The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held ...

The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Avis Anderson, Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Betsey Hedrick, Clyde Mitchell and Gerald Reichert. Department representatives present included: Brad Mitchell, Kevin Dorwart, Dean Svenvold, and Pete Leath.

Mayor Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Anderson moved to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2018 regular Council meeting; second by L. Baker and the motion carried.

Committee Minutes

Street Committee

Wednesday April 11, 2018, 4:00pm

Present: Gerald Reichert, Kevin Dorwart, Jerry Jimison, Mike Dryden, Avis Anderson, Rhett Coon, Pete Leath, Brad Mitchell, Jack Rice, Clyde Mitchell, Pamala Harr and Bobbie Becker.

Agenda Items:

1) Pamala Harr requested that the City of Glendive approve and sign an Encroachment Easement with Montana Department of Transportation to place bronze sculptures on the Towne Street Bridge. Ms. Harr has previously presented her project to the City Council. After discussion, the Street Committee concluded that the request would be considered at our next committee meeting in May. Concerns and answers regarding safety, foot traffic, alternative locations and insurance coverage will be addressed.

2) Glendive Babe Ruth Association requested to close adjacent street during baseball games in the same manner as in previous years. The Street Committee agreed to the request so long as it is done in the same manner as last year and in consultation with Glendive Public Works.

3) The Street Committee granted a request by Dawson County to use millings for a joint City/County pavement project on O’Neil Street.

4) The Street Committee gave the Mayor and Director of Public Works authorization to sign a letter to proceed with Montana Department of Transportation, Street Preservation Project, within the City of Glendive.

5) Public comment was asked for and none was given.

Adjourned 4:50 pm Gerald Reichert

FUPR committee 4 11 2018 4:50-5:20

Mayor: Jerry Jimison

Council Members: Anderson, Coon, Dryden, Reichert

Dept. Reps.: Mitchell, Feist Police; Rice, Leath Public Works; Dorwart, Operations;

Media: none

Visitors: Ms. Becker, Ms. Harr, Mr. Mitchell

1. Gazebo Park Request: Bobbie Becker, representing the Glendive Advisory Council, requested the use of Gazebo Park on May 12th from 1 to 4 pm to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month.

ACTION: FUPR recommends the Council grant permission to the Glendive Advisory Council to use Gazebo Park May 12th 1-4 pm.

2. Community Cleanup Week: Mayor Jimison requested that the City donate $1000.00 to pay for garbage accepted at the City landfill during the week of April 21-28, Community Cleanup Week.

ACTION: FUPR recommends Council approval of the $1000.00 donation to Community Cleanup Week.

3. Police Vehicle Purchase: Chief Mitchell recommended the City purchase a Dodge Durango as the new GPD vehicle. Councilman Coon recommended the bid from HKT with the bid from TAB Electronics for installation of police equipment.

ACTION: FUPR recommends Council accept bid from HKT for 2018 Durango, $27,629.00, and a bid from TAB Electronics for police equipment and installation at a cost of $10,139.45.

4. Water Treatment Plant Engineering: The FUPR Committee, Mayor Jimison, and Directors Rice and Dorwart negotiated a contract with Great West to provide engineering services for an upgrade to the GWTP.

Action: FUPR recommends City approve contract with Great West for engineering the design of upgrades to the City Water Treatment Plant.

5. Tree City USA: Glendive received news that it has been designated as a Tree City USA for the 17th consecutive year. Pete Leath, Asst. PW Director, stated that the Arbor Day Celebration will occur on May 15th, prior to the Council Meeting, at Windham Square Park.


6. Public Comment: None received; adjourned 5:20

7. Executive Session: No action to report; adjourned 5:41

Respectfully submitted Councilman Dryden Ward III


Mayor Jimison asked twice there was no public comment.


Permission for Babe Ruth Association for street closure during games. D. Baker moved to approve permission for Sargent Avenue street closure during Babe Ruth baseball games, second by L. Baker and the motion carried.

Approve agreement with County to use millings to pave O’Neil Street this summer. Coon moved to approve the agreement with County to use millings to pave O’Neil Street this summer, second by Mitchell. Mayor Jimison passed out a copy of the agreement that was presented to the County Commissioners but a signed agreement had not been returned yet. After discussion by the council Reichert moved to table the motion, second by Hedrick and the motion was tabled until the next council meeting.

Approve contract with Montana Department of Transportation to proceed with Street Preservation Project. Anderson moved to approve the contract with Montana Department of Transportation to proceed with Street Preservation Project, second by Coon and the motion carried.

Approve use of Our Park (Gazebo Park) by Glendive Advisory Council on Saturday May 12, 2018. Hedrick moved to approve the use of Our Park (Gazebo Park) by Glendive Advisory Council on Saturday May 12, 2018, second by Dryden and the motion carried.

Approve $1,000 donation toward landfill fees for Community Cleanup week April 21- April 28. D. Baker moved to approve the $1,000 donation toward landfill fees for Community Cleanup week April 21-April 28, second by Mitchell and the motion carried. Mayor Jimison added that WBI will also be contributing $1,000. Dawson County has in the past as well but they are voting to approve this tonight also.

Approve purchase of police vehicle from HKT Motors for $27,629.00. Coon moved to approve the purchase of police vehicle from HKT Motors for $27,629.00, second by Dryden and the motion carried. Chief Mitchell explained the different bids and vehicle choices to the council.

Approve bid of $10,139.45 from TAB Electronics for police radio and equipment installation. Anderson moved to approve the bid of $10,139.45 from TAB Electronics for police radio and equipment installation in the new police vehicle, second by Coon and the motion carried.

Approve contract with Great West Engineering for design and construction of Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $1,407,400.00. Dryden moved to approve the contract with Great West Engineering for design and construction of Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $1,407,400.00, second by Coon and the motion carried. Dryden asked if this total included the demo of the old building and Dorwart said it was included. Dorwart briefly explained the changes in the amount to the council. Discussion followed about the engineering choices.

Reichert added that he is proud of the steps the Council is taking to make sure that it is being done correctly and Glendive should be proud of this new plant. Dryden agreed with Reichert that this is a big deal for Glendive. He also wanted to acknowledge that Glendive played a big role in getting a law passed in the legislature concerning the negotiations and engineering firms. Dryden reminded everyone this is the City’s chance to use those legislation changes to negotiate at the local level and it’s for the best interest of the rate payers of the City of Glendive.

Set Arbor Day Celebration and tree planting for Tuesday May 15, 2018. Dryden moved to set the Arbor Day Celebration and tree planting for Tuesday May 15, 2018, second by D. Baker and the motion carried.

Accounts Payable Claims: $123,591.82. Hedrick moved to approve the accounts payable for: $123,591.82; second by Anderson and the motion passed.


Police- Chief Brad Mitchell thanked the council for approving the police vehicle purchase. He added he will be ordering the Durango this week. They are working on budgets. Julie is in Havre this week at training. They are getting ready to install the new 911 system and begin the training that goes along with that new system. The department has received one application for the lieutenant position.

Operations- Kevin Dorwart is working on updating his budget spreadsheets and asked if anyone has any items they want to see in the budget please let him know. He needs to get with wage and labor with a couple issues on a couple new positions that haven’t been advertised yet. He was also recently on a conference call and dealing with personnel issues that have been resolved now. They will be starting with the union negotiations next week.

Public Works- Pete Leath said Public Works has been busy working on the sidewalk, curb and gutter project and hope to get that underway pretty soon. The crew has been doing a lot of pothole filling as much as they can. They have been making improvements to the WWTP addressing concerns with some mixers and the basins. They had a manufacture rep here last week. Today a rep was here for the belt filter press to look it over and do some training. Mayor Jimison asked if they had hired any summer employees. Leath said they have hired one so far and they expect to hire more in the next few weeks when school gets out. Mayor Jimison asked if the requirements are workers must be 18 years of age and have a driver’s license and Leath said yes.

Recreation-Dean Svenvold stated that Sunday coed volleyball will finish up the first part of May. Jacquie and Dean have been working on updating the pool employee manuals and state code manuals. Dryden asked about the pool bathhouse renovation update. Dean said he will be bringing something forward to the Council. Mayor Jimison added that weather permitting the pool is scheduled to open June 4. They had many returning lifeguards this summer so they are able to open the pool at an earlier date.


April 20-MLCT/MMIA/Local Gov. Training-Terry, MT 9am-4pm

May 8-10 Elected Officials Training-Billings

May 4- Kids Parade

May 5- DRC Town Hall Meeting-Recycling 2-4pm


Ordinance Committee-Wednesday, April 25-4:00pm

Personnel Committee- Wednesday, April 25-4:15pm

L. Baker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; second by Coon.

Dated this 17th day of April, 2018.

Approved the 1st day of May, 2018.


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Jessica Ayre, Administrative Clerk


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