Attendance 20

There was a short social gathering prior to the meeting in the Village hall.

ITEM 1. The Minutes for the 2017 AGM were approved.

Proposed : Scott Gibbon

Seconded: Cllr Alan Biddlecome

ITEM 2 - Chairman’s Report-Andrew Platt

This year your SA working committee met jointly 3 times with the trustees of the SVCT, with an average attendance of 8, the 5 trustees have met separately several times and the Sheet Summer Party organisers have met 4 times so far; there has been much going on this year behind the scenes this year, as you will hear. The SA meetings have been useful in assembling the organisers of the community and club activities in the village, to coordinate and publicise all our activities, whilst sharing ideas and helping with grants, through the SVCT. We have an open invitation to any members of the SA who wish to be involved, to come to our committee meetings.


During the year, we have taken forward the actions from previous AGMs, to encourage more young people to be involved and to run joint functions with the School and the Church, spreading the organisational load and making better activities. There have been no major projects in support of the Parish Council this year, but we will continue to be able to give our help when required. Holybourne Village Association has asked us to share our experience of the Local Governance Review, which resulted in the formation of Sheet Parish Council, as they are considering forming their own parish council. The film Club is thriving and the Film and Arts Festival was a great success this year. You will hear about the Sheet Street Party, which is to be held on 1 July this year; this is coinciding with the celebration of 150th Anniversary of St Mary’s Church.

Events this year

Victorian Day (Petersfield)- 13 May VC,AP

Film Festival – 25 and 26 May JF, WG

Village Party -1July BB LH

Rude Mechanicals -15 July. BB

A calendar of all significant events is needed on the website to avoid clashes when selecting dates for Village and Parish functions. Volunteer required to maintain it.


In the absence of the Treasurer, the Chairman introduced the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2018. They were approved by the meeting.

Proposed: Owen Jonathan

Seconded Scott Gibbon

The net current assets of the SVCT are £2337 The accounts will be attached to the minutes and are available to view today. The main regular expenditure is the printing of Sheet News. Grants have been received from Sheet Parish Council, East Hants District Council and Hampshire County Council this year.

The Trust has made a grant of £200 to St Mary’s Church towards the 150th Anniversary Exhibition.

The Trust has agreed to give a grant to set up the Sheet Summer Party on 1 July.

The SA sponsored a stall to raise money for the SVCT at the Petersfield Victorian Day on 13 May.


In January 2018 a new type of charitable trust, The Charitable Incorporated Organisation CIO, was created, which is designed for small trusts like the SVCT, which currently file small (Less than £12,000) accounts with Companies House. They have a simpler administration, without losing the existing powers of fund raising and acting in the interests of Sheet to further its objects. If converted, the SVCT would continue to underpin the activities of the SA. The objects would not change, nor the title of the trust. The trustees therefore make a proposal to the AGM that ‘the SVCT should become a Foundation Charitable Incorporated Organisation CIO, retaining the present legal status , objects and powers, but relinquishing the requirement to render the accounts to Companies House’.. A quorum of 15 members (Articles of Association 13.2) of the trust would be required to vote and this can be done by proxy.This proposal is put to the Members at the AGM on Friday 8th June. If agreed at the AGM, John Trewby would apply to the Charities Commission to convert to a Foundation CIO. (a quorum consisting of 15 Members (would be required to pass the motion.)

It is unlikely that the transition would be achieved before July/August, which would mean that one more annual filing of accounts with Companies House will be needed for the 17/18 financial year. However the good news is that Ron Dark has agreed to act as auditor/inspector, following the sad demise of our previous auditor, David Lang, Both our Confirmation Statement with Company’s House and Charity Commission filing is up to date and will need no new report.

The Objects of the Trust are:

• Conservation of environment in Sheet.

• Provision and enhancement of public amenities in Sheet.

• Education of public about environment and conservation.

• Acquisition of equipment or land in pursuit of the above.


To change the legal entity of the SVCT from a Charitable Company, limited by guarantee, to a Foundation Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

Proposed: Andrew Platt

Seconded : Scott Gibbon

Carried with nem con.


Vaughan Clarke reported that he had produced the 50th edition this year.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Owen Jonathan.

It is delivered by hand through every door and deliverers are needed for Clare Gardens, Crundles, Love Lane, Pulens Lane and Moggs Mead.


The website , has become a very effective tool in promoting and advertising the many activities and it dovetails well with the Parish Council website.

It is the ideal compliment to the much-loved Sheet News, as it is continuously updated. Also, advance notification of information and updates going onto the website is sent out. This is a legacy of the Parish Plan and Neighbourhood Plan working groups and the need to keep those who have registered their Trust membership informed about Sheet matters, The SA complies with the latest Data Protection requirements regarding the security of email addresses, which it holds and no information is passed to any other organisation. This is a major contribution to community activity in the parish and these updates now cover an increasing range of topics.

It is greatly enhanced by the email bulletin, which Lesley Hall sends to our list of people who have given us their email address to receive advanced notice of news and new postings on the web site. You will be able to join this circle at this meeting if you are interested. We comply with the latest Data Protection requirements regarding the security of email addresses, which we hold and use: no information is passed to any other organisation.


In the absence of Jayne Flatt, the following report was delivered by the chairman.

The programme for the 2017-18 season includes 10 films, screened monthly from September 2017 to June 2018. An extra film will be shown in June 2018, chosen by an audience vote.

The audience averages around 47, with some films attracting well over 50 people, including as many as 20 who pay on the door. We have had people coming from as far afield as Farnham.

There are two membership options. Patrons pay £40 and have free entry to all films plus two free guest tickets to be used at some time during the season. Members pay £15 to join and then £4 at each film screening they come to. Non members pay £6 on the door.

The format for film evenings remains the same. The film is preceded by a general welcome and notices, followed by a brief introduction to the film. There is a bar with reduced price drinks and food can be ordered on the door for delivery from the Queen’s Head at the interval. Choice is from a set menu and is always popular. There is also a DVD library containing a wide range of films which can be borrowed at film nights.

This year we have also run a Film quiz which raised £414 for the Rosemary Foundation. A cheque was presented to the chairman of the Foundation, Christopher Wilton, at the April film night.

The fourth Sheet film festival was held in the Village hall and Queens Head pub on 25 and 26 May. This included the usual film making challenge and a photographic competition on the theme of ‘Advertise yourself’.

This year Sheet film club has purchased an ‘igloo’ tent for use at film club related events in the village.

We will soon be making our film selections for the next season, which begins in September 2018.

We thank all those who support the club, which is playing such a significant part in bringing together local people. Film nights are always happy, friendly events and everyone is made welcome.


Scott Gibbons outlined the 9 point proposals by the parish council to improve the road safety in and around the school area, which are to be funded by the £55k, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), produced by the new housing development off the Farnham Road. The main priority costing £30k, is for push-chair access to School Lane from the Farnham road, the remainder are to lower curbs.

There was much discussion and comment on the speed and volume of traffic in Pullens Lane, as it is used as a bypass to Petersfield, for access to the A3; in Inmans Lane, with increased construction and residential traffic, the popularity of the Queen’s Head and the Nursery School. The London Road, through the middle of the village residential area with a speed limit of 40mph, has become a race track, with no control at the junctions with Pulens Lane, Village Street, where accidents are already commonplace. The 50mph limit at Sheet Bridge is dangerous to the residents in houses at Sheet Common and the access of users to the common, including the cycle track, The Parish Council is asked to address the reduction of speed limits and fitting of flashing speed warning signs, which are now installed in many other local villages. It is not an acceptable policy to wait for a fatality, before action is taken, which could be prevented by simple remedies; this amounts to a dereliction of duty of care.


The Street Party planning is progressing well. Lesley Hall and Jayne Flatt have held a number of coordinating meetings, with detailed notes and they have worked hard to pull in support from the village. There will be 16 stalls, some in the street and some in Sheet House garden, music recitals, games, art exhibition, duck race, prayer wall, pub bar, raffle, Victorian hat competition, tea and cakes, Pimms and strawberries, barbecue, barn dance. There is still much to be done.

Fair weather is required on 1 July, to make the day a success.


Chairman: Andrew Platt (Trustee)

Treasurer: John Trewby (Trustee), Owen Jonathan (Trustee)

Secretary: Vacant

Editor Sheet News: Cllr Vaughan Clarke (Trustee)

Web Site: Lesley Hall ,

Film Club: Jayne Flatt

Press Liaison: Lucy Pringle

Road Safety: Scott Gibbons (Trustee )

Community Trust SVCT Sue MacBean

Ex Officio :

Church Rev Richard Saunders

Parish Council A Councillor

Sheet School (FOSS) Representative


Election of Trustees

There are currently 5 Trustees; Andrew Platt, John Trewby, Vaughn Clarke, Scott Gibbons and Owen Jonathon. Every year 2 of the longest serving Trustees have to retire from office. They can offer themselves for re-election, in competition with any newly proposed members of the Trust. This year Owen Jonathan and John Trewby are standing down and offer themselves for re-election.

The meeting confirmed their re-election.

Proposed: Chairman

Seconded: Yvette Gibbons


(Company registration no: 08006191. Charity registration no: 1147676)

Balance Sheet at 31 March 2018

2018 2017

£ £

Fixed Assets 0 0

Current Assets

Cash at bank 2337 2780

2337 2780

Creditors/(Debtors) (13)

Net current assets 2337 2767

Net assets 2337 2767

The Company’s Funds

Total amount of funds 2337 2767


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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