What the Hellenistic Lyrics

What the Hellenistic Lyrics

Hello, Hellenes

Your history is rather mystic

So I'll sing this little song

About just what the Hellenistic heroes said

'Bout all the battles where you bled

Beautiful dead.

On the Aegean

Spread admid the archipelago

Peloponnese peninsula

You Greeks began there long ago, and lived

Our culture to create and give,

And grow olives.


Oh, it's all Greek to me.

Oh, it's all Greek to me.

Oh, it's all Greek to me.

Oh, it's all Greek to me.

Hello, Minoan men

Your Minotaur could not be beat

Located in the labyrinth

At Knossos there in ancient Crete, until

Theseus knew he had the will

That beast to kill.

Hello, Myceneans

Who conquered the Minoan men

But, later, you were conquered too

By Sea People or Dorians, whose rage

Crushed you and started the Dark Age,

So turn the page. (Chorus)

Hello, Homer,

Who wrote heroic, epic poetry

About the Golden Age of Greece

Though you were blind, you still could be the source

About a face that launched a naval force

And a Trojan horse

Hello, Athena,

You are wise and you are mighty

Your bro, Ares, is the god of war

Your sister, Aphrodite, is a dove

Goddess of beauty and of love

Rules from above. (Chorus)

Bridge I:

Most of our astrology

Is based on your mythology

Stories that we study still today

There's Pandora's curiosity

Medusa's great monstrosity

And Icarus who flew to far astray.

Dont forget Hermes the liar

Or Prometheus who stole fire

And the man who hugged Antaeus to his knees,

Brave Heracles.

Hello, Athenians

Inventors of democracy

With awesome architecture

You were masters of philosophy and math

You even had a public bath

But no paved path.

Hello there, Spartans,

Who fought battles without guns or tanks

Made hoplites out of soldier boys

And marched them in a great phalanx of men.

Only the strongest lived, so then

You'd always win. (Chorus)

Hello, Phidippides.

The herald boy who liked to run,

And made it clear to Athens

From the battlefield of Marathon to say

Athenians had won the day

So shout hooray!

Here come the Persians

Takin' over like Monopoly

300 Spartans stopped them

At the Battle of Thermopolyae. You stayed

And combed your hair under the shade.

'Till you were betrayed. (Chorus)

Bridge II:

Your alpha bet is pretty cool

With Pi and Phi and Delta too

We use so many of your words today.

Poly and monotheistic

Paleo and neolithic

And don't forget mesopotamia.

Without you we couldn't make a poem

Or telephone our mom at home

Or study any of the ology's

Or history!

There wasn't always

Happy peace among you Grecians

There were thirty years of conflict

All among Peloponnesians, who, by Zeus,

Paused only for Olympic truce

Athens would lose.

Hello there, Philip,

You were once the king of Macedon

You conquered Greece and Persia

Made an empire for your son so he could share

Hellenistic culture here and there

And everywhere. (Chorus)


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