Chapter 3 Notes: States of Matter

Chapter 3 Notes: States of Matter

Chapter 3 Notes: States of Matter

Describing states of ________:

• Based on if their ______ and _______ are ________ or _______

o Tells you how ________ within a material are __________

• _________

o Have definite _______ and ______ (will not ______ with _________)

o Usually has some type of orderly arrangement of _______ (can only ______ into one another)

▪ At _______ level (packed _______)

• __________

o Always has same _______ as its _________

▪ Can be _______ from one container into another

o Has definite ________

o Does not have definite _______

o ________ are close _________ but can _____ about one another

o Ex: _____________________

• _________

o No definite ________________

o Takes the _______ and _______ of its _______ (ex: ________)

o Particles have no regular ________

▪ _______ and ______ against one another

• P_________

o No definite shape or volume

o _________ move extremely _______

o _____ of all matter in the ________ (not common on _______)

o Found at extremely _______ temperatures (ex: _____________)

• B________________________ (BEC)

o Exists at extremely _____ temperatures (_____°C)

o Groups of _______ behave as a _________________

K_______ Theory (mid-1800’s)

• Kinetic ( Greek for “________”

• _______________

o Energy an object has due to its _______

o ________ with the ______/how ______ an object moves

• All particles of _______ are in constant _______

• Developed to explain the behavior of _________________________

H_______: transfer of ________ energy from 1 object to another b/c of ____________ difference

• Flows normally from _____ to _____ objects


• Measure of how ____ or _____ an object is compared to a _________ point

o ________ scale ( _______ and ________ points of water

o ________ scale ( absolute _______ (0 Kelvins)

• Related to average _________ energy of particles in an object

o Move ________ as object _______ up

o ______-energy particles ( ____ energy with increased collisions

o ______-energy particles ( ____ energy with increased collisions

Thermal Energy

• Total PE and KE of all ________ in an object

• Depends on _______, _________, and ________ of an object

Heat and Thermodynamics

• C__________: transfer of ________ energy with no transfer of ______

o Occurs within _________ or between ___________ materials

o Slower in ________

• __________ collide less often

o Faster in ___________

o Thermal __________: material that conducts thermal energy ___

o Thermal _________: material that conducts thermal energy ____

• C____________: transfer of thermal energy when ________ of a _____ move from one ________ to another

o _______________: fluid circulates in a _____ as it alternately _____ up and ______ down

• Important in ______ currents, _______ systems, and hot rock in _______ interior

• R_________: transfer of energy by _______ moving through ______

o All objects radiate ______: increases with increasing __________


• ___________ physical change

• Substance changes from one ______ of matter to another

• Measure _____________ as it is heated or cooled

• Temperature of substance does not change during a ______________

• _______ is transferred between __________ and its _____________

o __________________________

o E____________: (like your skeleton = inside)

▪ _________ energy from ____________

▪ Ex: ________ (fusion)

o E____________: (like the exit door = to outside)

▪ _________ energy to surroundings

▪ Ex: __________

• 6 common changes:

o M___________

▪ Water molecules become ______________

▪ Molecules _________ more quickly from ______ position

▪ _______ point is _______

▪ Complete when all molecules have enough ______ to move

o F___________

▪ Molecules becomes more _________ to one another

▪ ________ molecules become more __________

▪ _______ flows from ______ to the _____ to cool down

• ________ energy _________ and molecules move more _______

o V____________

▪ Substance changes from a ___________________

▪ ___________ process (must _______ energy)

▪ ____________________: 2261 joules of energy/1 gram of water when it ___________

• Differs in different __________

▪ 2 processes:

• E___________

o Takes place at the _______________________

o Occurs at temperatures _____________________

o The greater the _____________ of the container, the _______ the water evaporates

o ________________: pressure caused by _______ of vapor and container

▪ ________ as __________ increases

o Water vapor is less ______ than liquid water

• B___________

o When _______ pressure = _________ pressure (boiling point) ( ______

o ________ of water vapor form

▪ Quickly rise to surface and _______

• Release _____________ into air

o Molecules move _______________ as water ____

o __________ pressure is lower at higher ________

o ________ point depends on __________ pressure

o C_____________

▪ Changes from _____________________

▪ ___________ (heat given off)

▪ Ex: __________________________________

o S_____________

▪ Changes from _____________________

▪ Does not change to _______ before becoming a _____

▪ _________ (absorbs energy)

▪ Ex: __________________

o D_____________

▪ _____________ changes directly into _______ (never changes into ________)

▪ __________(heat given off)

▪ Ex: ______






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