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Omineea Assessment District'.


I HEREBY GIVE I~OTICE that, on Friday the 12th day of October,1928, at the hour ofi0 a. m. at the Court

House, Village of Smithers, B. C., I will sell at public auction the lands on the list hereinafter set ou

persons in s a i d list hereinafter set out, for deliquent taxes unnatd by ~ , t a . . . . . ~o ~ , - + ~ ~. . . . .

. ~ , of ~Athe

an?l I o r lnteresL costs and exnen a~ .b.,,.a,.,,'~.z,.,, +),. . . . ~ -,, -~.~_~,_,_~_ . ~ ; ~ ~'~.'~'t.? y : %'~. u a y e? J u n e , l~2U, # S~, . . . . . . . . s ==? ~:u~ uz auveru~mg said sale, II m e totat amount d u e for p e r -

pioadid.ended December 31st, 1926, a n d interest thereon, together with cost of advertising said sale, are

? +' . : , ,.!?:??-:;+:7+L,':,': ++'..

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Hp HHi::' l |fplbeln+/+' +el++d +++'andth'+. 749.71



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?434.35 '~ he conditl0n? .is, !of course, .recognized, ?5f one.eye a n d is actually blind:~ln t h a t

193.10 There are mahv: children who"havre, de- Ieye" ilIf t h e child iS:!treated: bet&een

219.33 17.08 to 'their pa~entsi[:i!That:., thl

t.wo .dad"three y'ears.lo~ age,...th6-most o r ' ~ l l : 0 f his: V i s i o n s an h e ' / s a v e d ; t h e " ..


153.95 29.15



children .entering

. 24.00.: by school Physicians ,t0 h~ h

:31.20.. eyesight.', T h e good. work," of

.63.70 "< health service d0es n0t.prbvJ

34,47 !*.30~75'.

p r e - s c h o o l child,: ~or~,f0r~.the

:, .-,.:., :]

(onger treatment !s 'delayed; th~/;more +Islon ?'!~"lo~t." ,,.cross'eye i~ ;"a?~ n d l f l o n

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