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Physical Activity GuidelinesIn 2008, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans was put out. These guidelines are designed to help direct people on how much physical activity and what types of physical activity you should get per week. Familiarize yourselves with these guidelines when participating in physical activity so you can see how much you should be doing and what benefits you will receive from it. Guidelines General Health benefits150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity every week and 2 or more days of muscle strengthening that works all major muscle groupsExercise for a minimum of 10 minutes, and spread out during the week. Example: 30 minutes for 1 day. Split it into 3 10 minute walks or 2 15 minute walksGreater Health Benefits and Weight Loss300 minutes of moderate intensity or 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity every week and and 2 or more days of muscle strengthening that works all major muscle groupsWhat is Aerobic activity?The more common term is “cardio” and it means your breathing gets harder and your heart beat increases above resting. Moderate and vigorous are intensities, and refers to how hard your body is working during the activity. They say if you can talk but not sing then you’re doing moderate intensity activity. Examples would be a brisk walk, riding a bike on level ground, doubles tennis, etc. Does anyone have anything else they think would be moderate intensity? Vigorous activity is when you’re breathing hard and your heart rate has increased greatly. You can’t sing or really talk except for a few words between breaths. Examples would be running, swimming laps, singles tennis, or riding a bicycle on hills. They say 1 minute of vigorous activity is the same as 2 minutes of moderate activity. What is muscle strengthening?Activities that work all the major muscle groups of your body: legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders, and arms. A set is composed of 8-12 repetitions and you should work up to doing 2-3 sets for benefits. You can do these activities on the same day or different days than you aerobic activity. But the minutes spent doing muscle strengthening don’t count towards the overall total of 150 minutes. Examples include lifting weights, resistance bands, body weight exercises, and yoga. If you don’t want weights, you can fill a plastic milk jug with sand or water and tape the opening closed or use common grocery items like soup cans, bottled water, or bags of rice. FlexibilityYou should stretch every day, especially as you age, to maintain flexibility. Exercise Plan Necessary Equipment: Mats and exercise bands Start with one large group for moderate, then split into two groups for vigorous and muscle strengthening. After each group of exercises, walk for 3 laps Moderate Exercise (Each exercise for a minute)Marching 30 seconds, then march forward and backLeg pull up (Kneeing someone)Side stepping (30) then 2 side steps (30)Leg out to the side while crunch to the side8953506159500High knees while swinging arms in a figure 8Row+ lateral steps (slight ice skaters with row)40005001143000077152511430000Step out and touch toe (feet together, lunge to side, touch toe, bring feet back together)6238875-4762500523875-95250003390900-476250068643518288000Kick leg up and try to touch toeMarch in place 30 seconds, then march 4 steps forward, and for steps backVigorous Exercise (Each exercise for a minute)JoggingJumping Jacks (clap out in front)Jumping RopeArms up, twist at hipsHigh knees- pause (1,2,pause on 3rd)BREAKJoggingJumping JacksJumping RopeArms up, twist at hipsHigh knees- pause (1,2,pause on 3rd)Muscle Strengthening Exercise (Each exercise for a minute)RowsBicep CurlTriceps ExtensionTrunk twistsDiagonal ChopsBREAKSquats with last 15 seconds being pulsesLungesArm CirclesCriss cross crunchesWall sitVideos used to compose this workout BICEP CURL Triceps Extension Trunk TwistsDiagonal Chops ................

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