The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held ...

The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Betsey Hedrick, Matt Hull, Gerald Reichert and Kevin Pena. Department heads present included: Ty Ulrich, George Lane, Jack Rice and Kevin Dorwart. Dean Svenvold was absent.

Mayor Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Hull moved to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2015 regular council meeting; second by Coon and the motion passed.

Ordinance Committee 2-23-2015 - 4 PM

Members present: Hull, L Baker, D Baker, Hedrick

Others: Jerry Geiger, Jason Stewart (ranger review), Police chief Ulrich, Peter Leath Public works


1. Amend parking ordinance to include boats, campers and trailers.

No action- committee will need more time to reach a recommendation on this matter.

Public comment at the meeting by Jerry Geiger was that all trailers, campers, boats etc. should not be allowed to park on city streets no matter what season of the year it. People should be required to get a permit if they require short term parking of RV’s on City streets.

2. Request for open container variance from Eastern Montana Celtic Committee.

No action- committee tabled this request because more information is needed from the Celtic committee. The Celtic committee had no representation at the time of this meeting. Celtic committee will be asked to have a representative for the request at the next council meeting March 3rd.

3. Pet information packet

Action committee request council adopts this packet for the use of the citizens of Glendive.




Personnel Committee: February 23, 2015 – 4:35 p.m.

Council Members: Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Betsey Hedrick, Matt Hull

Department Reps & Personnel: Kevin Dorwart, Pete Leath

Other: Jason Stuart (Ranger Review), Jerry Geiger


1. Assistant Public Works Director Pete Leath informed the Committee that the two selected candidates for the vacant Utility Worker positions both successfully passed their required pre-employment background checks.

ACTION: Committee recommends hiring Kelly Anderson and Josh LeProwse as Utility Workers, effective March 4th, 2015.

2. Police Chief Ty Ulrich informed the Committee that the selected candidate for the Patrol Officer vacancy has been approved by the Police Commission and has successfully passed the required pre-employment psychological and physical evaluations.

ACTION: Committee recommends hiring Mark Olberding as Patrol Officer, effective March 4th, 2015.

3. The Committee was informed that the two selected candidates for part-time, paid (volunteer) fireman have successfully passed all their required pre-employment testing.

ACTION: Committee recommends hiring Kelly Miller and David Zellner as part-time, paid firemen, effective March 4th, 2015.

4. There was no public comment.

5. The Committee met in closed session to discuss two confidential personnel matters.


Meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Submitted by: Personnel Committee Chairman Matt Hull; Councilman Ward II

Flood Plain Committee Report. Dryden explained the Corps had 3 or 4 people looking into two different options. The first is to expand the river and the second is to build up the kike. These are both long term options. The best cost/benefit option would be to raise the dike. Cost is higher than the benefits would be so it does not reach the breakeven point. The 205 plan consists of half of the money paid by city and county. The 408 plan, we would pay it on our own and approved by the Corps. Crisafulli discussed people donating time and equipment etc. to help with the project. Coon added that the feasibility study considered both options and are over millions of dollars. This project wouldn’t be worth it without government funding. Mayor Jimison explained a breakdown of the study was requested with more information explaining how many people have FEMA insurance and they will get back to us with more information.

Update on WRRF Construction. Representatives from Great West Engineering, Craig Pozega and Amy Deitcher, gave an update to the council on the WWRF construction project. Pozega stated they are working on the pouring basins, floors and walls. 100 cubic yards is considered one pour of the 18”-36” thick walls and is a major component of the system. 338 have been drilled and installed so they will be starting footing for building soon. They will then start submittals and order supplies for those. Mayor Jimison added that because they didn’t do a winter shut down that the time allotted for they are 6 months ahead of schedule with a predicted completion goal of November. Amy stated that is a close estimate and they are on schedule at this time. Dryden asked about the training for employees to run the WRRF. Craig explained training will be provided and they will be bringing in people that specialize in the different areas with varying equipment once is it installed. Most equipment has been ordered and is just staying on site of the fabrication in warehouse until it is needed.

Water Plant Update. Coon explained to the council new equipment has been installed and tested. Mayor Jimison added that with all of the testing from various sources, he is confident Glendive has the cleanest water in the United States.


Mayor Jimison asked twice for public comment and there was none.


Accept resignation/retirement request from Dave Athas as part-paid volunteer fireman effective 02/15/15.Coon moved to accept resignation from Athas as part-paid volunteer fireman effective 02/15/15, second by Dryden and the motion passed. Lane added that Athas has been here over 20 years and a good member of the department.

Approve hiring Kelly Anderson and Josh LeProwse as Public Works Utility Workers effective 03/02/15. D. Baker moved to approve hiring Kelly Anderson and Josh LeProwse as Public Works utility workers effective 03/02/15, second by Hull and the motion carried. Rice thanked the council members for the retro approval. This puts the department at full staff.

Approve hiring Mark Olberding as Patrol Officer effective 03/04/15. Pena moved to approve hiring Mark Olberding as patrol officer effective 03/04/15, second by Hull and the motion carried. Ulrich stated this puts the department at full staff. Mark is fully certified and was previously in Ft. Benton. He will not need to leave for academy or training.

Request from Eastern Montana Celtic Committee for Open Container Variance 03/14/15. Reichert made a motion to approve request from Eastern Montana Celtic Committee for Open Container Variance 03/14/15 from 7pm-12am, second by Dryden and the motion carried. Pena voted against the variance with a 7-1 vote. Eva Crocket and Theresa Liberatore spoke on behalf of the Celtic Committee. They presented information to the council of how to improve the pub crawl from previous years such as contacting the bars, no glass, added garbage and cleanup, asking bars to have security at event, ride share options, etc. Councilman Hull thanked them for the clarification and requested that next year the request be presented to the council earlier so that any issues from this year can be discussed.

Adopt Pet Information Packet to hand out to inquiring citizens. L. Baker moved to approve adopting pet information packet to hand out to inquiring citizens, second by Hull and the motion carried.

Accounts Payable Claims $1,607,744.13. Pena moved to approve the accounts payable for $1,607,744.13; second by Hedrick and the motion passed.

Payroll for February $228,578.85. Coon moved to approve February payroll totals of $228,578.85, second by Dryden and the motion carried.

Councilman L. Baker rejoined the meeting.


Police- Ty Ulrich got a quote on a used vehicle for the Police Department. Carlson went to training and Gifford, who is currently at the academy, is doing well and will be back in April. Coon asked if they will have an extra person on staff for the pub crawl. Ulrich plans to have about three extra on staff for the event. Hull thanked Ulrich for the input and help with the pub crawl.

Public Works- Rice stated again that the department is now fully staffed. They have been working on water plant maintenance. A representative from London came to show them how to use the new equipment that was recently installed. Leath and Boeckel are attending a school in Great Falls. Mills is in Billings attending pesticide training. Rice also stated to the FUPR committee that they have received 4 engineering proposals so far.

Operations- Dorwart explained that hey has been working with WRRF admin issues. He has been monitoring legislative process and people are getting signatures for bills. The auditors will be here next week.

Fire- Lane has completed building inspections for Yellowstone Commons and WRRF. He will be attending annual recertification in Bozeman in March.


Dawson County Health Fair- March 26th 2015 (Blood Profiles)

Makoshika Youth Basketball Tournament- March 13-15


Street Committee-Wednesday March 11th, 4pm

F/U/P/R Committee-Wednesday March 11th, 4:15 pm

Other Business

Reichert made a motion to adjourn the meeting; second by Pena.

Dated this 3rd day of March, 2015.

Approved the 17th day of March, 2015.


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Jessica Ayre, Administrative Clerk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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