The attached by-laws document is not meant to replace Publication 286: Program Policies and Rules. Publication 286 is the governing document and if anything conflicts, Publication 286 governs.

Table of Contents

Article I. Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Section 1. Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Section 2. Geographic Coverage . . . . . . . . 3

Section 3. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Section 4. Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Article II – Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Section 1. Governing Body . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Section 2. Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Section 3. Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Section 4. Duties of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Article III – Nominations and Elections . . . . . . . . . . 7

Article IV – Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Article V – Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Article VI – Finances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Article VII – Adoptions of By-Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Article I. Organization

Section 1. Name

This organization shall be known as the Greater St. Louis Postal Customer Council, (hereafter known as PCC) duly established under the auspices of the United States Postal Service.

Section 2. Geographic Coverage

The PCC shall extend and include that geographic segment of the Postal Service known as the Greater St. Louis Metropolitan area.

Section 3. Purpose

To work in partnership with the United States Postal Service for the best mail service possible; providing cooperation between postal customers and the local postal representatives, by sharing information, education, promoting, suggesting and developing ideas into various programs to accomplish better and consistent postal service for all mailers.

Section 4. Membership

A. Any business mailer including commercial mailers, non-profit organizations, service bureaus, and other types of business enterprises that use the mail in the Greater St. Louis Metropolitan Area may belong to the PCC.

B. There will be no fees, dues or assessments for membership

C. Sponsorships – Companies have the opportunity to participate in the Corporate Sponsorship program whereby a company would pay a fee for specified benefits, including some or all of the following: name recognition at annual events, golf tournaments and the Greater St Louis PCC website.

Article II – Administration

Section 1. Governing Body

The authority for the government and administration of the PCC is vested in the Executive Board. The Executive Board position is held by a company and not an individual.

Section 2. Executive Board

A. The Executive Board shall perpetuate itself by judiciously selecting its own members, not to exceed twenty five in number, comprised of any combination of industry, vendor and postal members as deemed appropriate by the existing board members. Tenure of permanent membership of the Executive Board shall be for an indefinite period and meet the standards of by-laws, or at the discretion of the Board.

B. Five of these positions may be filled at the discretion of the Board with rotating memberships for two-year terms. Before nomination as a permanent Executive Board member, a company must serve a minimum of one-year as a rotating member.

C. In the absence of the primary designee representing a given business or organization, an alternate designee shall be fully recognized by the Board as a member, including the right to vote. Such regular members shall, however, under any conditions, be restricted to one vote.

D. Membership on the Executive Board will terminate in the event the primary designee and/or the alternate designee fail to attend three of any combination of board meetings or educational events. The Industry Co-Chair will call the member prior to the termination to see if there were unusual circumstances and determine if membership will terminate. Attendance will be tracked by the Vice-Chair and reported to the Industry Co-Chair. A written request to be reinstated as a member may be submitted to the Board for consideration. Approval for reinstatement shall require a quorum of the regular members present. Any Executive Board member may be removed from office, with or without cause, by the entity or person who have the power to appoint such Executive Board members or by the Postal Co-Chair. The Postal Co-Chair may not be removed except by the authority of the Postal Service.

E. Active participation is a requirement of all Executive Board members. In addition to attending functions, all Board members are required to serve on a committee assignment each year and actively promote the benefits of the PCC. The Postal Co-Chair has the right to remove any Committee Chair or committee member who does not actively participate on a committee

F. The Customer Relations Coordinator (CRC) will be a member of the executive board, and up to 3 additional members from USPS. These positions will be at the recommendation of Postal co-chair and approval of executive board. These positions will not be considered in the rotating membership. USPS members are not eligible to serve as officer, with exception of Postal co-chair.

Section 3. Officers

A. All officers shall be permanent members.

B. The Postmaster of St. Louis, Missouri and will be a permanent member of the PCC and serve as the Postal Co-Chair

C. Industry Co-Chair and Secretary will be elected by the Executive Board at the regular business meeting in November of odd numbered years for a two-year term. Terms will run from January 1 of the first year through December 31 of the second year.

D. The Vice-Chair and Treasurer will be elected by the Executive Board at the regular business meeting in November of even numbered years for a two-year term. Terms will run from January 1 of the first year through December 31 of the second year.

E. Any vacancies occurring between the next regular elections will be selected and voted upon for the duration of the term.

F. Any officer of the PCC may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by the entity or persons who have the power to appoint such officer. The Postal Co-Chair may not be removed except by authority of the Postal Service.

Section 4. Duties of Officers

A. Postal Co-Chair

• The postmaster and/or representative will attend all meetings and represent the United States Postal Service.

• Authority to co-sign with treasurer any vouchers and/or checks as approved by the Executive Board.

• Signs all contracts

• Supports the annual objectives and mission of the PCC

Industry Co-Chair

• Preside at all PCC meetings.

• Sign orders for necessary expenses.

• Provide the secretary information for the meeting agenda and/or create the meeting agenda

• Appoints committee chairperson to all committees

• Leads the Greater St Louis PCC in meeting their annual objectives

• Supports the mission of the PCC


• Preside in the absence of the Co-Chair.

• Assist in the planning of Executive Board meetings.

• Promote the PCC and attendance at all meetings.

• Take and record attendance at each meeting

• Prepare notices of the monthly meetings for mailing to all Executive Board members.

• Coordinates luncheon-meeting arrangements.

• Supports the mission of the PCC

B. Treasurer

• Keep accurate records and prepare a report for each Board member.

• Pay all bills approved by the Executive Board.

• Maintain a checking and/or savings account for use of or by the PCC.

• Secure audit of books annually and before end of term.

• Supports the mission of the PCC


• Take and maintain the minutes of the Executive Board meetings and general meetings.

• Track Executive Board member attendance to meet the guidelines of board membership.

• Maintain phone and e-mail list of all voting members.

• Support the mission of the PCC.

Immediate Past Co-Chair

• Assist Officers in the duties.

• Support the mission of the PCC.

Article III – Nominations and Elections

Nominations and elections of officers shall be held at an official Executive Board meeting whenever necessary to fill vacancies. A majority vote of those present at an official meeting is necessary for election to office. Regularly scheduled elections for Industry Co-Chair and Secretary will be held on odd numbered years and the Vice-Chair and Treasurer on even numbered years. Nominations must be place at the October Executive Board meeting with an election at the November Board meeting.

Article IV – Committees

The Industry Co-Chair may appoint committees as needed to conduct the business of the PCC. These may consist of but not be limited to,










Article V – Meetings

A. The Executive Board shall meet regularly at time and places designated by the Board.

B. A general meeting of the PCC will be held a minimum of twice a year.

C. A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum, which is required to conduct the business of the PCC.

D. The Postal Co-Chair shall cast the deciding vote on any contested matters on which a vote is taken, shall have the deciding vote in the event of any tied or insufficient vote.

E. Action may be taken by the Executive Board without a meeting if all members thereof consent thereto in writing, and the writing or writings are filed with the minutes of proceedings of the Executive Board.

F. The Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the organization, which are not covered by the By-Laws of this organization.

Article VI – Finances

A. This Council is a non-profit organization However, sponsorships, donations and contributions from members may be solicited under a non-obligatory policy, to defray operating expenses and assist in underwriting promotions.

B. In the event that the PCC is dissolved, the Executive Board will have the responsibility of disbursing the assets.

Article VII – Adoptions of By-Laws

A. These By-Laws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Executive Board, by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided the amendment was submitted in writing at least 72-hours in advance.

B. The effective date of the By-Laws shall be November 18, 1983; amended September 11, 1991, November 8, 1995, July 10, 2002 and January 14, 2004. January 14, 2009. April 11, 2018


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