
Study Guide – Unit 7 – Monsoon AsiaSSWG 2ce 4ab 5a 6beTerms to knowPolytheism – the belief in more than one godMonotheism – the belief in only one GodHinduism – a complex blend of religious beliefs of the people from and around the Indus River Valley. Widely acknowledged as polytheistic, some argue all gods are a part of the one god – Brahman.Buddhism – Religious belief which follows the teachings of its founder – Siddhartha Gautama, primarily the Four Nobel Truths and Eightfold Path of Righteousness. Reincarnation – The Hindu and Buddhist belief that humans live more than one life on EarthDharma – Religious work, responsibility, duty. The more a person performs his/her dharma, the sooner he/she breaks the cycle of life, death, and reincarnation.Karma – The Hindu and Buddhist belief that what a person does in this life affects his or her position in his or her next lifeFour Nobel Truths – Foundational teaching of Buddhism as revealed to the Buddha during this Enlightenment (Bodhi). 1) All life is suffering, 2) Suffering is a result of wanting, 3) It is possible to end wanting, 4) The Nobel Eight-fold Path can end wanting.Nobel Eight-fold Path – Foundational Teaching of Buddhism: Right… Understanding, Thinking, Speech, Actions, Livelihood, Effort, Mindfulness, ConcentrationSiddhartha Gautama – Founder of Buddhism. Followers believe he was enlightened and became “The Buddha.”Seed Drill – An invention in the Agricultural Revolution which allowed for seeds to be planted in straight rows which increase yield (amount of production)Agricultural Revolution – A series of changes to the way agriculture was done to produce more food for a growing world populationGenetically Modified Organism (GMO) – Changing the genetic make-up of an organism (like a tomato) to make it resistant to drought and pests, therefore allowing more of it to grow Information Technology (IT) – the use of technology to move and process information. IT includes computers, communication satellites, cell phones, and the Internet.Outsourcing – to hire someone outside a company to do work that was once done inside the company. Information Technology has made it possible to outsource jobs to businesses in other countries. Bangalore – The center of the IT revolution in Central India. It has become the “Silicon Valley” of India with major technology companies moving there and providing jobs.Time Zone – an area that uses the same clock time. Earth is divided into 24 standard time zones. In each zone, clocks are set to the area’s own hour and minute. Comparative Advantage – when two or more things are compared, one is better. For example, India has a comparative advantage over other nations for outsourced IT jobs. Natural Rate of Increase – Also known as “Growth Rate,” this indicates how quickly (or not quickly) a country’s population is growingThree Gorges Dam – the world’s largest dam on the Yangtze River in China. It produces the most hydroelectric power in the world and helps supply China’s large population with a clean energy source.One-Child Policy – The former law in China which only allowed families to have one child without having to pay a huge tax. The goal of this policy was the reduce the growing population of China. Special Economic Zones (SEZ) – Areas in China which allow for more economic freedom for businesses. Essentially, it is areas where China is testing out capitalism, and it’s working.Population Pyramid – a graph that shows the ages and sexes in a population, with the youngest ages at the bottom. The graph is often shaped like a pyramid.Globalization – the development of a global society in which people, money, information, and goods flow fairly freely across national bordersMultinational Corporation – a large company that has operations in more than one countrySynthetic Rubber – Unnatural or manufactured rubberFree Trade – the flow of goods and services across national borders, with little or no government controlEconomic Interdependence – a condition in which countries have strong economic ties and depend on each other for resources, technology, trade, and investmentForeign Investment – investment by a person or company based in another countryTariffs – a tax on goods that cross country bordersQuestions to consider – Be specific in your answers and provide examplesWhich Hindu gods are considered the “Trinity of Hinduism”? Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. Hinduism is widely accepted as polytheistic since they believe in and worship hundreds of gods. However, some will argue that all of those gods are a part of the one Brahman. What do Hindus believe about life, death, and the afterlife? Hindus (and Buddhists) believe that humans live more than one life on earth. The purpose of each life is to perform his or her dharma and have good karma for the next life. The goal is to break the cycle of reincarnation and reach Moksha in Hinduism or Nirvana in Buddhism.How did Siddhartha Gautama become The Buddha? He started as a Hindu Prince. However, once he left his palace he saw human suffering. He dedicated his life to ending human suffering. Buddhists believe he meditated under a fig tree and became enlightened. Buddhists call this the “Bodhi.” During enlightenment, Buddhists believe The Four Nobel Truths and Eightfold Path of Righteousness were revealed to him. How does a Buddhist reach enlightenment (nirvana)? Buddhists believe that through meditation on the Four Nobel Truths and following the Eightfold Path to Righteousness they will dissolve themselves of all desire and reach Nirvana.What was the purpose of the agricultural revolutions? To produce higher yields of crops (more food)Why has India become a global center for outsourced information technology jobs? They have a large labor pool, low wages, they speak English, and they have a fairly educated and trained workforce.What form of government does India have? Democracy. It is the world’s largest democracy with over 1.2 billion people.Which southern Indian city has become the main information technology hub? BangaloreHow many time zones exist in the world and how do they work? 24 time zones. The new day starts west of the International Date Line and ends just east of that same line. For example, India is 9.5 hours ahead of Atlanta.What does a country’s rate of natural increase tell demographers about its population? How quickly, or not, a country is growing in populationWhy did China’s population grow so rapidly, then stop growing? Mao Zedong encouraged families to have many children. After Mao’s death, China instituted the One-Child Policy which reduced the growth rate of China.What are the costs and benefits of the Three Gorges Dam? The costs were mostly environmental. Natural habitat for plants and animals were ruined. Some animals like the Paddlefish and River Dolphin have been driven to near extinction. Villages behind the dam had to be relocated and historic sites were wiped out. The benefits included a huge supply of clean hydroelectric power, safer upriver shipping, flood control, and water for irrigation of crops.Why did China institute the one-child policy? To reduce the growth rate of their populationWhat intended and unintended consequences has the one-child policy had on China’s population? The intended consequence was to lower the growth rate, which it did. The unintended consequence was the imbalance of the population by sex. Males are preferred in China due to the importance of family and the fact that males carry on the family’s name. Female babies have been illegally aborted or given up for adoption at a much faster rate than males. Also, the older population has a smaller younger population to depend on to take care of them in their old age. Why has China allowed for Special Economic Zones (SEZ) despite being communist? To increase job opportunities. It is working very well. What is the relationship between Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and the Human Development Index (HDI)? Places in SEZs have a much higher Human Development Index ranking. People are living longer, making more money, and overall have a higher quality of life.How has globalization impacted international trade? Trade has increased tremendouslyWhat role does the United States mostly play in globalization? The U.S. is a major player in the global economy. Also, the culture of the U.S. has spread throughout the world. For example: Coca-Cola, Nike, McDonalds, etc. What are the advantages and disadvantages of free trade? The advantages to free trade, among others, are an increased global economy, less expensive products, and international cooperation. The disadvantages, among others, are increased pollution worldwide, increased child labor, outsourced jobs, upsetting traditional ways of life. ................

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