2010-2015 Strategic Framework

Strategic Plan – Developed Fall, 2010

(Updated 5/2012 at Lake Buena Vista, FL Board Meeting)

AAACN’S MISSION: Advance the art and science of ambulatory care nursing.

AAACN’S VISION: Professional registered nurses are the recognized leaders in ambulatory care environments. They are valued and rewarded as essential to quality health care.

(Notes: We wanted our mission and vision statements to be complementary and yet distinct. In the vision, we were intentional about using “professional registered nurses” and will continue to use this phrase to describe our target member. It took a bit of time and courage to get to “THE recognized leaders” but we said it and we mean it—that is our vision. We believe we should be not just among the leaders, but THE leaders. By “ambulatory care environments” we include telehealth and other current and possible virtual health and medical home situations. We want to be recognized as critical or essential to providing quality health care, and our vision is that we are compensated commensurate with that contribution.)

AAACN’S IDENTITY: The American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing is the association of professional registered nurses who:

1. Identify ambulatory care practice as a specialty that is essential to the continuum of accessible, high quality, and cost-effective health care.

2. Are committed to their professional development and the quality of patient care in an ambulatory care environment and seek to actively engage in a community of like-minded professionals.

3. Foster understanding and appreciation for the vital role of professional registered nurses as leaders, coordinators of patient care, and care providers in an ambulatory care setting.

(Notes: We added “specialty” in the first item, and will continue to build AAACN’s image as a specialty. Our second item is an addition that addresses 3 of the 4 key reasons (our “Value Promise”) that members join and remain members. Our third item is also new and is the 4th of the 4 reasons members join and renew their membership—they want to advocate for professional registered nurses to be leaders and coordinators of patient care as well as care providers. This is important because we want to be recognized and rewarded for our contribution and we want to be THE coordinators of patient care in ambulatory care environments, but we can’t expect that to happen without us advocating individually and collectively through AAACN for these results.)

AAACN’S CORE VALUES: Individually and collectively, our members are guided by our deep belief in:

• Responsible health care delivery for individuals, families, and communities

• Visionary and accountable leadership

• Productive partnerships, alliances, and collaborations

• Appreciation of diversity

• Continual advancement of professional ambulatory care nursing practice

(Notes: we added “families” to the first bullet to make it more inclusive and comprehensive. We added “collaborations” to partnerships and alliances, so that all internal relationships within member groups have the same standards and importance as external relationships. We added the last point to express our deep commitment to furthering the practice of ambulatory care nursing, knowing that it will improve health care for all.)


|Enhance the professional growth and career advancement of our members. |

|Notes: |

|-This goal is focused on serving our members’ personal growth and professional development needs. Delighting our members is our first and foremost goal. If our members are happy, our association will thrive. |

|-It is important for the Website be easy to navigate in order to retain and recruit members. For many potential members or supporters, our website is our “face,” shaping their first and often only contact with us.|

|We must look at the website home page through that lens: Does it represent who we want a first time visitor to believe we are? |

|-SIGS could be morphed into Communities of Practice (CoPs) to build a knowledge base (by having a written record) and move knowledge forward. Issues with the SIGs have been coming up for years. We have |

|micro-managed. Maybe it is time to look at them more thoroughly. |

|-Technology is moving away from Webinars. For example, how to do things on UTube may be the future. We must evaluate the opportunities that technology has to offer and implement those that return the greatest |

|rewards for investment in serving members. |

|-Conference participants want interactivity, and to engage with presenters. Participants also come for networking. We need to make sure attendees get their need to network fulfilled. Sessions like workshops, |

|round table discussions, and expert panels were well received. Consider “world café” concept. Also consider presenter offering a session, then a smaller, follow-up interactive session = to engage attendees in |

|applying what was just presented in their own work environments. |

|-Are members who do not attend the conference getting what they want? |

|-EBP: If we do not do research, who will? We need valid research data to back up our position statement. Making our case is first proving our position statement. AAACN may need a Research CoP. |

|-AAACN needs to provide the best topics and the highest level of professional development so that nurses do not go elsewhere. |

|-Members want the ideal member experience. They want to feel a sense of belonging and be part of something bigger than themselves. Belonging to several CoPs could provide that sense of community. When members |

|feel that the organization reflects themselves as they want to see themselves, they look beyond the small inconveniences, disappointments, or failures of the organization. They stop looking at whether their |

|membership dues are worth the specific products and services they are receiving for their membership, because the value of membership is that it makes them feel good about themselves and being in a group of people |

|like themselves. |

|-If AAACN can create knowledge that does not exist elsewhere, then we can better attract and retain members. |

|-How can we squeeze more value out of ViewPoint? |

|-Capitalize on expertise of Past Presidents so they do not disappear. |

|-Our brand is defined by what we say NO to. Everything we say and do either reinforces or erodes our brand. |

|-Consider creating a website focus group to commit to a 6 month initiative to strengthen website |

|-Consider creating a CoPs task force that includes members of the pilot group SIGs to monitor and evaluation the initiative. |

NOTE: Shaded areas indicate priority strategies for 2012-13.

|Priority Objectives |Strategies |Measures of Success |Person Responsible |Completion Date |Budget Implications |


|Enhance the professional growth and career advancement of our/ members. |

|1.1 Build a deeper sense of |1. Develop Communities of Practice (CoPs). See definition on Page 14. |

|professional community. | |

| |2. Evaluate member participation and satisfaction |CoPs are used effectively | | | |

| |with CoPs. | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |3. Assess the needs of non-conference attendees. | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |Create baseline member survey. |

| |4. Conduct member survey before September 2012 board meeting to learn what members want/need. |

|Priority Objectives |Strategies |Measures of Success |Person Responsible |Completion Date |Budget Implications |

|1.2 Use technology innovatively |1. Assess and enhance the content and functionality of the Website. |

| | |

| | |

| |2. Evaluate opportunities that technology has to | |Todd Lockhart at AJJ |Ongoing | |

| |offer and | | | | |

| |implement those that return the greatest rewards for | | | | |

| |investment in serving members | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

|Priority Objectives |Strategies |

| |2. Identify and promote ambulatory care focused | | | | |

| |research. | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |3. Offer members opportunities to develop their | | | | |

| |skills in evidence-based practice research | | | | |

| |(conference, poster presentations, ViewPoint). | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |a. Establish a research community of practice (CoP). |

|Priority Objectives |Strategies |Measures of Success |Person Responsible |Completion Date |Budget Implications |

|1.3 (Continued) |4. Revise Telehealth Standards to provide the most up-to-date resource for any nurse providing care via the telephone or other electronic medium. |

|Engage members in building the body | |

|of knowledge for ambulatory nursing | |

|practice through research and | |

|evidence based practice. | |

|1.4 Provide innovative, interactive |1. Remain current on educational innovations to | | | | |

|professional development |provide cutting edge professional development. | | | | |

|opportunities. | | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |a. Determine the types of interactive & innovative programs members want. |

| |b. Provide more interactive conference sessions. |

| |2. Update Certification preparatory resources |

|Priority Objectives |Strategies |Measures of Success |Person Responsible |Completion Date |Budget Implications |

|1.5 Inform and engage members about |1. Use available communication to inform members about Health Care Reform. |

|Health Care Reform. | |

| |2. Create interactive forums to engage members in | | | | |

| |Health Care Reform. | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |Consider establishing a HCR E-mail discussion list if survey responses indicate one is desired. |


|Expand the influence of AAACN and Ambulatory Care Nurses to achieve a greater positive impact on the quality of ambulatory care. |

|Notes: |

|-This goal is about advocating for professional registered nurses and better health care outside of our membership. |

|-We need to take our members to the next level by helping them become advocates so that they can make a case in their workplace. We can’t do it for them, but we can make it easier and more successful. Advocacy is|

|not just legislative, but advocating for a position, (eg, clinical roles as outlined in AAACN’s position statement), etc. |

|-Visibility is a very low threshold. If we increase our visibility it is a step toward influence. |

|-This is AAACN’s “moment in time” as a result of Health Care Reform and we should seize the moment. If we do not seize it, we hurt everyone. HERE and NOW is the time to do things out of the box. We have the |

|chance to step up when the systemic decisions are being made. |

|-Call on those leaders who are underutilized. |

|-We may have access to “heavy hitters” through Beth Ann’s meeting group. |

|-Nobody can empower us– we can only empower ourselves. Use our connections. If we think we are powerless, we are! |

|-Determine how we can be a player. The case we make means nothing if the decision makers do not see it. |

|-We must identify our strategic partners and quickly make ourselves indispensible to them. At “laser” speed, we want decision-makers to feel they cannot make decisions without AAACN at the table. |

|-Get creative in ways to secure lobbyists with little financial resources. |

|-There are several projects we need to finish: Definition of ambulatory care & RN role position paper. |

|-If the evidence is not out there, determine how to create it. |

|-We must develop the evidence to support the RN role position statement. Securing grant funding would be very helpful (Robert Wood Johnson, etc.). We could create a task force and present this problem to them. |

|Start with the people we know (Sheila, Beth Ann, Marilyn Chow). Tell them we need this and ask them how to do it. |

|-We cannot do business as usual. We have to be very “guerilla” about making sure professional registered nurses are in the center of decisions being made about ambulatory care. |

|- We must expand our influence in order to have a greater impact on ambulatory care. |

NOTE: Shaded areas indicate priority strategies in 2012-13.

|Priority Objectives |Strategies |Measures of Success |Person Responsible |Completion Date |Budget Implications |


|Expand the influence of AAACN and ambulatory care nurses to achieve a greater positive impact on the quality of ambulatory care. |

|2.1 Promote the value of the role |Develop a |

|of the RN in ambulatory care. |communication plan to disseminate the RN Role position statement. |

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| |2. Develop the RN Role position paper to support the RN Roles position statement. |

| | |

| | |

|2.1 (Continued) |3. Develop Care Coordination Competencies |

|Promote the value of the role of the | |

|RN in ambulatory care. | |

|2.2 Develop and implement an |1. Maintain communication with the Advisory Team to provide BOD with HCR info. and its impact on ambulatory care. |

|advocacy agenda* that addresses | |

|opportunities presented by Health | |

|Care Reform and the IOM “Future of | |

|Nursing” paper. | |

| | |

|*External advocacy (moving it | |

|forward/our position) | |

| |2. Develop an action plan to address important implications from the IOM report on ambulatory care. |

|2.3 Build Strategic Alliances |1. Evaluate our current relationships (Who do we | | | | |

| |have, do we need to continue with them, what is the | | | | |

| |future???) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |

| |a. Determine frequency of evaluations. Start with | |Board of Directors |March 31, 2012 | |

| |ANCC Collaboration. | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |Ask AMSN to share their Alliance Evaluation Tool |

| |Establish list of current alliances |

| |Make decision on good alliances to form. |

| |Legislative Team |

| |Participate in the Nursing Community and Americans for Nursing Shortage Relief |

| |Identify future alliances |

| |a. Initiate Alliance with AMSN re: Care Coordination |

| |4. Explore Opportunity with CDC to establish/host a Call Center Registry in the case of a Flu Pandemic |



|Notes: |

|-Goal 3 is the engine behind Goals 1 & 2. |

|-We need to engage more people, identify & nurture new/effective leaders, recruit the next generation, implement an organizational culture change (re-energize), encourage greater social diversity, help existing |

|leaders grow, and do a better job of recognizing current leaders. |

|-Consider a board self-assessment, since we must first change the culture of the board |

|-The board needs to think about a succession plan. The same people volunteer and are thought of as the “in crowd” because they are the only ones willing to step up. |

|-Be stronger in terms of our brand and strategic messaging. Every time we deviate from our brand/story/true self, we are weakening our brand. Position paper and reaction to Health Care Reform are incredibly |

|powerful. We are on the verge of finding who we really are. Our brand is the external experience of who we are. |

|-We must weave our “powerful story” into all communications: President’s message, conference, everywhere! |

|-AAACN could have a drive about “what kind of nursing do you do?” and “how do you think Health Care Reform will affect you?” |

|-Our Website does not say “WOW.” It doesn’t catch a viewer emotionally. Could include videos with nurses talking about Health Care Reform, and how AAACN helps them. People are drawn to stories. We want viewers |

|to say “I want to be a part of AAACN.” |

|If we want to be remembered, let our members tell their stories. |

|-It will be difficult to impact Health Care Reform when we only represent 1% of ambulatory care nurses! |

|-Enhancing member engagement is very important. |

|-We are dealing in a unique moment in time and need to act very quickly. Re-assess committees - don’t just move things around. |

|-How can we “delight” our members with what we are able to provide for them? |

|-If we have existing structures that are dragging us down, drop them or redefine them. Put them on temporary “hold” or just replace them with working groups to get jobs done with tight turn-around times. |

NOTE: Shaded areas indicate priority strategies in 2012-13.

|Priority Objectives |Strategies |Measures of Success |Person Responsible |Completion Date |Budget Implications |


|Ensure a healthy organization committed to serving our members and expanding our influence. |

|3.1 Recruit and retain members. |1. Retention: Develop initiatives that are focused on retaining members. |

| |Ensure they recognize the value of maintaining membership. |

| |2. Recruitment: Identify specific populations to |Number of new members will increase to 1,000 by|Staff |12/31/11 | |

| |promote membership. |12/31/2011. | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

| |a. Target magnet facility ambulatory nurse leadership to promote membership in AAACN. |

|3.2 Promote leadership development |1. Fully engage and recognize existing volunteer leaders. |

|of volunteer leaders. | |

| | |

| |2. Identify and engage emerging leaders. | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

|3.3 Align organizational cultures |1. Assess the organizational culture. | | | | |

|and structures with commitment to | | | | | |

|greater innovation. | | | | | |

|3.3 (Continued) | | | | | |

|Align organizational cultures and | | | | | |

|structures with commitment to greater| | | | | |

|innovation. | | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

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| | |

| |2. Evaluate and adjust existing governance structure. | | | | |

| |Next Steps: |

|3.4 Articulate and communicate our |1. Develop and disseminate our strategic message. |

|powerful story. | |

| | |


Alliances – A close association for a common objective. Similarity or relationship in characteristics, structure, etc.

Advocacy – Act or process of advocating or supporting (a cause or proposal) on behalf of another.

Community of Practice (CoPs) - A network of people who share information, building on existing knowledge and develop an expertise to solve common purpose problems in an ongoing manner (Wenger et al 2002).

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) - Process by which nurses make clinical decisions using the best available research evidence, their clinical expertise, and patient preferences in the context of available resources.

Repository – Where things may be placed for safekeeping. Anything thought of as a center of accumulation or storage (a repository of information).

Research – Careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to discover or establish facts or principles. Investigate thoroughly.

Rewarded – Something given in return for service or merit.

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