The Colorado River basin is a critically important water ...


1.070J / 12.320J Introduction to Hydrology

Problem Set #6

Due November 13, 2008

(Include your Matlab m.files with the completed problem-set)

Problem 1:

Assume that for a location in the Amazon rain forest, diurnal variation in stomatal resistance is given by the data tabulated below. The stomatal resistance for any vegetation is mainly a function of time of day and soil moisture conditions.

|Local time |Stomatal resistance (s/cm) |

|6:00 |0.14 |

|7:00 |0.11 |

|8:00 |0.1 |

|9:00 |0.09 |

|10:00 |0.09 |

|11:00 |0.085 |

|12:00 |0.09 |

|13:00 |0.1 |

|14:00 |0.11 |

|15:00 |0.13 |

|16:00 |0.17 |

|17:00 |0.26 |

|18:00 |0.91 |

a. using the tabulated data below for the same location, estimate the diurnal cycle for the atmospheric resistance. Graphically compare the atmospheric and stomatal resistance, and comment on any differences. The measured roughness length is 2.07 meters, and the measurement level is 45 meters. Also assume k = 0.41.

b. Using the tabulated data and the Penman-Monteith approach, compute hourly transpiration. Assume that ground heat loss is negligible.

|Day |month |

|1 |14 |

|3 |10 |

|2 |6 |

|1 |5 |

Comment on the hydrograph obtained from the pulse of rainfall events.


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