Town of Day, NY



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A SPECIAL MEETING of the Town Board of the Town of Day, County of Saratoga,

State of New York, was held in the Day Town Hall, 1650 North Shore Road, Hadley NY 12835 on October 23, 2014.

The meeting was called to order at 6:38PM by Supervisor Preston Allen with the following answering roll call: Councilman Curt Schreiner, Councilwoman April Schmick,

Councilman Jeff Gray, Interim Highway Superintendent Ronnie Ladd and Account Clerk Mary Ann Johnson.

Absent: Councilman Charlie Dreyer

Pledge of Allegiance

Denise Palyo, Capital Financial Group, did her yearly presentation of various health insurance plans available to the Town for the upcoming plan year. Twenty-five different plans were presented to the Town Board along with information on three Medicare Advantage options.

Each plan is presented in a format that lists details, deductibles, co-pays, costs, etc.

The plan currently used by the Town will no longer be offered by CDPHP.

Ms. Palyo explained that Health Care reform mandates that children be covered for vision and dental.

Last year the Town of Day deposited $1250.00 for individual and $2500.00 for family into the Health Savings Account of each employee covered by the Town’s insurance plan for use in paying co-pays etc.

Councilman Jeff Gray asked if small employers could merge their health insurance plans together to get better rates but Ms. Palyo explained that doing so is against the law. Councilman Jeff Gray suggested putting in an additional $250.00 per person this year into the Health Savings Accounts to cover the increased expense to the employees.

Account Clerk Mary Ann Johnson explained that there are 4 people at the Highway Garage that contribute 15% per month towards their insurance in reply to a question

from Councilwoman April Schmick.

Town Board decided on CDPHP EPO #301 for those retired and under 65, retired and over 65 will be using Senior Blue HMO Standard 699 and for those currently working CDPHP HDEPO #349 along with adding the additional $250.00 for each person to the Health Savings Accounts of those covered.



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Discussion on Health Insurance was concluded at 8:27PM and Supervisor Preston Allen opened the review 2015 Tentative Budget.

The Town Board reviewed the 2015 Tentative Budget line by line with Budget Officer

Mary Ann Johnson.

Budget Officer Mary Ann Johnson had questions on a number of items, all of which were resolved.

Budget Officer Mary Ann Johnson indicated that she would make the changes that were discussed.

Motion, made by Councilman Jeff Gray, seconded by Councilman Curt Schreiner, to

approve the audited abstracts as follows:

#1694 - #1695 Pre-Audit General Fund $ 8,124.81

#1715 - #1736 General Fund $25,881.76

#1742 - #1744 General Fund $ 143.93

#1689 - #1693 Pre-Audit Highway Fund $ 3,576.66

#1703 - #1714 Highway Fund $35,486.26

Ayes: Supervisor Preston Allen, Councilman Curt Schreiner, Councilwoman April Schmick, Councilman Jeff Gray

Carried 4 – 0

Motion, made by Councilwoman April Schmick, seconded by Councilman Curt Schreiner, to approve the placing of a Legal Ad for an RFQ for the Door Replacement Construction project.

Ayes: Supervisor Preston Allen, Councilman Curt Schreiner, Councilwoman April Schmick, Councilman Jeff Gray

Carried 4 – 0

Motion, made by Councilwoman April Schmick, seconded by Councilman Curt Schreiner, to adopt the following resolution:

#2014-32 Authorizing the Supervisor to sign the Saratoga County Sales

Tax Application for the Town to receive its portion in Cash

Ayes: Supervisor Preston Allen, Councilman Curt Schreiner, Councilwoman April Schmick, Councilman Jeff Gray

Carried Ayes – 4 Nayes – 0

Resolution #2014-32 Authorizing the Supervisor to sign the Saratoga County

Sales Tax Application for the Town to receive its portion in




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WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Day believes it to be in the best interest of the Town of Day to enter into an agreement with Saratoga County to accept the Town

of Day’s share of the County Sales Tax revenues in cash, therefore be it

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Day that Supervisor Preston Allen is authorized to sign the Saratoga County Sales Tax Application for cash disbursement to the Town of Day by Saratoga County.

Motion, made by Councilwoman April Schmick, seconded by Councilman Jeff Gray, to

adjourn this Special Meeting of the Day Town Board was made at 10:27PM.

Ayes: Supervisor Preston Allen, Councilman Curt Schreiner, Councilwoman April Schmick, Councilman Jeff Gray

Carried 4 – 0


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