Supervisor’s Minute Book, No. 18, Hamilton County, Iowa 720



The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. in the Boardroom of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Webster City, Iowa.

CALL TO ORDER: Called to order by Chair Wes Sweedler.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Board led the Pledge of Allegiance.

MEMBERS PRESENT: David Young, Doug Bailey, and Wesley Sweedler.

OTHERS PRESENT: Dan Waid, Shelby Kroona, Pat Powers, Jim Krajewski, and Kim Schaa.

AGENDA: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2014 regular meeting. Motion carried.

CLAIMS: General Basic Fund $87,967.22; General Basic (Public Health) Fund $35,627.32; General Basic (Conservation) Fund $20,398.41; General Supplemental Fund $16,834.78; General Supplemental Public Health Sub Fund $1,868.78; General Supplemental Conservation Sub Fund $1,083.87; MH-DD Services Fund $15,656.84; Rural Basic Fund $14,906.97; Secondary Roads Fund $99,233.55; REAP Fund $2,267.50; Capital Projects Fund $40,942.33; Friends of Conservation Expense Trust Fund $ 275.00; Total $337,062.57. Drainage Fund $7,476.21. Void warrants in Fund 10000 in the amount of $451.27 and in Fund 01002 in the amount of $45.00. Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve payment of claims. Motion carried.

APPLICATIONS: LIQUOR LICENSE: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve a class B Liquor License for the Skoal Cellar Lounge near Williams. Motion carried.

PERSONAL ACTION: The Board acknowledged the following personal actions of the Board of Health:

Change of Status for Theresa Greenfield. Greenfield’s new classification is Financial Services Coordinator effective 3/20/14 at a rate of $18.50 per hour.

Hiring of Ashley N Ahrens as a regular part-time Direct Care Worker effective 3/17/14 at a rate of $10.50 per hour.

Hiring of Jo Hannah Isleib as a regular full-time Public Health Nurse effective 3/17/14 at a rate of $18.00 per hour.


FIVE YEAR PLAN: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve Hamilton County’s D.O.T. budget and five year construction program as presented by Dan Waid, County Engineer. Motion carried.


*2014-9 RESOLUTION 2014-9 VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve Resolution 2014-9 vacating a portion of Estes Avenue located in the North ½ of Section 4, Township 88N, Range 26W and the South ½ of Section 35, Township 89N, Range 26W. Roll call vote: Bailey, Young and Sweedler voting aye. Motion carried.


*2014-10 RESOLUTION 2014-10 MAIN STREET PROGRAM: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve Resolution 2014-10 of support and financial commitment for the Main Street Program in Hamilton County. Roll call vote: Young, Bailey, and Sweedler voting aye. Motion carried.


CONTRACTS: MAIN STREET IOWA PROGRAM AGREEMENT: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the Main Street Iowa Program Agreement. Motion carried.

AVESIS: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve a two year renewal with Avesis Vision for group vision insurance. Motion carried.

DELTA DENTAL: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve a one year renewal with Delta Dental for group dental insurance. Motion carried.

WELLMARK BLUE CROSS BLUE SHEILD: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve the renewal for group health insurance with Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa. Motion carried.


TIME: FY ’14 BUDGET AMENDMENT HEARING: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to set April 22, 2014 at 9:15 a.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on an amendment to the FY’14 Hamilton County Budget. Motion carried.

ADJOURN: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to adjourn. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 9:35 A.M.

See “Claims Listing” for claims paid.

*For more information regarding Resolution 2014-9 and 2014-10 see Resolutions on file in the Auditor’s Office.

___________________________ _______________________________

Kim Schaa Wes Sweedler

Hamilton County Auditor Hamilton County Board of Supervisors


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