Dr. Seuss’s ABC Lesson Plan

OverviewStudents will be participating in a creative art project along with a classroom scavenger hunt. I will also being reading Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book to them and discussing letters, vowels, and consonants. These activities and this book will help students distinguish between letters of the alphabet and beginning letter sounds. ObjectiveAfter reading the book, students will do the creative art project and participate in the scavenger hunt, they will then be asked a series of questions: What are vowels?What are consonants?What letter does your name begin with?Can you name another word which begins with the same letter as you name?Can anyone recite the alphabet backwards? (This one is for a little bonus)They will write their answers to all of these questions on a piece of paper and turn it in for a few points. If they wish to share their answers with the class they may. StandardsThis lesson plan addressed these state standards:K.1 – Students know about letters, words and sounds. They apply this knowledge to read simple sentences. K.1.6 – Recognize and name all capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet. K.1.18 – Understand the alphabetic principle, which means that as letters in words change, so do the sounds.Material3823970153035-Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book-construction paper-markers, crayons, paint, glitter-pencils-scavenger huntProceduresRead Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book out loud. Get the students involved by letting them yell out each letter as they see it. Ask the class if anyone can come up with another word that starts with that letter.Alphabet Scavenger Hunt: Give everyone a piece of paper with the letters a through z on it. Allow them to go anywhere around the room looking for one object that starts with each letter. Give them an allotted time of 15 to 20 minutes and then let them share what they’ve found.Creative Art Project: Give each student a piece of construction paper, markers paint or pencils and assign each one of them a letter. If there are too many students in your class pair students in groups of two if they wish, or if there aren’t enough students, participate in the project yourself. Ask each student to write the capital and lowercase of their assigned letter on their paper. And then explain that they are each to draw their on dr. Seuss character and name their character something that starts with their assigned letter. Tell them to be as creative and crazy as they want. Explain to them that those that wish to can share their pictures with the class when everyone is finished that that you will be putting all the pictures together to make your own class ABC book.EvaluationAfter the entire lesson is complete ask your students to get out a piece of paper and answer the questions above. You will take a small grade for the questions answered and if they wish a few students can share their answers. ................

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