[Pages:4]Lovereading4kids Reader reviews of When Did You See Her Last by Lemony Snicket

Part of the: All The Wrong Questions series

Below are the complete reviews, written by Lovereading4kids members.

Richie Upchurch, age 7

This is a complicated mystery with lots of extra mysteries in it. It's a really good book and I really want to read the next book to find out what happened to Ellington Feint's missing father.

Snicket lives in Stain'd-By-The-Sea with S. Theodora Markson and they are supposed to be finding a missing girl and a missing statue. Cleo Knight is an amazing chemist who is trying to save the town by making invisible ink (one that works) but she has gone missing. The Bombinating Beast is a missing statue of a mythical creature, stolen by the mysterious girl Ellington Feint who is trying to find her missing dad. When Snicket finds Ellington Feint, she is pretending to be Cleo Knight to save Cleo from the villain Hangfire, evil Doctor Flammarion and scary Nurse Dander. Luckily Snicket is helped by his friends, Pip and Squeak the taxi drivers and Moxie the journalist. This is a complicated mystery with lots of extra mysteries in it. My favourite character is S. Theodora Markson because she had a party all by herself for solving the mystery before it had been solved, and she has wild hair. This book is a little bit complicated but it's a really good book.

Alice East, age 9

This is book two of the `All The Wrong Questions' series.

It is about a boy called Lemony who solves mysteries in a small town called Stain-by-the-Sea.

The local newspaper drained the sea so that they could use the octupus ink to make papers with so now the town is not by the sea anymore.

Lemony has to find a kidnapped girl called Cleo Knight who is the child of the newspaper owner who has gone missing. She is an expert chemist and is working on a new invisible ink.

This book is like the other Lemony Snicket books so if you have read any of the other books you will know what to expect.

You have to keep guessing to the end before you find out who has kidnapped her.

I would like to read the rest of this series.

Mia Thurston-Mathews, age 10

It is about a young Lemony Snicket, an apprentice detective who likes his own ideas and doesn't take advice easily. It was a very humorous book and once I started I couldn't stop.

This is a great book and I really need to read more in the series. It is about a young Lemony Snicket, an apprentice detective who likes his own ideas and doesn't really listen to other people's advice. In this book he is searching for a missing girl, Cleo Knight. Miss S Theodra is Lemony Snicket's teacher who is quite annoying to him!

It is very comical and humorous, and once I started reading it I couldn't keep my nose out of the book. The characters are very different from each other and have strange names. The detective is good at hiding what he is about to do and the bad guy, Hangfire is great at disguises. However, Lemony always knows who he is.

My favourite part is when Lemony Snicket confronts the villain because they both have such great characters.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes detective and action stories.

Emily Golding, age 7 FAB! Great story! I loved it. This book was a mystery that kept me guessing till the end. It had some tricky words in it so I think it is better for Yr4 children.

Tomasz Hawryszczuk, age 9 A really wacky mystery novel which I would recommend to anyone over the age of nine, including adults (as I read it with my Mum). If you can imagine Dr Seuss books for older readers, this is it. The characters in this book are all very odd. In this book, 13 year old Lemony is an apprentice detective hot on the case of trying to find a missing girl Cleo. If you like the `Series of Unfortunate Events' books then I am sure you'll love this too although this title is the second book in the series (I haven't read the first yet). I did lose my way slightly around the middle of the book but there is so much wit and humour in it that I can overlook that bit. Ink Inc made me laugh (what a funny name for a company). I would recommend this to readers over nine years old purely because of the wacky humour contained and such eccentric characters. All the wrong questions? But did Lemony get the right answers? Read it and find out!

Tom White, age 10 `When Did You See Her Last?' is a good fun mystery book that has a few tricky words to read. Overall it is a great fun book. I love `When Did You See Her Last?' so much because is is quite a scary book but a really good mystery which I liked to try and solve as I read the book. I like the characters especially sometimes when some of the characters change from you thinking they're good but they turn out to be a bad guy. This is the second book in the `All The Wrong Questions' series and it is a very fun read. I highly recommend it! Lemony Snicket is now one of my favorite authors.

Eloise Mae Clarkson, age 12 This book is about a boy who is living in a hotel suite with his chaperone, S. Theodora Markson (He had still not found out what the S stood for). He is also an apprentice for his chaperone, who is a detective. They have been hired to find Cleo Knight, a Chemist who has gone missing. They were hired by her parents.

I loved this book and I would rate it five out of five stars. The characters were amazing; the personalities were great and they were all unique. The plot was brilliant and you couldn't guess the ending. There were twists in the plot line that you would never anticipate. I could not put this book down. I would definitely recommend it and would love to read more.


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