Mr. Tamer Elsharkawy | Mostafa Kamel Ex. I. L. School, Benha

Unit 5 Jump Aboard 5


|Word |Meaning |Word |Meaning |

|Ice |ثلج |Clouds |سحاب |

|Snow |ثلج من السماء |Cloudy |مليء بالسحب |

|Next clue |مفتاح الحل القادم |Fog |ضباب |

|Give |يعطي |Foggy |مليء بالضباب |

|Ask |يسال – يطلب |Icy |مثلج مليء بالثلج |

|Which way? |أي طريق |Snowy |مليء بالجليد |

|Sunrise# Sunset |شروق و غروب الشمس |Sunny |مشمس |

|Go down |تغرب |Rain |مطر |

|West |الغرب |Rainy |ممطر |

|Lend |يقرض – يسلف |Wind |رياح |

|Skis |مزلجات |Windy |مليء بالرياح |

|Offer |يعرض |Slippery |زلق |

|Exciting |مثير |Deep |عميق |

|Promise |وعد – يعد |Thick |سميك |

|Hold on tight |امسك بشدة |Heavy |ثقيل – غزير |

|Look out |احترس |Antarctica |القارة القطبية الجنوبية |

|Brought |احضر |Weather |الطقس |

|Spade |مجرأف |The coldest place |ابرد مكان |

|Any help |أي مساعدة |Temperature |درجة الحرارة |

|Show |يبين – يوضح |Scientists |علماء |

|South pole |القطب الجنوبي |North pole |القطب الشمالي |

|Centre |مركز |Explorer |مستكشف |

|Time zones |مناطق زمنية |Journey |رحلة |

|Magician |ساحر |Make fires |يصنع نار |

|Something |شيء ما |Worry about |يقلق بشان |

|Anybody |أي شخص |Put up a tent |يقم خيمة |

|Somebody |شخص ما |Put on |يرتدي |

|Anything |أي شيء |Coat |بالطو |

|Nobody |ولا شخص |Rubber |استيكة |

|Nothing |لاشيء |Frozen hand |يد مثلجة |

|Ablock of ice |كتلة ثلج |Tell – told |يخبر |

|Shake |يهز |Different |مختلف |

|Adventure |مغامرة |All over the world |جميع أنحاء العالم |

|Warm ( v ) |يدفئ |Pavement |رصيف |

|Meet |يقابل |Present |هدية |

2- Grammar Points

►Verbs that take two objects

- There are some English verbs which take two objects ( ( مفعولين

- Tell يخبر told

- Lend يقرض – يسلف lend

- Ask يسال – يطلب asked

- Give يعطي gave

- Pass يمرر passed

• I told my friend a secret.

• My father lent me five pounds.

• They asked the teacher aquestion.

• She gave him a present.

• Can you pass me the rubber please?

► Object pronouns: - ضمائر المفعول

Pronouns object pronouns

I me

He him

She her

They them

We us

You you

□ My brother gave me a present.

□ I told him a secret yesterday.

□ He offered her a nice drink.

□ Gretch won’t help us. Let’s go.

□ Gretch didn’t lend them any skis.

Choose : -

1- Gretch didn’t lend ……… any skis.

we - our – us

2- Megan said Gretch won’t offer ……………. any help .

they – them – their

3- My mother gave ………….. a cake .

me – I – my

► Study these nouns and adjectives: -

Nouns Adjectives

Clouds cloudy مليء بالسحب

Fog foggy مليء بالضباب

Ice icy مثلج - مليء بالثلج

Sun sunny مشمس

Rain rainy ممطر

Snow snowy مليء بالجليد

Wind windy مليء بالرياح

► Asking for the weather: -

• What is the weather like today?

► It’s sunny.

► It’s rainy.

► It’s foggy.

► It’s windy.

► Choose: -

It’s an ……… day the ice is very slippery.

ice – sunny – rainy

It’s a foggy day . The ……… is thick.

fog – ice – clouds

It’s a ……….. day. The sun is hot.

foggy – sunny – windy

It’s a ……… day . The rain is very heavy.

foggy – sunny – rainy

It’s a cloudy day. There are a lot of grey ……….

sun – stars – clouds

►Study these remarks hard:-

1- Negative نفي

2- Questions الأسئلة

• Did you meet anybody yesterday?

• There isn’t anything strange here.

Positive. الاثبات

• There is nobody in the room.

• There is nothing in my bog.

Positive. الاثبات

• He has something in his eyes.

• We asked somebody to help us.

►Choose: -

He has got ………. in basket .

something – somebody - anything

She hasn’t got ………. to play with.

somebody – nobody – anybody

Did you eat …….. this morning ?

something – nothing – anything

……….. gave her some flowers . She was sad.

Some body – Nobody – Anybody

There isn’t ………. in the class .

nobody – anybody – somebody

Antarctica: -

القارة القطبية الجنوبية وهي قارة غير مأهولة بالسكان

1- Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth.

2- The South Pole is in the centre of Antarctica.

3- There is only one sunset every year there.

Answer: -

1- What is the weather like Antarctica?


2- Where is the South Pole?

…………………………………….. …

►Study this remark: -

- There are 24 different time zones in the world and all of the time zones meet the South Pole.

►Choose: -

The South Pole is in the ………. of Antarctica.

centre – middle – front

There are 24 different time ………. in the world.

countries – zones – areas

There is only one ………. every year in Antarctica.

sunset – sunrise – sun

►Study these remarks: -

♠ Fiennes was worried about his frozen hand.

Put on يرتدى

♥ They put on their coats.

Make a fire

يصنع نار

♦ Fiennes made a fire to warm his hand.

go down تغرب

♦ The sun goes down in the west.

►Study these questions: -

What is the weather like today?

- I t’s hot.

Where is the South Pole?

- I t’s in the centre of Antarctica.

Would you like some tea?

- Yes, I would. - No, I wouldn’t.

Can you lend me your bike?

- Yes, of course. No, I’m sorry I can’t.

- No, I’m sorry I can’t.


|Noun |Adj |Noun |Adj |

|cloud |cloudy |fog |foggy |

|ice |icy |sun |sunny |

|rain |rainy |snow |snowy |

|wind |windy |storm |stormy |

- It is a rainy day.

- I can see clouds.

- It is a cloudy day.


• The------- adj – est

He is the tallest one in his family.

She is the cleverest girl in the class.

• Cairo and London are in the same Time Zone.

• You can choose the time at the South Pole.

• (Not-any) ------ one/ thing / body / where = no ---one/ body/thing/where

- There is not any one in the playground

- There is no one in the playground.

- There isn’t anything = there is nothing.

• Can you see anything strange?

- No, I can’t see anything strange.

- Yes, I can see something strange.

- I can see nothing strange.

On his own. بمفرده

• Make fire. يشعل نار

• Put up ينصب a tent.

• Hold on تمسك.

• Look out انتبه .

• At the weekend.

• At the school.

• Fall into water.

• Worry about يقلق بشأن.

Subject and Object Pronouns

| |Subject Pronouns |Object Pronouns |

|Singular |1st person |I |I kicked the ball |me |Ali kicked the ball to me. |

| |2nd person |you |You like to study. |you |Ali wants to talk to you. |

| |3rd person (male) |he |He eats green cheese. |him |Noha doesn't like him. |

| |3rd person (female) |she |She likes ice cream. |her |Ali kissed her. |

| |3rd person (non-person) |it |It bit Ali. |it |Ali smashed it. |

|Plural |1st person |we |We enjoy going to the movies. |us |The politician lied to us. |

| |2nd person |you |You are the best students. |you |I wouldn't lie to you. |

| |3rd person |they |They are not happy. |them |Noha didn't invite them. |

• Some verbs take( require) two objects.

- Give me a cup of tea.

- Ahmed gave the ball to Ali. = Ahmed gave Ali the ball.

- I sent an e-mail to my sister. = I sent my sister an e-mail.



Ice and Snow ssnow nnnnnnnnnnnow Snow

Nothing - Nobody

لا شيء - لا شخص

Anything - Anybody

أي شيء - أي شخص

Something - Some body

شيء ما - شخص ما

Worried about قلقان بشان


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