Riverport Inn and Suites, Winona, Minnesota

Saturday, April 18, 2009

President Diane Rauschenfels (Kappa) called the meeting to order at 8:47am at the Riverport Inn and Suites in Winona, Minnesota.

DELTA KAPPA GAMMA SONG—Jewell Mendenhall (Mu)

(Song is inside front cover in convention packet.)

INSPIRATION – Jan Sorell (Eta)

Jan read an excerpt from “I made it by Myself”.

WELCOME – Dr Melanie Reap (Iota)

Melanie reported that 110 members are registered for the convention.

INTRODUCTIONS OF HEAD TABLE – Diane Rauschenfels (Kappa)


It was noted that the agenda should read “Minutes of Winter Board Meeting instead of the Spring Board Meeting. Mary Snorek (Alpha Eta) moved that the agenda be accepted. Phyllis Van Buren (Eta) seconded the motion.


INTERNATIONAL GUEST – Maria Vera “Mury” Palerm Ferri

”Mury” welcomed us to the convention as the Delta Kappa Gamma Latin American Representative from Mexico.

PARLIAMENTARIAN – Barbara Whiting (Beta Beta)

Barbara Whiting (Beta Beta) announced that we have a quorum present.


The secretary’s reports for October 4, 2008 and February 7, 2009 are found in the convention book on p3-16.

Two corrections were noted on p6 and p10. Delores Fletcher (Omicron) moved to approve the amended minutes. The motion was seconded by Ann Harndon (Alpha Kappa). MOTION PASSED.

TREASURER’S REPORT— Dianna Brusven (Alpha Eta)

Dianna is not present due to her husband’s illness. Treasurer’s report is in the convention book on p17-20. Alice Peterson (Lambda) has expense vouchers. If members need vouchers, they should get forms from Alice.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT—Diane Rauschenfels (Kappa)

Diane has enjoyed serving as president for Tau State for the past two years. She has enjoyed traveling around the state and visiting chapters. Diane shared the fact that her chapter (Kappa) is inducting a new member who has supported the education profession. Diane expressed regret that some chapters have had to dissolve in the past year. Members whose chapters have dissolved are welcome to be members of state chapter and become part of a virtual chapter. We are saddened by the loss of members in our chapters and Tau state. Diane will retire from Proctor School District in June and will be coordinating the educational administration program at UMD for the next 3 years. Diane thanked everyone for the privilege of being able to serve DKG for the past two years. Report is on p21-29 in the convention book.


Cory is in charge of Parade of Presidents and needs to have form filled out in advance. Presidents will line up at 5:30. Parade starts at 6pm. Every chapter should be represented by someone. Her report is on p30 in book.


Not present. Report is on p30-31 in convention book.


Ellen’s report is on p31 in convention book.

FINANCE – Edna Husman (Lambda)

Report is on p32 in book. Edna asked that the proposed budget for 2009 -2011 be approved. Motion passed.

MEMBERSHIP – Kathryn Patton (Beta Beta)

Report is on p33 in convention book.

HISTORICAL RECORDS – Myrna Strand (Alpha Nu)

Report is on p34 in convention book.

DIRECTORY – Laurie Huston (Beta)

Report is on p34 in convention book. Laurie urged all members to be very diligent in sending changes (name, address, phone, e-mail, membership status) to her.

DATABASE MANAGER – Rosalie Huston (Alpha Mu)

P35. Look at reminder.

NOMINATIONS – Betty Hendricksen (Upsilon)

Report is on p36 in convention book. Betty introduced members of the nominations committee: Jewell Mendenhall, Jean Saccoman, Linda Kipp, Kris Meyer, Lorraine Losinski, Arlyce Holland, and Betty Hendrickson.

The slate of candidates for 2009 - 2011 is as follows:

President: Cory Peters (Beta Alpha)

First Vice President: Phyllis Van Buren (Eta)

Second Vice President: Stephanine Martin (Iota)

Corresponding Secretary: Ellen Delaney (Sigma)

Assistant: Jan Sorell (Eta)

Recording Secretary: Melanie Reap (Iota)

Delores Fletcher (Omicron) moved to vote for a full slate of officers. Jan Sorell (Eta) seconded the motion. Motion passed. Lucy Garrity (Sigma) moved that we do an oral vote. Mary Snorek (Alpha Eta) seconded the motion. Motion passed.

President Diane Rauschenfels (Kappa) asked for nominations from the floor for each of the offices. There were no nominations from the floor. Vote on the slate of officers. There was unanimous approval.

EXPANSION – Mary Snorek (Alpha Eta/State)

Report is on p 36 in book.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT – Dr Jeanette Karjala (Iota)

Oral report was given.

BY-LAW - Ruth Kinnunen (Alpha Eta)

Not present. Report is on page 37 in convention book.

MUSIC – Jewell Mendenhall (Mu)

Report is on p37-38 in convention book. Jewell invited members to join the Happy Warblers and sing at the convention. Practice is at 3:30 pm today.

She led us in singing “Give my Regards to Broadway”, “Alexander’s Ragtime Band”, and “I Believe”. Lyrics for songs are in the front of the convention book.

YEARBOOK – Delphine Jacobsen (Mu)

Report is on p38 of convention book.


Report is on page 39 in convention book. Recipients of the Woman of Achievement Award will be recognized during the banquet on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at the Tau State Convention in Winona, MN. Congratulations to the 2008 and 2009 winners.


Carolyn Garven (Eta), Dr Jeanette Karjala (Iota), Gail Reff (Mu), Hazel Evans (Pi), Sandra Ruud (Chi), Ida Rutske (Alpha Gamma), Carmen Diamond (Alpha Theta), Mary Book (Alpha Rho), Martha Lee (Marti) Zins (Beta Beta).


Araceli S. Turch (Delta). Dr. Phyllis E. Van Buren (Eta), Kathy Nelson (Kappa), Lois Falk (Mu), Barb Dubbels (Pi), Paulette Medin (Sigma), Betty Hendrickson (Upsilon), Susan F. Matson (Chi), Linda Meacham (Omega), Delores Rita Czech (Alpha Gamma), Carol Anderson (Alpha Phi), Beverly Tellefsen (Alpha Chi), Marjorie Germscheid (Alpha Omega), Jean M. Krause (Beta Alpha).

Professional Affairs – Araceli Turch (Delta)

Report is on p40 in convention book.

Legislation – Carolyn Garven (Eta)

Report is on p40 in convention book.

Research – Dr. Phyllis Van Buren (Eta)

Report is on p41 in convention book.

Communications – Louise Carlson (Alpha Gamma)

Report is on p41 in convention book. Louise announced that the winners for this year’s Jeanette Fair Award are Tracy Nelson Maurer for Storm Codes and Evelina Chao for Yeh Yeh’s House.

North Star News – Roberta Johnson (Sigma)

Report is on p42 in convention book. Roberta reported that due to budgetary restrictions, the North Star News has been limited to one printed publication year, the winter edition. Future editions of Summer and Fall issues will be on-line.

Networking – Carol Anderson (Alpha Phi)

Report is on p42 in convention book.

Scholarship – formerly Barbara Merrill (Sigma)

No report was given.

Technology – Ellen Delaney (Sigma)

Report is on p43 in convention packet. Ellen recommended that in the future the website be updated every two months to assure that it provides new information for web users.

World Fellowship/Bernice Gestie – Lucie Garrity (Sigma)

Report is on p43 in convention book.

U.S. Forum/United Nations Liaison – Dr. Joan Buckley (Epsilon)

No report was given.

Ad Hoc and Other Committees

Committee on Restructuring - Ruth Kinnunen (Alpha Eta)

Report is on p44 in convention book.

Conference/Convention Format – Ellen Siewert (Alpha Chi)

Oral report was given.


Bylaw Changes to Create Councils: Barbara Whiting (Beta Beta) and Delores Fletcher (Omicron)

Barbara showed how the three committee councils and a coordinating council would function.

SOCIETY BUSINESS COUNCIL includes Selection of chapter presidents, past state presidents, state secretary and state treasurer as well as finance, bylaws, nominations, database, and membership/expansion.

COMMUNCIATION COUNCIL includes selection of chapter presidents and past state presidents and also includes technology, communication, legislation, scholarship.

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL includes the selection of chapter presidents, personal growth and services, professional affairs, leadership development and program.

COORDINATING COUNCIL includes state president (chair), chair from each council and one chapter president from each council for each biennium.

BYLAW CHANGES – Delores Fletcher (Omicron) and Barbara Whiting (Beta Beta)


Page 10 – 11


Section A. The Tau State Executive Board is structured into three committee councils. Each council will include committee members, chapter presidents, and past state presidents. The fourth council is called a Coordinating Council.

The state standing councils and coordinating council(s) shall be:

1. Leadership Council

a. Personal Growth and Services

b. Professional Affairs

c. Leadership Development

d. Program

1). Convention/Conference Facilitation Committee

2). Yearbook

3). Music

4). Historical Records

5). Networking

6) Research

2. Society Business Council

a. Finance

b. Bylaws

c. Nominations

d. Database

e. Membership/expansion

3. Communication Council

a. Technology

b. Communication

c. Legislation

d. Scholarship

4. Coordinating Council

Each council will choose a chair to organize, convene, and implement their work. The three councils will meet concurrently during the executive board meetings. The Coordinating Council will convene following the council meetings. The Coordinating Council is made up of: the state president as the chair, the chair from each council and one chapter president from each council.

Pages 11-13

Section B. – Unchanged

Section C. - Unchanged

Section D. General Procedures

1. All councils and committees shall be appointed by the president except the Nominations Committee, which is elected. The Finance Committee members shall be approved by the State Executive Board.

2. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all councils and committees, except the Nominations Committee.

3. Matters requiring council or committee action may be voted upon by mail or email. All councils and committee members must be notified.

4. Council and committee meetings shall be held with the approval of the president.

Section E. Duties of the Councils and Committees

1. Leadership Council

The Leadership Council will be comprised of a selection of chapter presidents and past state presidents and the chairs of the following committees: Personal Growth and Services, Professional Affairs, Leadership Development, and Program. (which includes the Music, Yearbooks, Historical Records, and Networking chairs), Convention / Conference Facilitation.

a. Personal Growth and Services Committee shall be responsible for implementing the plans of the international committee and developing related programs.

b. The Professional Affairs Committee shall be responsible for implementing the plans of the international committee and for initiating and developing such related programs, including legislation.

c. The Leadership Development Committee may include a representative from each of the seven (7) five (5) areas, the Membership chair, and the Program chair. The committee shall plan and implement additional programs for state and chapter officers and committee chairs.

d. The Program Committee shall consist of the chair and the chairs of the Personal Growth and Services Committee, and the Professional Affairs Committee, and Music. Additional members shall include chairs of Music, Yearbook, Historical Records, and Networking. The Tau State Program Committee is the liaison between the international program committee and chapter program chairs.

1. Convention/Conference Facilitation Committee

a. Responsible for supporting the hosting chapters each year in selecting a theme and planning for the spring event.

b. Will meet with the next hosting chapter representatives during the conference/convention to begin preliminary plans for the following year.

c. Includes, but not limited to, the Tau State President, the Database Manager, Program Chair, the North Star News Editor and a past state president.

2. The Yearbook chair shall organize, publish and distribute the information from the chapters to the following: one for each chapter, the Historical Society, the state president and the state Program chair.

3. The Music chair shall arrange for group singing at the State Executive Board meetings, state conventions, and state conferences. She shall establish a state choral group to sing at state conventions or conferences.

4. The Historical Records chair shall be responsible for seeing that historical material is delivered to the Minnesota Historical Society.

2. Society Business Council

The Society Business Council will be comprised of a selection of chapter presidents and past state presidents, the state secretary, the state treasurer, and the chairs of the following committees: Finance, Bylaws, Nominations, Database, Membership / Expansion.

a. The Finance Committee consists of three (3) members, the state president and the state treasurer. The committee shall be responsible for the supervision of the financial affairs including the preparation of a budget for adoption by the State Executive Board and an annual review.

b. The Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for considering amendments to the bylaws and standing rules and for extracting and codifying the existing standing rules policies adopted by members during state conventions and State Executive Board meetings. The committee shall communicate any changes proposed for the International CONSTITUTION.

c. The Nominations Committee responsibilities are outlined in Article VI, Section E.

d. The Database Manager shall keep and maintain (all the) Tau State membership records. The committee shall prepare and distribute a membership directory and supplement each biennium.

e. Membership/Expansion

The Membership / Expansion Committee shall be responsible for the following:

1. Evaluate and submit the recommendations of persons proposed for honorary membership and submit the names of qualified candidates to the State Executive Board for vote.

2. Study and make recommendations related to chapter membership.


3. Maintain Necrology and Membership records.

4. Keep all historical records.

5. Be responsible for expansion, chapter revitalization and chapter dissolution.

6. The treasurer shall serve as a consultant.

3. Communications

The Communications Council will be comprised of a selection of chapter presidents and past state presidents, and the chairs of the following committees: Technology, , Communication, Legislation, and Scholarship.

a. The Technology Committee shall maintain and update the Tau State Website quarterly or as needed.

b. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for the use of publications of the Society and for public relations locally and throughout the state. In addition, the committee shall administer the Jeanette Fair Memorial Award Program. The editor and representative shall serve as members at the state level.

c. The Legislation chair shall inform Tau State members on legislative issues, which need study and action.

1. The U. S. Forum representative shall provide current information regarding federal legislative issues affecting women, children and education. and

2. shall serve as a UN Liaison by providing information to help educators introduce the UN into the classroom.

d. The Scholarship chair and committee

1. Shall promote interest in and support for international scholarships.

2. Shall develop criteria for and award state scholarships.

3. Shall encourage financial support for the International World/Bernice Gestie Fellowship and for Tau State fellowship programs.

4. Coordinating Council

The Coordinating Council is made up of: the state president as the chair, the chair from each council and one chapter president from each council for each biennium.

Jean Rolle (Epsilon) moved that we approve the proposed changes to the bylaws. Edna Husman (Lambda) seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Scholarship Suggestion – Roberta Johnson (Sigma)

Roberta asked for donations to a scholarship in honor of past state president Barbara Merrill who died recently.

Donations can also be sent to the state treasurer – Dianna Brusven. Checks should be made payable to Tau State – Barbara Merrill Fund.

Election of Nominations Committee – Betty Hendrickson (Upsilon)

Candidates include:

Area 1 – Jewell Mendenhall

Area 2 – Jean Saccoman

Area 3 – Linda Kipp

Area 4 – Kris Meyer

Area 5 – Lorainne Losinski

Area 6 – Arlyce Holland

Area 7 – Betty Hendrickson

Anne Harndon (Alpha Kappa) moved to elect the slate of candidates. Jan Karjala (Iota) seconded the motion. Motion passed.


1. Robbie Johnson has DKG pins for sale.

2. Happy 75th Birthday to Barbara Bloomer

3. Gamma Chapter is in charge of the Delta Kappa Gamma 2010 Tau State Conference which will take place April 23-25, 2010. The theme is “Circle of Giving” A brochure will be available at today’s luncheon.

4. Anne Harndon announced that Alpha Kappa is selling Farkel games as fundraiser for $7 per game.

5. Diane Rauschenfels asked those present to look at members from their chapters to serve Cory Peters during the next biennium.

6. Paulette Hutton announced that Alpha Nu is celebrating its 40th anniversary in May.

7. Robbie Johnson stated that photos of new officers will be taken after the networking activity.

Motion to Adjourn

Jan Karjala (Iota) moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Phyllis Van Buren (Eta). Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 am.

Networking Activity – Barbara Whiting (Beta Beta)

Barbara asked us to take 3 minutes and write down what an ideal chapter would look like. We shared our ideas with other members in small groups. Then small groups shared with everyone present.

_Diane Wippler_ __________________________________

Diane Wippler Diane Rauschenfels

Recording Secretary Tau State President


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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