My Source: Book

My Sources: Mr. Forselius’s Mythology project

Name _____________________

Directions: Record the required information for each source that you used.

My Source: Book

Author/Editor __________________________________

Title _________________________________________________________________

Place Published (look at bottom of title page and pick one) _________________________________

Publisher (look for company name on title page) _________________________________________

Date (look for copyright symbol on back of title page) ____________

Example: Smith, Robert. Life in the Rainforest. New York: Greenwood Press, 1999.

My Source: General Encyclopedia or other Reference Book with Frequent Editions

Source #___ Author of article (if given)__________________________________

Title of article ______________________________________________________________

Name of Encyclopedia _______________________________________________________

Publication Date (look for the most recent copyright date on back of title page) ____________

Example: Jones, Emma. “Birds.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2001.

Example: “U.S. Congress.” World Almanac. 2002.

My Source: Lesser Known Reference Book

Author of article (if given)__________________________________

Title of article ______________________________________________________________

Name of Encyclopedia _______________________________________________________

Place Published ______________________ Name of Publisher ____________________

Date ____________ Number of volumes if more than one _________

My Source: Online Encyclopedia Britannica

Title of article _____________________________________________________________

Encyclopedia Name Encyclopedia Britannica

Date 2006 Publisher

Name/host of Site (ex. Census Bureau Homepage or American Heart Association) ____________________________________________________________________________

Date of Access (date you used it –day-month-year):____________

Web Address ____________________________________________________________

"Zeus." Encyclopædia Britannica. [pic]2006. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. [pic]15  [pic]Nov.  [pic]2006  .

My Source: Website

Author/Editor (if given) __________________________________

Title of page _________________________________________________________________

Name/host of Site (ex. Census Bureau Homepage or American Heart Association) ____________________________________________________________________________

Date of last update:____________ Date of Access (date you used it –day-month-year):____________

Web Address ____________________________________________________________

Example: “Crime Rates, by Type.” Census Bureau Home Page. 1997. 16 Sept.2001. .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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