistic symptoms in young children. British Journal of Psychiatry

44. Hulsken S, Märtin A, Mohajeri M.H., Homberg JR (2013) Food-derived serotonergic modulators: effects on mood and cognition. Nutrition Research Reviews 26(2):223-34. Selected as the paper of the month, November 2013

45. Witteveen JS, Middelman A, van Hulten JA, Martens GJM, Homberg JR, Kolk SM (2013) Lack of serotonin reuptake during brain development alters rostral raphe-prefrontal network formation. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 7:143.

46. Van der Marel K, Klomp A, Meerhoff GF, Schipper P, Lucassen PJ, Homberg JR, Dijkhuizen RM, Reneman L (in press) Long-term oral methylphenidate treatment in adolescent and adult rats: differential effects on brain morphology and function. Neuropsychopharmacology 39(2):263-73.

47. Van den Bos R, Davies W, Dellu-Hagedorn F, Goudriaan AE, Granon S, Homberg J, Rivalan M, Swendsen J and Adriani W (in press) Cross-species approaches to pathological gambling: a review targeting sex differences, adolescent vulnerability and ecological validity of research tools. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews 37(10 Pt 2):2454-71.

48. Van Den Bos R, Jolles J, Homberg JR (2013) Social modulation of decision-making: a cross-species review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:301.

49. Miceli S, Negwer M, van Eijs F, Kalkhoven C, van Lierop I, Homberg JR, Schubert D (2013) High serotonin levels during brain development alter the structural input-output connectivity of neural networks in the rat somatosensory layer IV. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 7:88

50. Kinast K, Peeters D, Kolk SM, Schubert D, Homberg JR (2013) Genetic and pharmacological manipulations of the serotonergic system in early life: Neurodevelopmental underpinnings of autism-related behaviour. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 7:72.

51. Calabrese F, Guidotti G, Middelman A, Racagni G, Homberg J, Riva MA (2013). Lack of serotonin transporter alters BDNF expression in the rat brain during early postnatal development. Mol Neurobiology 48(1):244-56

52. Van der Marel K, Homberg JR, Otte WM, Dijkhuizen RM (2013) Functional and Structural Neural Network Characterization of Serotonin Transporter Knockout Rats. Plos One. 8(2):e57780

53. Homberg JR, Karel P, Verheij MMM (in press). Individual differences in cocaine addiction: maladaptive behavioral traits. Addiction Biology.

54. Van der Doelen R, Kozicz T, Homberg JR (in press). Adaptive fitness: early life adversity improves adult stress coping in heterozygous serotonin transporter knockout rats, Molecular Psychiatry 18(12):1244-5.

55. Nonkes LJ, Homberg JR (2013) Perseverative instrumental and Pavlovian responding to conditioned stimuli in serotonin transporter knockout rats. Learning and Memory 100:48-55.

56. van den Bos R, Homberg JR, de Visser L (2012) A critical review of sex differences in decision-making; focus on the Iowa Gambling Task. Behavioural Brain Research. 238:95-108.

57. Homberg JR (2012) Serotonergic Modulation of Conditioned Fear. Scientifica. 2012:821549

58. Luoni A, Hulsken S, Cazzaniga G, Racagni G, Homberg JR, Riva MA (2012). Behavioral and neuroplastic properties of chronic lurasidone treatment in serotonin transporter knockout rats. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 16(6):1319-30

59. Homberg JR (2012) Measuring behaviour in rodents: towards translational neuroscience research. Behavioural Brain Research. 236(1):295-306

60. Kroeze Y, Zhou H, Homberg JR (2012) The genetics of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 136(3):375-400

61. Homberg JR, van den Hove DLA (2012) The Serotonin Transporter Gene and Functional and Pathological Adaptation to Environmental Variation Across the Life Span. Progress in Neurobiology. 99(2):117-27

62. Homberg JR Genetic sensitivity to the environment, across lifetime (2012). Behavioural and Brain science, 35(5):368

63. Nonkes LJ, van de Vondervoort II, de Leeuw MJ, Wijlaars LP, Maes JH, Homberg JR (2012) Serotonin transporter knockout rats show improved strategy set-shifting and reduced latent inhibition. Learning and Memory 19(5):190-3.

64. Kiser D, Steemers B, Branchi I, Homberg JR (2012) The reciprocal interaction between serotonin and social behaviour. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 36:786-98.

65. Nonkes LJP, de Pooter M, Homberg JR (in press) Behavioral therapy based on distraction alleviates impaired fear extinction in male serotonin transporter knockout rats. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 37(4):224-30

66. Homberg JR (2012) The stress-coping (mis)match hypothesis for nature x nurture interactions. Brain Research Reviews 1432:114-21

67. Guidotti G, Calabrese F, Auletta F, Olivier J., Racagni G., Homberg J., Riva MA. (2012) Developmental influence of the serotonin transporter on the expression of NPAS4 and GABAergic markers: modulation by antidepressant treatment. Neuropsychopharmacology 37(3):746-58.

68. de Visser L. *, Homberg J.R. *, Mitsogiannis M., Zeeb F., Rivalan M., Fitoussi A., Galhardo V., van den Bos R., Winstanley C., Dellu-Hagedorn F. (2011) Rodent versions of the Iowa Gambling Task: opportunities and challenges for the understanding of decision-making. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 5:109. * equal contribution

69. Nonkes LJP, van Bussel I, Verheij MMM, Homberg JR (2011) Review: The interplay between brain 5-HT levels and cocaine addiction. Behavioural Pharmacology, 22(8):723-38.

70. Homberg JR (2011) Serotonin and decision making processes. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 36(1):218-36.

71. Schipper P., Nonkes L., Karel P., Kiliaan A., Homberg J.R. (2011) Serotonin transporter genotype x construction noise interaction in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 223(1):169-75.

72. Nonkes LJP, Maes JHR, Homberg JR (2011) Improved cognitive flexibility in serotonin transporter knockout rats is unchanged following chronic cocaine self-administration. Addiction Biology, 18(3):434-40

73. Mul JD, la Fleur SE, Toonen PW, Afrasiab-Middelman A, Binnekade R, Schetters D,. Verheij MMM,. Sears RM, Homberg JR, Schoffelmeer ANM, Adan RAH, DiLeone RJ, De Vries TJ, Cuppen E (2011) Chronic loss of Melanin-Concentrating Hormone affects Motivational Aspects of Feeding in the rat. Plos ONE, 5;6(5):e19600.

74. Olivier JDA, Vallès A, van Heesch F, Afrasiab-Middelman A, Jonkers M, Peeters EJ, Korte-Bouws GAH, Dederen P, Kiliaan AJ, Martens GJ, Schubert D, Homberg JR (2011). Fluoxetine administration to pregnant rats increases anxiety-related behavior in the offspring. Psychopharmacology, 217(3):419-32.

75. Schipper P, Kiliaan AJ, Homberg JR (2011) A mixed PUFA diet normalizes hippocampal neurogenesis and reduces anxiety in serotonin transporter knockout rats. Behavioural Pharmacology, 22(4):324-34.

76. Homberg JR (2011) A new mouse model to address unresolved antidepressant issues. PNAS 108:3463-4.

77. Homberg JR, Olivier JDA, Blom T, Arentsen T, van Brunschot C, Korte-Bouws G, van Luijtelaar G, Reneman. L (2011) Fluoxetine exerts age-dependent effects on behavior and amygdala neuroplasticity in the rat. Plos ONE, 31;6:e16646.

78. Neumann ID, Wegener G, Homberg JR, Cohen H, Slattery DA, Zohar J, Olivier JD, Mathé AA (2010) Animal models of depression and anxiety: What do they tell us about human condition? Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 35(6):1357-75.

79. Olivier JD, Blom T, Arentsen T, Homberg JR (2010) The age-dependent effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in humans and rodents: A review. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 35(6):1400-8.

80. Homberg JR, KP Lesch (2010) Looking on the bright side of serotonin transporter gene variation. Biological Psychiatry 69:513-9.

81. Nonkes LJP, Tomson K, Maertin A, Dederen J, Maes JHR, Homberg JR (2010). Orbitofrontal cortex and amygdalar over-activity is associated with an inability to use the value of expected outcomes to guide behaviour in serotonin transporter knockout rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 94:65-72.

82. Homberg JR, Nijman IJ, Kuijpers S, Cuppen E. Identification of genetic modifiers of behavioral phenotypes in serotonin transporter knockout rats. BMC Genetics, 11:37.

83. Homberg JR, Schubert D, Gaspar P (2010) New perspectives on the neurodevelopmental effects of SSRIs. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 31:60-5.

84. Kalueff AV, Olivier JDA, Nonkes L, Homberg JR (2010). Conserved role for the serotonin transporter gene in rat and mouse neurobehavioral phenotypes. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews 34:373-86.

85. Olivier J, Jans L, Blokland A, Broers N, Homberg J, Ellenbroek B, Cools AR (2009) Serotonin transporter deficiency in rats contributes to impaired object memory. Genes, Brains and Behavior, 8:829-34.

86. Homberg JR, Mul J, de Wit E, Cuppen E (2009) Complete knockout of the nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor in the rat does not induce compensatory changes in (, ( and ( opioid receptors. Neuroscience [pic] 163:308-15.

87. Homberg JR, la Fleur SE, Cuppen E (2009) Serotonin Transporter Deficiency Increases Abdominal Fat in Female, but Not Male Rats. Obesity 18:137-45.

88. Homberg JR, Contet C. Deciphering the interaction of the CRF and serotonin brain systems in anxiety-related disorders (2009). The Journal of Neuroscience 29:13743-5.

89. Matondo RB, Punt C, Homberg J, Toussaint MJM, Kisjes R, Korporaal SJA, Akkerman JWN, Cuppen E, de Bruin A (2009) Deletion of the serotonin transporter in rats disturbs serotonin homeostasis without impairing liver regeneration. American Journal of Physiology – Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 296:G963-8.

90. Van den Bos R*, Homberg JR*, Gijsbers E, den Heijer E, Cuppen E (2008) The effect of COMT Val158 Met genotype on decision-making and its interaction with the 5-HTTLPR in healthy females. Neuropharmacology 56:493-8 * shared first author.

91. Olivier JDA, Cools AR, Olivier B, Homberg JR, Cuppen E, Ellenbroek BA (2008) Stress-induced hyperthermia and basal body temperature are mediated by different 5-HT(1A) receptor populations: A study in SERT knockout rats. European Journal of Pharmacology 590:190-7.

92. Homberg JR, Sietse F. De Boer, Halfdan S. Raasø, Olivier JDA, Verheul M, Ronken E, Cools AR, Ellenbroek BA, Schoffelmeer ANM, Vanderschuren LJMJ, De Vries TJ, Cuppen E. (2008) Adaptations in pre- and postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptor function and cocaine supersensitivity in serotonin transporter knockout rats. Psychopharmacology 200:367-80.

93. Homberg JR*, van den Bos R*, den Heijer E, Suer R, Cuppen E (2008) Serotonin transporter dosage modulates long-term decision-making in rat and human. Neuropharmacology 55:80-4 * shared first author.

Olivier JDA, van der Hart MGC, van Swelm RPL, Dederen PJ, Homberg JR, Cremers T, Deen PMT, Cuppen E, Cools AR, Ellenbroek BA (2008) A study in male and female serotonin transporter knockout rats: An animal model for anxiety and depression disorders. Neuroscience 152:573-84.

94. Homberg JR, Pattij T, Janssen MCW, Ronken E, de Boer SF, Schoffelmeer ANM, Cuppen E (2007) Serotonin transporter deficiency in rats improves inhibitory control but not behavioral flexibility. European Journal of Neuroscience 26:2066-2073.

Homberg JR, Schiepers OJG, Schoffelmeer ANM, Cuppen E, Vanderschuren LJMJ (2007) Acute and constitutive increases in central serotonin levels reduce social play behaviour in periadolescent rats. Psychopharmacology 195:175-182.

95. Homberg JR, Olivier JDA, Smits BMG, Mul JD, Mudde J, Verheul M, Nieuwenhuizen OFM, Ronken E, Cremers T, Schoffelmeer ANM, Ellenbroek BA, Cuppen E (2007) Characterization of the serotonin transporter knockout rat: A selective change in the functioning of the serotonergic system. Neuroscience 146:1662-1676.

96. Homberg JR, Braam B, Ellenbroek, B, Cuppen, E, Joles JA (2006) Blood pressure in mutant rats lacking the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) transporter. Hypertension 48:e115-6.

97. Smits BMG, Mudde JB, van de Belt J, Verheul M, Olivier J, Homberg J, Guryev V, Cools AR, Ellenbroek BA, Plasterk RHA, Cuppen E (2006) Generation of gene knockouts and mutant models in the laboratory rat by ENU-driven target-selected mutagenesis. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 16:159-169.

98. Koya, E, Spijker S, Homberg JR, Voorn P, Schoffelmeer AN, de Vries TJ, Smit AB (2005) Molecular reactivity of mesocorticolimbic brain areas of high and low grooming rats after elevated plus maze exposure. Molecular Brain Research:137:184-192.

99. Homberg JR, Arends, B., Raasø, HS, Schoffelmeer, ANM, de Vries, TJ (2004) Individual differences in the effects of serotonergic anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs on the motivation to self-administer cocaine. Neuroscience 128:121-130.

100. Homberg JR, Raasø, HS, Schoffelmeer ANM, De Vries, TJ (2004) Individual differences in sensitivity to factors provoking relapse to cocaine seeking behaviour. Behavioural Brain Research 152: 157-161.

101. De Vries TJ, Homberg JR, Binnekade R, Raasø, Schoffelmeer, ANM (2003) Cannabinoid modulation of the reinforcing and motivational properties of heroin and heroin-associated cues in rats. Psychopharmacology 168: 164-168.

102. Homberg JR, Wardeh, G., Raasø HS, Schoffelmeer, ANM, De Vries TJ (2003). Neuro adaptive changes in mesocorticolimbic dopamine and acetylcholine neurons following cocaine or saline self-administration are dependent on pre-existing individual differences. Neuroscience 121:829-836.

Homberg JR, Van den Akker M, Raasø HS, Wardeh G, Vanderschuren LJMJ, Schoffelmeer ANM, De Vries TJ (2002) Enhanced motivation to self-administer cocaine as predicted by self-grooming behavior relates to dopamine transmission in the rat medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala. European Journal of Neuroscience 15: 1542-1550.

103. Hedou G, Homberg J, Feldon J, Heidbreder CA (2001). Expression of sensitization to amphetamine and dynamics of dopamine neurotransmission in different laminae of the rat medial prefrontal cortex. Neuropharmacology 40:366-382.

104. De Vries TJ, Shaham Y, Homberg JR, Crombag H, Schuurman K, Vanderschuren LJMJ, Schoffelmeer ANM (2001) A cannabinoid mechanism in relapse to cocaine seeking. Nature Medicine 7:1151-1154.

105. Hedou G, Homberg J, Martin S, Wirth K, Feldon J, Heidbreder CA (2000). Effect of amphetamine on extracellular acetylcholine and monoamine levels in subterritories of the rat medial prefrontal cortex. European Journal of Pharmacology 390:127-136.

106. Heidbreder CA., Weiss IC, Domeney AM, Pryce C, Homberg J, Hedou G, Feldon J, Moran MC, Nelson P (2000). Behavioral, neurochemical and endocrinological characterization of the early social isolation sydrome. Neuroscience 100:749-768.

107. Nestby P, Schoffelmeer ANM, Homberg JR, De Vries TJ, Mulder AH, Vanderschuren LJMJ (1999) Bremazocine reduces unrestricted free-choice ethanol self-administration in rats without affecting sucrose preference. Psychopharmacology 142:309-317.

108. Hedou G, Homberg J, Feldon J, Heidbreder CA (1999). Amphetamine microinfusion in the dorso-ventral axis of the prefrontal cortex differentially modulates dopamine neurotransmission in the shell-core subterritories of the nucleus accumbens. Ann. NY Acad. Sci., 877:823-827.

Contributions to books

1. Olivier JDA, Cools AR, Ellenbroek B, Cuppen E, Homberg JR (2009) The serotonin transporter knockout rat: a review. In: Experimental models in serotonin transporter research. Ed: Kalueff A. Nova Science Publishers (NY).

2. Müller M, Olivier JDA, Homberg JR (2009) Modelling Brain Disorders in knockout and mutant rats. In: Transgenic and Mutant Tools in Modeling Brain Disorders. Ed: Kalueff A. Humana Press.

3. Homberg J, Dumont G (2010) Farmacologische keuzecriteria voor antidepressiva. In: Keuzecriteria voor antidepressiva. Ed: Verkes R.J. Van Zuiden Communications B.V.

4. van den Bos R, de Visser L, van de Loo AJAE, Mets MAJ, van Willigenburg GM, Homberg JR, Verster JC (2011) Sex differences in decision-making in adult normal volunteers are related to differences in the interaction of emotion and cognitive control. NOVA publishers, accepted

5. Schubert D, Nadif Kasri N, Celikel T, Homberg JR (2015) Impact of Monoaminergic Neuromodulators on the Development of Sensorimotor Circuits. "Sensorimotor Integration in the Whisker System" ( Krieger/Groh ) - Chapter – 11 (Springer).


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