Macbeth Final Projects

Macbeth Final Projects

Please choose one of the following activities to complete as a final project for Macbeth. If you are working in a group, please inform me ahead of time!

1. Create a totem pole for the main characters of Macbeth. You must include at least five characters. That is, choose an animal that you think represents each character and draw a totem pole accordingly (naturally, it must be in full colour). Beside each piece of the totem pole, state which character the animal represents and why you chose the animal you did. Presentation time: 3 to 4 minutes.

2. Create a timeline for one of the themes in the play. Include at least ten critical events. Use significant quotes (where appropriate), pictures and symbols. Indicate the climax (turning point) of the theme, and how it is resolved in the end. This can be done on large paper or use a timeline creator online. Presentation time: 3 to 4 minutes.

3. You are the advertiser for Shakespeare’s Macbeth and you must engage future viewers. Create a propaganda (instruments of communication) spiel that will reach all audiences. You must create at least three types of propaganda that will engage viewers. Examples: Poster, PowerPoint, Commercial (Video or Radio), a new song. This can be done in pairs. Presentation – 3 to 4 minutes.

4. In partners, choose one scene from the play (approximately 7 minutes) to remake as a radio play. That is, you must read the scene aloud and record it, adding in sound effect where appropriate. As well, Macbeth was written in the early 1600’s. Find a piece of music that could be used in the play, and that would be an appropriate time period. As well, create a poster for your radio play as a form of promotion. We will play the clip for the class.

5. Create a time capsule that Macbeth would have created and hidden in his castle for someone several generations later to find. The capsule should include at least ten items, one of which should be a written letter. Choose and justify the point in time when Macbeth assembled the capsule as this may affect the items included. Present your capsule to the class. Presentation time: 3 to 4 minutes.

6. Create a 6 - 8 minute skit of Macbeth. This may be a modern adaptation or may be a section rewritten from a minor character’s point of view. If there are any other adaptations you wish to do, please clear it with me first. This is intended for a group of 3-4. As well, the group will be required to provide a short explanation for their motivation for the skit.

7. Throughout the play Macbeth, Shakespeare uses poetic language to convey, through the speech of his characters, truths about human nature. Your assignment is to choose five lines from the play that you feel reveal truths about human behaviour. For each of the five lines, find a current event (photo and article) that you think connects to the human truth behind the line. Each act must be represented. If your article does not have a photo, you can create a visual representation of your own using drawing, collage, painting, other pictures taken from newspapers, photographs, etc. The line that you have chosen from the play will serve as the title of the visual/photo you use. On the back of each visual, you should have the explanation of:

a. What the line means in everyday English.

b. The line’s location in the play (Act and Scene), its context, and its full significance to the play.

c. A thoughtful explanation of how your current event connects to your title and to the ideas your title expresses. How you connect the visual representation to the line is up to you (i.e. it might be a straightforward connection or it might be metaphoric) but it must be clear and thoughtful. How do both your current event and the line from the play reveal typical human behaviour? (Do NOT discuss how a current event parallels the plot of the play!!)

You are required to present these projects to the class. The final product should be created with the audience in mind. Although all assignments require presentations, each student will be marked individually on his/her presentation. Good luck!


• A copy of your work

• Presentation

You will also be required to present your assignment to the class; therefore, be prepared for the due date. In a formal presentation, it is important to present yourself clearly and to project a confidence in your project.

A good presentation includes the following:

• clear voice with adequate volume

• appropriate eye contact

• avoidance of slang

• good posture


If you would like to receive feedback and a breakdown of your mark, please submit this page with your project prior to your presentation.

Each of the following outcomes will be assessed on the rubric below.

|1 – Not Yet |2 – Beginning |3 – Partially Meeting |4 – Meeting (Sufficient |5 – Excels |

|(No Evidence) |(Little Evidence) |(Partial Evidence) |Evidence) |(Extensive Evidence) |

|Assignment submitted, but|With help, I understand |I understand the simpler |I understand the more |I have a deep |

|I do not know what I’m |parts of the simpler |ideas and can do the |complex ideas and |understanding of the |

|doing. |ideas and do a few of the|simpler skills. I am |demonstrate the complex |complex ideas, and I can |

| |simpler skills. |working on the more |skills most of the time. |use complex skills all |

| | |complex ideas and skills.|I achieve the outcome. |the time. |

CR 10.1 – I understand and can respond to texts that address identity and social action.

• My project shows that I understand and can apply the themes in Macbeth.

• My project shows that I used critical thinking skills when creating my presentation.

CR 10.4 – I can read, interpret, and summarize classical literature.

• My project shows that I can apply what I have learned from Macbeth to a new situation.

• My project shows that I understand the characterization and other literary devices that Shakespeare used.

CC 10.1 – I can create my own multimedia project that explores identity and social action.

• My project shows that I have a defensible point of view.

• My project shows that I can choose an appropriate amount of detail to include to support my main points.

CC 10.2 – I can present a multimedia or visual presentation with prepared talk using digital or other presentation tools.

• My presentation has a logical structure.

• My project shows that I use appropriate, grammatically correct language.

CC 10.3 – I can use oral language to explain information and ideas in a formal situation.

• My presentation shows that I can speak confidently.

• My presentation shows that I use appropriate, grammatically correct language.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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