Indianapolis, Indiana

Revised and re-issued by the





Allen County

The fieldwork was done by the Indiana Flood Control and Water Resources Commission. All level

lines were started from and closed on either First or Second Order bench marks established by the

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.


Elevations given in this list have been determined from standard elevations of U.S.C. & G.S.

bench marks, based on the Sea-level Datum of 1929.

This datum is now named the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929

N.G.V.D. 1929

June 30, 1998

The following elevations were determined during August, September, and October 1955, by leveling

between U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey benchmarks along the Maumee River, the St. Mary's River,

and the St. Joseph River. The Maumee River line runs eastward and northeastward from the

confluence of the St. Mary's River with the St. Joseph River to form the Maumee River inside the city

limits of Fort Wayne, to the Indiana-Ohio State Line near Antwerp, Paulding County, Ohio. The St.

Mary's River line runs generally southeastward from the confluence of the St. Mary's River with the

St. Joseph River, to the Allen-Adams County Line southeast of Poe, Allen County. The St. Joseph

River line runs from the confluence of the St. Joseph River with the St. Mary's River, to the AllenDekalb County Line northeast of Hursh, Allen County.

Second order levels were run by the three-wire method using invar steel, yard roads. All level

circuits closed within allowable limits for second order leveling.

All levels were adjusted to agree with the standard elevations of bench marks as published by the

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey whenever the adjustments required was with in second order limits

between consecutive USC & GS bench marks. All elevations are based on USC & GS standard

(adjusted) elevations for the following marks: C 15, D 15, E 15, X 22, Y 22, Z 22, G 199, J 199, T

200, V 200, P 201, Q 201, T 201, V 201, W 201, C 222 RESET, B 222, ISHC BM Allen F1, and ISHC

BM H 199 in Allen County; D 221, S 224, and ISHC BM E 221 in Adams County; A 199, B 199, D

199, E 199, P 199, Q 199, A 201, and ISHC BM in DeKalb County; and M 126 in Van Wert County,



IFC&WRC BM AL 2, 1955

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at Ft. Wayne; at the Spy Run

Avenue (Lafayette Street) Bridge over the St. Mary's River, set in the top of the southeast

wingwall, 24 feet east of the center line of the Avenue, 3.5 feet east of the east handrail of the

bridge, 0.8 foot southwest of the northeast edge of the southeast wingwall, 0.1 foot south of the

south end of the bridge; a Indiana Flood Control and Water Resources Commission bronze bench

mark tablet, stamped "AL 2 1955¡±.


759.590 feet N.G.V.D.1929

231.5235 meters N.G.V.D. 1929

IFC&WRC TBM SM 1, 1955

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., Near Section 1, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at Ft.

Wayne; at the Spy Run Avenue (Lafayette Street) Bridge over the St. Mary's River; set in the top

of the east corner of the northeast wingwall, 30 feet east of the center line of the Avenue, 6 feet

north of the north end of the bridge; a chiseled square.


759.062 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

231.3626 meters N.G.V.D. 1929

USC&GS BM E 15, 1930

In Allen County, Fort Wayne West Quad., in the NE ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; on the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, 100 yards east of the station, at the

brick building facing South Clinton Street (the building was owned in 1930 by G.E. Bursley &

Co.); set vertically in the west face of the building, in the face of the stone water table, 30 feet

north of the track, and 3 feet above the sidewalk; a U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey bronze tablet,

stamped "766.570 E 15 1930."

766.570 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

233.6510 meters N.G.V.D. 1929

IFC&WRC TBM SM 2, 1955

In Allen County, Fort Wayne West Quad., in the NE ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.;

.at Ft. Wayne; at the East Fourth Street Bridge over Spy Run Creek; set in the top at the

northeast corner of the lamp post base and handrail post, 20 feet south of the center line of the

street, 3.6 feet above the sidewalk, at the west spring line of the arch bridge; a chiseled triangle.

759.573 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

231.5183 meters N.G.V.D. 1929


IFC&WRC BM AL 3, 1955

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., in the NE ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; at the North Clinton Street Bridge over the St. Mary's River; set in the top of west

handrail, 21 feet west of the centerline of the street, 3.8 feet above the sidewalk, 0.7 foot north

of the south face of the north abutment, 0.6 foot east of the west face of the bridge; a Indiana

Flood Control and Water Resources Commission brass control station tablet, stamped "AL 3



763.054 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

232.5793 meters N.G.V.D. 1929

USC&GS BM X 22, 1934

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., in the NE ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; about 110 yards north of the north end of the New York Central Railroad station, set

in the top of a concrete post projecting 0.4 foot above the ground, 21 yards south of the crossing

of the centerline of North Harrison Street and the west rail, 14.8 feet west of the west rail of the

west track, 6.7 feet southwest of pole number 1/008; a U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey brass

bench mark tablet, stamped "X 22 1934."

758.493 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

231.1891 meters N.G.V.D. 1929

IFC&WRC TBM SM 4, 1955

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., in the NE ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; at the South Harrison Street Bridge over the St. Mary's River; set on top of the east

handrail at the northeast corner of the second light post base and handrail post from the south

end of the bridge, 25 feet east of the centerline of the street, 3.9 feet above the sidewalk; a

painted square marked with the painted letters "BM".


769.723 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

234.6120 meters N.G.V.D. 1929

IFC&WRC TBM SM 5, 1955

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., in the NE ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; at the Wells Street Bridge over the St. Mary's River; set in the top at the north end of

the east handrail base, 20 feet east of the center line of the street, 0.2 foot above the sidewalk,

0.5 foot north of and 0.2 foot west of the northwest corner of the north handrail post of the east

handrail; a chiseled cross.


761.503 feet N.G.V.D.1929

232.1066 meters N.G.V.D.1929


IFC&WRC BM AL 4, 1955

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., in the NE ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; at the Wells Street Bridge over the St. Mary's River; set in the top of the northwest

wingwall, 28 feet west of centerline of the street, 4.3 feet southeast of the northwest end of the

northwest wingwall, 2 feet below the road; a Indiana Flood Control and Water Resources

Commission bronze bench mark tablet, stamped "AL 4 1955."


758.326 feet N.G.V.D.1929

231.1382 meters N.G.V.D.1929

USC&GS BM Y 22, 1934

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., in the SW ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; at the Norfolk and Western railroad concrete bridge over North Sherman Street (U.S.

30/33); set in the top of the south end of the east bridge seat, 25.5 feet east of the center line of

the street, 12.5 feet south of the rail, about 6 feet lower than track, and about 8 feet higher than

the sidewalk; a U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey brass bench mark tablet, stamped "Y 22 1934¡±.

754.861 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

230.0821 meters N.G.V.D. 1929

DNR BM AL 5, 1955

In Allen County, Ft. Wayne West Quad., in the NW ? of Section 2, T. 30 N., R. 12 E., 2nd PM.; at

Ft. Wayne; at the Van Buren Street Bridge over the St. Mary's River, set in the top of the

southwest handrail at the southeast end of the first lamp post base from the northwest end of

the southwest handrail, 26 feet southwest of the center line of the street, 4.2 feet above the

sidewalk, 0.8 foot northwest of the southeast face of the northwest abutment; a Indiana Flood

Control and Water Resources Commission bronze bench mark tablet, stamped "AL 5 1955."


764.746 feet N.G.V.D. 1929

233.0950 meters N.G.V.D. 1929



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