AMANDA C - UMass Med

Amanda C. Blok, PhD, MSN, PHCNS-BC

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Graduate School of Nursing and Department of Quantitative Health Sciences,

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Nurse Post-Doctoral Fellow

Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research

United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital

200 Springs Road, Building 70 (152), Bedford, MA 01730

Phone: 781-687-4987 (office), 781-687-2227 (fax)

Email:; amanda.blok@

Education and Training

present Nurse Post Doctoral Fellow, Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research (CHOIR), Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, Bedford, MA

2017 Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Prevention and Control of Cancer: Post-doctoral Training in Implementation Science (PRACCTIS), University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA

2015 PhD, Nursing, Population Health track, University of Massachusetts Boston

Dissertation: “Impact of Parental Stress on Asthma Management Behaviors and Health Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis of Inner-City School-Aged Children”

2015 Post-Graduate Nurse Teaching Certificate, University of Massachusetts Boston

2011 M.S., Nursing, Boston College

Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, ANCC board certified

2008 Urban Studies coursework, Moody Graduate School

2007 B.S., Nursing, Oakland University

Certification and Licensure

11/2011-11/2021 Community Nurse Specialist in Public Health (ANCC: 2011015639)

11/2007-10//2018 Registered nurse (RN282314), currently State of Massachusetts

Research Appointments and Experience

09/2017—present Nurse Post Doctoral Fellow, Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research (CHOIR), United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, Bedford, MA (duplicate listing in postdoctoral training)

07/2015—08/2017 Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Prevention and Control of Cancer: Postdoctoral Training in Implementation Science (PRACCTIS) program, Department of Medicine and Quantitative Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA (duplicate listing in postdoctoral training)

06/2014—present Research Assistant

Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, Phyllis F. Cantor Center, Boston MA

• Healthy Directions study work: Data analysis related to food intake and diet index code writing using SPSS. Data quality checking performed. Continue to perform indirect semi-structured interviewing and qualitative data analysis using NVIVO, Mary Cooley, PhD, RN, FAAN (PI)

11/2014—06/2015 Research Assistant

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston MA

• Open Notes’ Ambulatory Nursing Documentation Study: performing qualitative interviews with nurses related to documentation.

01/2014—06/2015 Research Study Intern

Boston Children’s Hospital, Center for Asthma Clinical Research, Boston MA

• School Inner-City Asthma Study (SICAS) work: Active participant in multidisciplinary research team with pilot site visits, instrument assessment, and data analysis discussions in weekly meetings. Present frequently in a joint journal club with the Asthma Research Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Wanda Phipatanakul MD, MPH (PI)

• Secondary data analysis using STATA.

09/2011—05/2014 Research Assistant

College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston, MA

• Active participant in multidisciplinary research team at Dana-Farber’s Phyllis F. Cantor Center.

• Indirect semi-structured interviewing and qualitative data analysis using NVIVO.

• Perform scientific literature reviews and other professional writing.

01/2013—05/2013 Population Health Intern

Asthma Prevention and Control Program, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston, MA

• Analyze aggregate school-based data related to asthma and BMI related to the Asthma Disparities Initiative Phase 3

• Identify trends from data, collaborate with other team members and coalitions (including the School Health Unit and Bureau of Environmental Health) and assist in policy recommendations.

Academic Appointments and Experience

11/2016—present Assistant Professor

Graduate School of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA

• Population Health course, Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) program

10/2014—12/2014 Teaching Assistant

College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston, MA

• Health Economics course, doctoral program

01/2013—05/2013 Post-Graduate Nurse Student Teaching Practicum

College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston, MA

• Basic Skills in Nursing course, undergraduate program

Clinical Appointments and Experience

10/2017—present Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Instructor, Nurse

Center for Tobacco Treatment Research and Training (CTTRT)

University of Massachusetts Medical School

11/2008—05/2016 Urgent Care Triage Nurse

Upham’s Corner Health Center, Boston, MA

A community clinic in the underserved neighborhood of Dorchester.

▪ Provides triage and nursing care in the urgent care setting. Experience with a variety of patient diagnoses and acuities, provides educational materials and facilitates timely care.

▪ Presents blood borne pathogen training

▪ Data collection, analysis and clinical recommendations for quality assurance.

09/2009—05/2010 Advanced Practice Nurse Student Intern

Lahey Clinic Smoking Cessation Program, Burlington, MA

• Motivational interviewing for tobacco cessation with lung cancer, AMI, COPD, and CHF patients

• Development of evidence-based outpatient practice guidelines and patient education materials

11/2007—08/2008 Registered Nurse

Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL

An academic regional hospital in downtown Chicago with Magnet status.

▪ Provided care on an adult general medicine unit with medical telemetry capability.

▪ Experience with a variety of patient diagnoses and conditions with high acuity.

▪ Collaborated with Cultural-Vision and Skin Care, successful initiatives on unit.

Policy Service

2015-present Society of Behavioral Medicine Health Policy Committee, active member

• Co-written multiple policy briefs promoting health behaviors

2012-2014 Massachusetts Action Coalition, active member of the Academic Progression Flexible Options Team

• Collected data related to RN to BSN nursing programs

• Assisted in creating a state-wide educational pamphlet

2013 Representative for University of Massachusetts Boston PhD Program in Nursing, Massachusetts Health Policy Student Forum 2013. January 4-5, 2013.

Grants and Research Support

Current Grants

T18-0007 Fiscal Year 2018 VISN 1 Strategic Objective Research Teams (SORT) Grant: Nurse Engagement using Web-services Supporting Service to those who have Served (NEWS) program; Sustainable Engagement of Nurse Leaders and Staff in Top VA Initiatives, Veterans Health Administration

Role: Principle Investigator (Blok)


T518-18-083 VISN 1 Innovation Grant: Enhancing Nurse Engagement Using a Tech-Facilitated Story Intervention, Veterans Health Administration

Role: Principle Investigator (Blok)


5R01CA190866-03 supplemental program: NCI SPeeding Research-tested INTerventions (SPRINT), National Cancer Institute

Goal: SPRINT is a program designed to foster, grow and nurture an innovation ecosystem for interventionists and to create research-tested behavioral interventions that are ready to be put into real world practice.

Role: Co-PI (Entrepreneurial Lead/PI: Amante)


IIR 15-101-2: Technology-Assisted Care Transition Intervention for Chronic Heart Failure or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, VA HSR&D

Goal: To implement and evaluate a virtual nurse intervention to provide automated, tailored, and timely support to Veterans transitioning from hospital to home.

Role: Co-I (PI: Hogan)


Take a Break

R01 CA190866-03

Houston, Thomas K. (PI)

Take a Break: mHealth-assisted skills building challenge for unmotivated smokers

Goal: Take a Break is a randomized trial to evaluate “Take a Break: mHealth-assisted skills building challenge for unmotivated smokers”, a time-limited self-efficacy and skills building experience for Motivation Phase smokers. Take a Break is designed to create a timeline within which motivation smokers will be encouraged to try a brief period of abstinence. Smokers in this Motivation Phase are relatively untapped in research available information. This project offers these unique smokers point-of-need technology support in the many components of the intervention.

Role: Co-I (PI: Houston)


Completed Research Support

1R25CA172009-02: Implementation Research Training Program in Cancer Prevention and Control (PRACCTIS), NIH/NCI

Goal: This education and training grant intends to establish a postdoctoral training program at UMMS focused on community and clinical implementation science in cancer prevention and control.

Role: Post-doctoral Fellow (PI: Houston/Lemon)


1U01AI110397-01A1: School Inner-city Asthma Study (SICAS), National Institutes of Health

Goal: Determine the efficacy of school/classroom based environmental intervention in reducing asthma morbidity in urban schoolchildren.

Role: Research Study Intern (PI: Phipatanakul)


Doc 202: Healthy Directions: Feasibility and acceptability of a lifestyle intervention for patients receiving curative treatment for lung cancer, Lung Cancer Research Foundation 2012 Grant

Goal: Test the feasibility and acceptability of a lifestyle intervention for lung cancer survivors using nurse coaching.

Role: Research Assistant (PI: Cooley)


Institutional Award: Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar Program, Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence

Goal: Prepare doctoral candidates to help students address the needs of future patients, supporting research in co-morbidities and chronic illnesses.

Role: Pre-doctoral Nurse Fellow (Investigator and mentor: Hayman)


Honors and Awards

2016 Academy Health Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues (IRGNI) Student Scholarship

2014 Beacon Graduate Student Leadership Award, Beacon Leadership Awards Ceremony at the University of Massachusetts Boston

2014 Margaret Anderson Award for Outstanding Student Performance, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing’s Theta Tau Chapter at the University of Massachusetts Boston

2013 Arlyne Barnett Doctoral Scholarship, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing’s Theta Tau Chapter at the University of Massachusetts Boston

2012-2014 Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar Fellowship, Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence

Professional Development and Service

2017 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Society of Behavioral Medicine

2016-2017 Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Medical Informatics Association

2014-2015 Reviewer, Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

2013-present Society of Behavioral Medicine, member

2012-2016 Eastern Nurses Research Society, member

2012-2014 PhD Nursing Student Collaborative at University of Massachusetts Boston

▪ Founder and President

2012-2013 UMass Boston’s College of Nursing and Health Science’s PhD Committee, active member

2012-2013 American Academy of Colleges of Nursing's Graduate Nursing Student Academy, member

2013 Representative and moderator from Theta Alpha chapter at Sigma Theta Tau International’s 42nd Biennial Convention. November 16-20, 2013.

2010-2016 Sigma Theta Tau International Society, member

2010-2011 Community Service Chair, Graduate Nurse Association at Boston College


Blok, AC., Sadasivam, R.S., Hogan, TP., Patterson, A., Day, N., Houston, TK. (2018). Nurse-driven Strategies for Inpatient mHealth Implementation: The Technology Inpatient Program for Smokers (TIPS). Implementation Science. (under review)

Somayaji, D., Blok, AC, Hayman, L., Colson, Y., Jaklisch, M., Cooley, ME (2018). Enhancing behavioral change among lung cancer survivors participating in a lifestyle risk reduction intervention: A qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer. (under review)

Matthews, PA, Blok, AC, Lee, JGL, Hitsman, BL, Sanchez-Johnsen, L, Watson, K, Breen, E, Ruiz, R, Scout, Simon, Fitzgibbon, M, Hein, LC, Winn, R (2018). SBM Recommends Policy Support to Reduce Smoking Disparities for Sexual and Gender Minorities. Translational Behavioral Medicine.

Blok, A.C., Blonquist, T.M., Nayak, M., Somayaji, D., Crouter, S.E., Hayman, L.L., Colson, C., Bueno, R., Cooley, M.E. (2017). Feasibility and acceptability of a lifestyle intervention for adults with lung cancer. Journal of Psycho-Oncology. [Epub]

Blok, A., May, C., Sadasivam, R., Houston, T. (2017). Virtual Patient Technology: Engaging Primary Care in Quality Improvement Innovations. JMIR Medical Education. [Epub]

Blok, A., Sadasivam, R., Houston, T. (2016). Formative Evaluation to Determine Facilitators and Barriers to Nurse-driven Implementation: Designing an Inpatient mHealth Intervention to Support Smoking Cessation. Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Hawaiian International Conference for Social Systems (CD-ROM), Computer Society Press, (9 pages).

Watson, K., Blok, A., Tom, L., Buscemi, J., Molina, Y., Fitzgibbon, M., Simon, M., Williams, L., Matthews, K., Studts, J.L., Lillie, S.E., Ostroff, J.S., Charter-Harris, L., Winn, R. (2016). Society of Behavioral Medicine Supports Implementation of High Quality Lung Cancer Screening in High Risk Populations. Translational Behavioral Medicine.

Blok, A. (2016). A Middle-Range Explanatory Theory of Self-Management Behavior for Collaborative Research and Practice. Nursing Forum.

Green, A.C.*, Hayman, L., Cooley, M. (2015). Multiple health behavior change in adults with or at risk for cancer: A systematic review. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(3), May/June, 2015. PMID 25741683

*last name changed from Green to Blok in 2016

Oral Presentations

Blok, A., Amante, D., Sadasivam, R., Kamberi, A., DiBennedetto, A., Houston, T. (2018). Engaging Those Without Intentions to Quit: Smoker Engagement in a mHealth Tobacco Cessation Program. 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans. April 2018.

Blok, A., Sadasivam, R., Houston, T. (2018). Nurse Engagement in Implementing Evidence-based Technology Interventions for Health Behavior Change in the Hospital Setting. 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans. April 2018.

Blok, A., Sadasivam, R., Day, N., Hogan, T., Houston, T. (2017). Implementation of mHealth Technology for High-Risk Inpatient Unites: Technology Inpatient Program for Smokers (TIPS). 38th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego. March 2017.

Blok, A., Sadasivam, R., Houston, T. (2016). Formative Evaluation to Determine Facilitators and Barriers to Nurse-driven Implementation: Designing an Inpatient mHealth Intervention to Support Smoking Cessation. 50th Annual Hawaiian International Conference for Social Systems, Kona HI. January 2017.

Green, A. “Child, Parent and Environmental Characteristics’ Influence on Parent Asthma Management Behaviors in an Inner-City Population” 28th Annual Eastern Nurses Research Society Scientific Sessions, Pittsburgh. April 2016.

Green, A. “Impact of Parental Stress on Asthma Management Behaviors and Health Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis of Inner-City School-Aged Children” International Academy of Life Sciences / Biomedical Sciences Exchange Program Student Conference 2015, University of Massachusetts Boston, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Boston MA. May 2015.

Green, A. “An analysis of asthma and obesity prevalence in the Boston and Springfield public schools” 27th Annual Research and Scholarship Day, University of Massachusetts Boston, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Boston MA. May 2013.

Green, A. “Increasing BSN preparation in Massachusetts; IOM Recommendation Four, Massachusetts Action Coalition” Jonas Scholars Leadership Conference 2013. Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence, Washington DC. October 29, 2013.

Poster Presentations

Green, A. Impact of Parent Stress and Asthma Management Behaviors on Child Healthcare Utilization for Asthma: A Longitudinal Analysis. 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington D.C. April 2016.

Green, A., Hayman, L., Fawcett, J., Lee, H. “Psychometric Analysis of Instruments Measuring Parental Self-Management Behaviors for Children with Asthma” 27th Annual Eastern Nurses Research Society Scientific Sessions, Washington DC. April 2015.

Green, A., Hayman, L., Cooley, M. “Intervention strategies for multiple health behavior change in cancer survivors and those at high risk: A systematic review of the literature” Junior Investigator Conference, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston MA. October 2014.

Green, A. “A Concept Analysis of Self-Management Behavior and its Implications in Research and Policy” Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing’s 25th International Nursing Research Congress, Hong Kong. July 2014.

Green, A., Cromwell, J., Hayman, L. “Management interventions, asthma control and outcomes in school-aged children: a statistical analysis of the Asthma Call-Back Survey” 28th Annual Research and Scholarship Day for the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston MA. May 2014.

Green, A., Cromwell, J., Hayman, L. “Management interventions, asthma control and outcomes in school-aged children: a statistical analysis of the Asthma Call-Back Survey” 26th Annual Eastern Nurses Research Society Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia PA. April 2014.

Somayaji, D., Nayak, M., Hayman, L., Sorrentino, E. Fox, E., Green, A., Cooley, M. “Applied Patient Tracer Methodology: A Unique Strategy to Explore Recruitment Challenges in Behavioral Research for Lung Cancer Patients” Oncology Nursing Society Connections Conference, Dallas TX. November 2013.


Thomas K Houston, MD MPH

Professor and Chief, Division of Health Informatics and Implementation Science

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Email: Thomas.Houston2@; 508-856-8924

Rajani Sadasivam, PhD

Associate Professor of Quantitative Health Sciences and Medicine

Division of Health Informatics and Implementation Science

University of Massachusetts Medical School -

Email:; 508-856-8923

Timothy Hogan, PhD

Investigator, CHOIR        

Director, eHealth Partnered Initiative

Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Curriculum Coordinator, Prevention and Control of Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Program in Implementation Science, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Email: Timothy.Hogan@

Laura L. Hayman, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA

Associate Vice-Provost for Research and Graduate Studies

Professor of Nursing

University of Massachusetts Boston

Email:, 617.287.7504

Jerry Cromwell, PhD

Senior Fellow, Health Economics at RTI international

Lecturer, College of Nursing and Health Sciences

University of Massachusetts Boston

Email: jcromwell@

Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, MS

Director, Asthma Clinical Research Center

Boston Children’s Hospital

Associate Professor of Pediatrics,

Harvard Medical School



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