Town of Greenwood

Regular Meeting of the Selectboard

February 21, 2006

1. Open Meeting - Selectperson Loretta Mikols called the meeting to order at 5:00pm with Selectperson Wayne Hakala, Town Manager Kimberly Sparks, and Deputy Clerk Angela Lovejoy in attendance. Chair Fred Henderson was absent.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Warrants – It was motioned and seconded to accept warrant #7 ($71,478.25), and warrant #8 ($12,142.20). Motion passed 2-0.

4. Minutes – It was motioned and seconded to accept the minutes of February 7, 2006 as written. Motion passed 2-0.

5. Comments from the Public – No one present wished to make any comments.

6. Junkyard Hearing for Thomas Warden, Jr. – Selectperson Loretta Mikols called the junkyard hearing to order. Town Manager Sparks mentioned that Warden had put up a fence as requested by the Selectboard and she hadn’t heard any comments or complaints about his junkyard. Mikols asked about inspecting the junkyard. Hakala said he had driven by and everything looked fine. Sparks said that Chair Henderson lived nearby and had not complained about anything. Selectperson Hakala motioned and Selectperson Mikols seconded to accept Thomas Warden, Jr.’s application for renewal for his junkyard. Motion passed 2-0.

7. Town Office Technology – Town Manager Sparks that she had not received a final proposal from Larry Cushing of Techme yet. She mentioned that Gerald Nelson of Portland Computer Copy told her that it would be $995 to add a third user. Nelson was in attendance. He said he wasn’t sure why the price was so high. Mikols asked if the system administrator would be counted as a user. Nelson said he thought so, but he would find out for sure. It was decided to start with two users and upgrade to a third later if needed as long as the $995 was not just an installation price. Nelson said he would find out about the price. Selectperson Hakala motioned and Selectperson Mikols seconded to acquire through lease from Toshiba/GE Leasing Plan an all-in-one machine, personal computer, and server. Motion passed 2-0. Town Manager Sparks signed the 36-month lease contract.

8. Amended Town Manager Contract – Town Manager Sparks told the Selectboard she had made the approved changes to her contract that included changing the rate for mileage from $.34 per mile to $.375 per mile and changing the vacation time from one week to two weeks. She said she would have a final draft for the Selectboard to sign at the next meeting.

9. Health Insurance Proposal from Kyes – Town Manager Sparks mentioned Chris Perkins from Kyes Insurance had faxed her 19 pages of health insurance information. She said the rates were going up 10.8%. The 19 pages contained other options for health plans. Selectperson Mikols asked if any of the plans included Cobra/retirement insurance. Sparks said she wasn’t sure but could find out. Selectperson Hakala suggested setting up a meeting with Perkins to discuss the different options. Sparks mentioned that the Deputy Clerk and road crew agreed that they were happy with the coverage they were getting without the “bells and whistles”. They said they would rather have their spouse on the insurance than pay for extras for themselves. Sparks suggested that the Selectboard take the information home and look it over before the next meeting.

10. Greenwood Fire Department Letter to Selectboard – Town Manager Sparks passed out copies of a letter written and signed by each member of the Fire Department asking the Selectboard to re-appoint Raymond Seames as their Chief. Mikols said that the Members were obviously very supportive of having Seames as their Chief.

11. Executive Session – Selectperson Hakala motioned and Selectperson Mikols seconded to go into executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A.§405 (6) (A) to discuss a personnel matter at 5:40pm. Motion passed 2-0. Executive session ended at 7:10pm. Selectperson Hakala motioned and Selectperson Mikols seconded to re-appoint Raymond Seames as Town of Greenwood Fire Chief. Motion passed 2-0.

Respectfully Submitted,


Angela Lovejoy – Deputy Clerk


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