Unit 6 At Home Project

Unit 6 At Home Project

This assignment is due by Friday, 1/18/13. You are welcome to turn it in early. The assignment is worth 10 points, and you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for amazing, awesome, tremendous work!

Building DNA Model – Expectations & Grading

When building your model, please be sure the following is done. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment.

o Build a 3D model out of materials of your choice (beads, pipe cleaners, foam, wood, clay, candy, etc…); it should be have at least 16 nucleotides.

o Be consistent in your use of color (i.e. make all sugars orange or green – the color you use doesn’t have to match what we’ve used in class)

• Label or create a key that includes the following items:

o Sugar

o Phosphate

o Nitrogen Base

o Adenine

o Thymine

o Guanine

o Cytosine

o Nucleotide

Unit 6 At Home Project

This assignment is due by Friday, 1/18/13. You are welcome to turn it in early. The assignment is worth 10 points, and you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for amazing, awesome, tremendous work!

Building DNA Model – Expectations & Grading

When building your model, please be sure the following is done. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment.

o Build a 3D model out of materials of your choice (beads, pipe cleaners, foam, wood, clay, candy, etc…); it should be have at least 16 nucleotides.

o Be consistent in your use of color (i.e. make all sugars orange or green – the color you use doesn’t have to match what we’ve used in class)

• Label or create a key that includes the following items:

o Sugar

o Phosphate

o Nitrogen Base

o Adenine

o Thymine

o Guanine

o Cytosine

o Nucleotide

Unit 6 At Home Project

This assignment is due by Friday, 1/18/13. You are welcome to turn it in early. The assignment is worth 10 points, and you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for amazing, awesome, tremendous work!

Research Disease/Condition

Think about a disease or condition that you think is genetically passed through your family. It could be a disease that always shows up (i.e. a cancer or diabetes, etc…) or a unique trait that you family passes along (i.e. colorblindness). Please be CERTAIN it has a genetic link – do a Google search for something like “is _________ disease genetic?”

Show me what you learned on one piece of paper using any informational format you prefer – make an brochure, write paragraphs, draw/print pictures and write what you learned about each picture, make a mind map, etc… Feel free to be creative and draw pictures or use diagrams to illustrate what you learned!

Answer the following questions. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment unless indicated.

o It should be on one piece of 8 ½ x 11 paper (one side or both sides)

o What is name of the disease/disorder?

o Describe the disease/disorder? What is it? Describe the symptoms or impact of it.

o How did you become familiar with it – do you know someone with it or did you see it in a movie?

o List or write about 6 facts about the disease/disorder (1/2 point per fact)

o Is it genetic – how do you know?

o What is the name of one organization that helps people with this disorder?

o List two resources you used to learn about the disorder (1/2 point per resource).

Unit 6 At Home Project

This assignment is due by Friday, 1/18/13. You are welcome to turn it in early. The assignment is worth 10 points, and you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for amazing, awesome, tremendous work!

Research Disease/Condition

Think about a disease or condition that you think is genetically passed through your family. It could be a disease that always shows up (i.e. a cancer or diabetes, etc…) or a unique trait that you family passes along (i.e. colorblindness). Please be CERTAIN it has a genetic link – do a Google search for something like “is _________ disease genetic?”

Show me what you learned on one piece of paper using any informational format you prefer – make an brochure, write paragraphs, draw/print pictures and write what you learned about each picture, make a mind map, etc… Feel free to be creative and draw pictures or use diagrams to illustrate what you learned!

Answer the following questions. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment unless indicated.

o It should be on one piece of 8 ½ x 11 paper (one side or both sides)

o What is name of the disease/disorder?

o Describe the disease/disorder? What is it? Describe the symptoms or impact of it.

o How did you become familiar with it – do you know someone with it or did you see it in a movie?

o List or write about 6 facts about the disease/disorder (1/2 point per fact)

o Is it genetic – how do you know?

o What is the name of one organization that helps people with this disorder?

o List two resources you used to learn about the disorder (1/2 point per resource).

Unit 6 At Home Project

This assignment is due by Friday, 1/18/13. You are welcome to turn it in early. The assignment is worth 10 points, and you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for amazing, awesome, tremendous work!

Biographical Research on Dr. Franklin, Watson or Crick

Show me what you learned on one piece of paper using any informational format you prefer – make an brochure, write paragraphs, draw/print pictures and write what you learned about each picture, make a mind map, etc… Feel free to be creative and draw pictures or use diagrams to illustrate what you learned!

Answer the following questions. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment unless indicated.

o It should be on one piece of 8 ½ x 11 paper (one side or both sides)

o Tell me about the scientist’s early life (birthday, where did he/she grow up, family size, activities he/she enjoyed).

o Learn about his/her work as a scientist. What did he/she do to help us understand DNA? What other kinds of research did he/she do?

o See what you can find out about his/her personality. Were they easy to work with? Perfectionists? Fun loving? Very serious?

o Tell me about any awards your scientist earned. What was the award and for what work was it earned?

o Tell me about the scientist’s later life (did he/she work through whole life? When did he/she die, what was cause of death, etc…)

o List or write about 6 interesting facts about your scientist (1/2 point per fact)

o List two resources you used to learn about the disorder (1/2 point per resource).

There are many great resources online – a Google search for “biography of _______________” will give you many options to choose from.

Unit 6 At Home Project

This assignment is due by Friday, 1/18/13. You are welcome to turn it in early. The assignment is worth 10 points, and you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for amazing, awesome, tremendous work!

Biographical Research on Dr. Franklin, Watson or Crick

Show me what you learned on one piece of paper using any informational format you prefer – make an brochure, write paragraphs, draw/print pictures and write what you learned about each picture, make a mind map, etc… Feel free to be creative and draw pictures or use diagrams to illustrate what you learned!

Answer the following questions. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment unless indicated.

o It should be on one piece of 8 ½ x 11 paper (one side or both sides)

o Tell me about the scientist’s early life (birthday, where did he/she grow up, family size, activities he/she enjoyed).

o Learn about his/her work as a scientist. What did he/she do to help us understand DNA? What other kinds of research did he/she do?

o See what you can find out about his/her personality. Were they easy to work with? Perfectionists? Fun loving? Very serious?

o Tell me about any awards your scientist earned. What was the award and for what work was it earned?

o Tell me about the scientist’s later life (did he/she work through whole life? When did he/she die, what was cause of death, etc…)

o List or write about 6 interesting facts about your scientist (1/2 point per fact)

o List two resources you used to learn about the disorder (1/2 point per resource).

There are many great resources online – a Google search for “biography of _______________” will give you many options to choose from.

Unit 6 At Home Project

This assignment is due by Friday, 1/18/13. You are welcome to turn it in early. The assignment is worth 10 points, and you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for amazing, awesome, tremendous work!

You have three options:

1. build an accurate 3D model of DNA using whatever materials you prefer.

2. research one disease or condition that is caused by your genes.

3. conduct biographical research on Dr. Rosalind Franklin, Dr. James Watson, or Dr. Francis Crick.

Building DNA Model – Expectations & Grading

When building your model, please be sure the following is done. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment.

o Build a 3D model out of materials of your choice (beads, pipe cleaners, foam, wood, clay, candy, etc…); it should be have at least 16 nucleotides.

o Be consistent in your use of color (i.e. make all sugars orange or green – the color you use doesn’t have to match what we’ve used in class)

• Label or create a key that includes the following items:

o Sugar

o Phosphate

o Nitrogen Base

o Adenine

o Thymine

o Guanine

o Cytosine

o Nucleotide

Research Disease/Condition

Think about a disease or condition that you think is genetically passed through your family. It could be a disease that always shows up (i.e. a cancer or diabetes, etc…) or a unique trait that you family passes along (i.e. colorblindness). Please be CERTAIN it has a genetic link – do a Google search for something like “is _________ disease genetic?”

Show me what you learned on one piece of paper using any informational format you prefer – make an brochure, write paragraphs, draw/print pictures and write what you learned about each picture, make a mind map, etc… Feel free to be creative and draw pictures or use diagrams to illustrate what you learned!

Answer the following questions. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment unless indicated.

o It should be on one piece of 8 ½ x 11 paper (one side or both sides)

o What is name of the disease/disorder?

o Describe the disease/disorder? What is it? Describe the symptoms or impact of it.

o How did you become familiar with it – do you know someone with it or did you see it in a movie?

o List or write about 6 facts about the disease/disorder (1/2 point per fact)

o Is it genetic – how do you know?

o What is the name of one organization that helps people with this disorder?

o List two resources you used to learn about the disorder (1/2 point per resource).

Biographical Research on Dr. Franklin, Watson or Crick

Show me what you learned on one piece of paper using any informational format you prefer – make an brochure, write paragraphs, draw/print pictures and write what you learned about each picture, make a mind map, etc… Feel free to be creative and draw pictures or use diagrams to illustrate what you learned!

Answer the following questions. Each open circle is worth one point on this assignment unless indicated.

o It should be on one piece of 8 ½ x 11 paper (one side or both sides)

o Tell me about the scientist’s early life (birthday, where did he/she grow up, family size, activities he/she enjoyed).

o Learn about his/her work as a scientist. What did he/she do to help us understand DNA? What other kinds of research did he/she do?

o See what you can find out about his/her personality. Were they easy to work with? Perfectionists? Fun loving? Very serious?

o Tell me about any awards your scientist earned. What was the award and for what work was it earned?

o Tell me about the scientist’s later life (did he/she work through whole life? When did he/she die, what was cause of death, etc…)

o List or write about 6 interesting facts about your scientist (1/2 point per fact)

o List two resources you used to learn about the disorder (1/2 point per resource).

There are many great resources online – a Google search for “biography of _______________” will give you many options to choose from.


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