North/West Lower Michigan Synod

Did you know, for every dollar given to ELCA World Hunger, only 8% is used for administration and fund raising? This is amazingly good stewardship of your money. 80% of what is given is used for domestic relief and development, 9% for international relief and development, 7.5% for advocacy, and 5.5% for hunger education. Use your gifts wisely and give to ELCA World Hunger today. Thanks.Go to hunger to donate and for more information.Did you know that 1 out of every 6 Americans are not sure where their next meal is coming from? Many are forced to choose between paying for food or other basic necessities. Your gift to ELCA World Hunger will help someone have food today and tomorrow. Thank you.Go to hunger for more information. You may contribute on line or through your local congregation..Did you know, as members of the ELCA and through our gifts to ELCA World Hunger, we commit to pursuing a world of justice where all are fed? Your contributions will be used wisely to combat hunger. Thank you.Go to hunger for more information.Did you know, the North West Lower Michigan Synod has a Hunger Team? The Hunger Team is available to answer questions, give support to your hunger education programs, and share ideas and information. The Hunger Team can be reached at: HYPERLINK "mailto:erickj74@" \t "_blank" erickj74@.Did you know that in 2014, ELCA members in our synod contributed $166,427. to World Hunger? That is approximately $4.33 per baptized member. A resolution adopted at the 2015 Synod Assembly encouraged each congregation to grow in support of ELCA World Hunger, increasing our giving to $5.00 per baptized member in 2015 and $6.00 in 2016. These gifts will be used by ELCA World Hunger to combat hunger and poverty in our world. Thank you for your generous stewardship.Go to hunger for more information.Did you know, 49 million people, including 16 million children in the USA, experience hunger or the risk of hunger each year? You can make a difference in the life of someone who is hungry by contributing to ELCA World Hunger today. Ask your Pastor for more information or go to hunger.Did you know, each year 2.6 million children in the world die as a result of hunger related causes? You can make a difference in the life of a hungry child by contributing to ELCA World Hunger. Go to hunger and discover the many ways your contribution will be used to combat hunger. Thank you.Did you know, the ELCA is actively engaged in combating malaria worldwide? Launched in 2009, the ELCA Malaria Campaign has a goal to raise $15 million by June of 2016. Currently, $13.5 million has been raised! If you are intrigued by this amazing project, go to malaria. Together we can help change the world. Thank you.Did you know, you can give a Christmas or birthday gift that will keep on giving? Give to the ELCA Good Gifts project and provide an animal to a family. An animal can make a world of difference for a family in need. Some animals provide food to eat, fertilizer to grow crops, wool to make clothes, or offspring to sell at the market. With one gift, you can help a family escape the cycle of hunger and poverty for good. Interested? Go to goodgifts. Join the moo-vement! Thanks.Did you know, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger make a huge impact in the world? From Alaska to Alabama, from Chile to China, your gifts are hard at work, helping our neighbors break the cycle of poverty and hunger. Your generous giving makes it possible for ELCA World Hunger to be present and to help throughout the US and the world. We support projects in 43 states and 56 countries. Thank you for working to end hunger. For more information on how you can help, contact your local Hunger Team, your Pastor, or go to hunger.Did you know, half of all adults ages 20-65 in the US will need federal assistance to buy food at some point in their lifetime? You can help to address the root causes of hunger. Give to ELCA World Hunger today. Thank you for your faithful stewardship. Go to hunger.Did you know, together we CAN end hunger in our world? The number of people living in chronic hunger worldwide has fallen 17% since the early 1990’s. You can continue to help eradicate hunger. Give to ELCA World Hunger. More information can be found at hunger. Thank you for caring.Did you know, there is a special hunger program for middle and high school youth? In this program, youth build community with each other, learn more about ELCA World Hunger, and take time to reflect on God’s call to respond to the needs in their world. “Act 2 Day 4 Tomorrow” is a free program prepared for your youth. Go to hunger to order this special hunger program. Help build a future with no hunger. Thank you. Did you know, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger supported over 635 projects around the world this past year? From health clinics to food pantries and soup kitchens to community organizing, your gifts are supporting innovative solutions that get at the root causes of hunger. In 2014, ELCA Hunger dollars supported:-328 food pantries, homeless shelters, and other projects in the US;-239 sustainable development, health and other projects around the world;-15 education and networking projects in the ELCA.You can be a part of this amazing work. Give a gift to ELCA World Hunger today. Thank you.See hunger for more information. ................

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