All the Wrong Questions: Who Could That Be At This Hour? Script

All the Wrong Questions: Who Could That Be At This Hour? Script

For this Book Talk you will need:

? 2 actors (boy and girl) to play Officers Mitchum ? Badges, police hats, detective coats and other fun props ? 1 copy of Who Could That Be At This Hour?

Officer Harvey: (to audience) My wife and I-- Officer Mimi: (to Harvey) Harvey! We are on duty. Call me Officer Mitchum. Officer Harvey: (to Mimi) But I'm Officer Mitchum! Officer Mimi: (to audience) We're both Officer Mitchum from the good town of Stain'd-by-the-Sea.

And we're looking for Lemony Snicket. Have you seen him? Officer Harvey: (to audience) Are you sure? You can't miss him: he's a strange criminal! Officer Mimi: (to Harvey) You mean he's a stranger and a criminal. Officer Harvey: (to Mimi) I mean just what I said. All criminals are strange, Mimi! Officer Mimi: (to audience) But not all criminals are strangers. This Snicket is definitely a stranger. He

and that chaperone of his just arrived and they're causing all sorts of trouble! Officer Harvey: Like the improper use of a library-- Officer Mimi: And a peculiar interest in ink-- Officer Harvey: And stealing a stolen item! Officer Mimi: He is a delinquent and a vandal. And he is also very bad. So, have you seen him--?

* continued on next page...

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Officer Harvey: (suddenly holds up book) Or his book?

Officer Mimi: (to Harvey) He has a book?

Officer Harvey: All the Wrong Questions, Mimi.

Officer Mimi: What wrong questions?

Officer Harvey: Who Could That Be At This Hour?

Officer Mimi: Who could who be at what hour?! You're not making any sense, Harvey! (to audience) Just keep an eye out for Lemony Snicket, will you? He was last spotted at the Scholastic Book Fair!

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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