Genealogy Decoded - Genealogy Speaker, Writer & Researcher

Beginning Mistakes - Bibliography

Best General References

• The Source: a Guidebook to American Genealogy, edited by Loretto Dennis Szucs, Ancestry, 2006 (also available for free on under Learning Center / Family Wiki)

• The American Census Handbook, by Thomas Jay Kemp, Scholarly Resources, Inc., 2001

• The Handybook for Genealogists, edited by Holly T. Hansen, Everton Publishers, 2006

• Red Book: American state, county & town sources, edited by Alice Eichholz, Ancestry, 2004 (also available for free on under Learning Center / Family Wiki)

• Printed Sources: a guide to published genealogy records, Kory L. Meyerink, Ancestry, 1998

• Atlas – how to find the county for your city

Best Research-Specific References

• Long Distance Genealogy Researching Your Family History From Home, by Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer, Betterway Books, 2000

• A Genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your Female Ancestors, by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, Betterway Books, 1998

Best Websites


• – paid/subscription

• – paid/subscription

• Latter Day Saints – - free

• National Archives – - free

• US GenWeb – – free

• USGS ( US Geological Survey) – free (for finding counties and other locations)

• Library of Congress –

Passenger Records

• Ellis Island - 1892+ - free

• Castle Garden - pre 1892 - free

• National Archives - free


• – paid/subscription

• DAR Daughters of the American Revolution -


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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