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ROKEBY SCHOOLJOB SPECIFICATION Head of Middle School Role outline:The Head of Middle School is a senior leadership position within the school. The Head of Middle School is the leader of Years 3-6 and responsible for developing the boys’ all-round education with particular reference to their needs as learners and the curriculum as well as the preparation they require to achieve their best within school and for the most suitable senior schools. The position requires sound leadership and management skills combined with a flair for developing initiatives within the wider context of the school’s ethos and aims.Key role responsibilities:To develop the curricular and operational provision (groupings, timings) in order for boys to be prepared for senior school assessments.To develop the achievement and development records of boys to ensure that they are meeting their targets (including those with specific needs and learning difficulties) and that they are able to hold a comprehensive record of achievement at the end of years 5 and 6, useful for transfer and senior school references. To identify and develop provision for the seven main groupings of boys (More Able, Less Able, those with SpLDs, , Middle-Ability and Borderline Boys) and find measures for the outcomes. To continue the development of study skills, feedback and IT provision for these year groups.Wider SLT responsibilitiesTo work with the senior leadership team to develop policy which will enable the school to develop individual learner achievement and personal development in line with the aims of the school and school development plan.To assist the Headmaster and Deputy Head in the day-to-day running of the school, along with the other members of the Senior Leadership team, with a particular focus on Years 3-6.To be an exemplary teacher, teaching a reduced timetable, to be agreed with the Headmaster.A professional qualification for leadership and/or management or related experience is valuable to this role.To work with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure high standards of professionalism amongst the staff by way of day-to-day leadership and management, support of training opportunities and appraisal and review of rmation about each boy (Y5 & 6)To ensure the school has year on year profiles of broader pupil achievement and using available assessment data in support of boys and for guidance of others.To use the school management system and data from committees and other registers to enable Records of Achievement to be developed and maintained for each individual boy in Years 5 and 6.To oversee assessment meetings alongside the Deputy Head (Academic)To develop the use of these profiles for the benefit of key staff within Y5 and 6 such as Year Heads and Form Tutors as well as for the Headmaster, especially when a parent or senior school requires information.To use these profiles to help ensure individual boys in Y5 and 6 are helped and supported directly and to identify the systems and structures which will support value-added to each boy. To continue to support the senior schools process as boys transition to Y7 by liason with approrpriate staff Senior Schools (with emphasis on Years 4-6)To be the lead member of the senior schools team, creating relationships with senior schools, and identifying ‘best fit’ opportunities for the boys, along with the Headmaster.To ensure comprehensive pupil achievement information is collated for use in references for senior schools To form positive relationships with appropriate staff in senior schools to obtain feedback on:how our boys are doing in relation to general aspects of pre-tests, assessments and interviewshow well are boys are prepared for other aspects of senior school life.To oversee and manage preparations for senior schools especially between Y4 and 6. To collate information on registrations and rejections and offers with administrative support, including on appropriate registers and notes. To chair senior schools team meetings as appropriate. To obtain feedback from senior schools on Rokeby’s preparations of boys. To talk to parents at PIEs and similar events as appropriate, in agreement with the Headmaster. To oversee senior school events, such as the Senior Schools Evenings and invite boys and other senior schools people in to speak at agreed events To update and, as required, train staff on matters pertaining to senior schools.To engage our ‘old boys’ in returning to Rokeby to talk about their experiences to present boys and parents and also by way of reunion opportunities, as appropriate.Study skills, thinking skills and revision skills, feedback and learner developmentTo develop the study and learning skills of the boys using up-to-date resources and diagnostic techniques and to ensure that these are available to relevant teaching staff and form tutors as appropriate.To develop thinking skills opportunities for the boys and organise the reasoning skills sessions with Y3, 4 and 5 teachers as appropriateTo develop a revision skills programme for the boys to enable them to achieve their best in assessments and exams.To help boys become independent learnersTo oversee assessment,recording and reporting with emphasis on Y4-6.Each and Every Boy To oversee the development of the More Able programme for these year groups and to work with the More Able Coordinator to ensure each boy is bdeveloping their skills, abilities, intersts and strengths in accordance with the school’s Each and Every Boy Policy.Line Management (main areas)Learning SupportTo ensure that Learning Support is being carried out effectively by all teachers in conjunction with those staff responsible for different areas within the school. To over-see the work of the learning support coordinator in supporting the less able boys.Teaching AssistantsTo oversee and manage the roles of teaching assistants in the school in Y3-6 and above, working with then Head of Lower School where necessary and to aid in their recruitment.Collaborative aspects of the roleThe Head of Middle School will act as the representative for the needs of the teachers/boys Y3-6, and present requirements and proposals to the Deputy Head (Academic) (timetables, assessment, staffing allocations and data needs) or the Curriculum Committee on wider matters. The Deputy Head (Academic) will then decide on how to manage the various matters arising, depending on other needs and priorities.The Head of Middle School will provide immediate pastoral support to Y3-6 Year Heads, ensuring the Deputy Head (Pastoral) is kept fully informed; this includes boys’ personal development. They will present requirements and proposals to Boys’ Personal Development Committee and focus on organising the daily curriculum to support their needs. The Deputy Head will then decide on how to manage the various matters arising, depending on other needs and priorities.The Head of Middle School will present requirements and proposals to the Headmaster for the staffing committee.Line ManagementAs set out in the line management schedule, revised annuallyStandards and ExpectationsA member of the SLT is expected to meet or exceed the school’s standards and expectations.Responsible to:HeadmasterJason R Peck Headmaster Revised November 2020 ................

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