Business Certification - TDHCA





Name of Business:      

Address of Business:      

Type of Business: Corporation Partnership Sole Proprietorship

Joint Venture Non-Profit Consortium

Attach the following documentation as evidence of Section 3 eligible status: 

(Definition of “Section 3 business concern” in 24 CFR 135 describes three alternative qualifications.)

For Business claiming status as a Section 3 resident-owned enterprise: 

Copy of resident lease Copy of receipt of public assistance

Copy of evidence of participation in a public assistance program

Other evidence

For business entity as applicable: 

Copy of Articles of Incorporation Certificate of Good Standing

Assumed Business Name Certificate Partnership Agreement

List of owners/stockholders and % ownership of each appointing officers

Corporation Annual Report Latest Board minutes

Organization chart with names and titles and brief function statement

Additional documentation

If claiming Section 3 status by subcontracting 25 percent of the dollar awarded to qualified Section 3 business:

List of subcontracted Section 3 business(es) and subcontract amount

If basing Section 3 status by claiming at least 30 percent of workforce qualifies as current Section 3 residents or Section 3 eligible within 3 years of date of first employment with the business: 

List of all current full-time employees List of employees claiming Section 3 status

PHA/IHA Residential lease less than 3 years from day of employment

Other evidence of Section 3 status less than 3 years from date of employment

Evidence of ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the proposed contract: 

Current financial statement Statement of ability to comply with public policy

List of owned equipment List of all contracts for the past two years


Authorizing Name and Signature

Attested by:      


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