1: Welcome the viewer:

Guest: xxxInterviewer: Janet BeckersLead Magnet or Product for sale?: xxx1: Welcome the viewer:Interviewer will do introduction. When welcomes you, great to simply say hello and thank everyone for their time today.2. Establish Credibility:Credibility points for interviewer to mention:XXX3. Your Story:Points to cover:4. The Problem:The main frustration you are addressing in the talk today. Show you understand their problems. Keep to just a few minutes.5. The SolutionThis is the guts of the talk. Cover 3 to 5 points, allow 3 to 5 minutes per point. Remember to seed your product and services during each point.Point 1:Description:Why this works:What it is:How: Give a practical example / exercise.Point 2:Description:Why this works:What it is:How: Give a practical example / exercise.Point 3:Description:Why this works:What it is:How: Give a practical example / exercise.Point 4:Description:Why this works:What it is:How: Give a practical example / exercise.Point 5:Description:Why this works:What it is:How: Give a practical example / exercise.7. Call To Action ................

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