Robert F. McDermott

Post # 309

11844 Bandera Road # 417

Helotes, Texas 78023

Commander: Willis E Gray III 1st Vice-Commander Mike Gilmour Adjutant: Jaime Caratini

Finance Office: David Kottwitz Sgt At Arms: Mark Ochoa Jr. Chaplain: Stan Fritz

Hub Master: Sean Oliver Historian Sean Oliver Executive 1: N’De Narvaez

Executive Meeting Minutes

6 March 2019

Call to Order: Commander Willis Gray called meeting to order at 7:00 PM at Casa Helotes Senior Center,

Helotes, TX

Advance Colors: Colors in place

Invocation: Stan Fritz read the invocation.

POW/MIA Empty Chair Ceremony: Sgt-at-Arms Mark Ochoa Jr. placed POW/MIA flag on chair.

Pledge of Allegiance: Members recited pledge of allegiance in unison

Preamble of the Constitution of The American Legion: Members recited Preamble in unison

Roll Call of Post Officers: Quorum established/officers present.

Willis Gray III (Commander)

Jaime F. Caratini (Adjutant)

Mike Gilmour (1st vice)

Vacant (2nd Vice)

David Kottwitz (Finc. Officer)

Vacant (Service Officer)

Mark Ochoa Jr. (Sgt-at-Arms)

Stan Fritz (Chaplain)

Vacant (Judge Advocate)

N’De Narvaez Executive Member 1

Sean Oliver Historian/Hubmaster (excused)

Vacant Executive Member

Welcome Remarks: Commander Willis Gray III welcomed all executive members present.

Reading of Last Meeting’s Minutes: David Kottwitz moved to not to read the minutes from the previous meeting and approve them as written. Mike Gilmour 2nd the motion and unanimously approved.

Committees Reports:

Sgt-at-Arms/Welcome Committee: Mark Ochoa welcomed all in attendance and reminded everyone to make sure their cell phones are set to the silent mode or turn them off as to not interfere with the meeting.

Membership/Public Relations: Totals as of 6 March 2019

1. Goal: 26

2. PUFL: 5

3. New: 12

4. Renwals: 30

5. Renew online: 4

6. Transfers: 5

7. 2019 total: 51

8. % Goal: 196.15%

Adjutant/Public Relations/Resolutions:

1. Tax excempt -501c19 – working on application

2. Renewal letters ready to be mailed

3. Jaime F. Caratini moved to discount $10 of members who renew 2yrs. Members renewing 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 will pay $72 isntead of $82. They will also be entered in the respesctive early bird drawings. Dave 2nd the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Received letter from Department requesting information to updated this year’s blue book. Reply will be sent next week.

5. Received new bonds with corrected information. Will take paperwork to tax office on Friday 8 March or the following week.

Finance Report: Finance Officer David Kottwitz reported:


Starting Balance: $1300.76

Debits/in: $361.29

Credits/out: $367.31

Ending Balance: $1,306.78 as of 1 March 2019

David Kottwitz moved to approve the finance report. Carlos Vela 2nd the motion and passed unanimously.

Service/VA&R/ROTC: Commander stated there is a possibility of having 4 to 5 candidates for Boys State School will sponsor one, parents the 2nd and the Post might have to cover the other candidates.

Historian/Hubmaster: NTR.

Legion Riders: Jaime Caratini mentioned Texas Legacy Run dates are 17-21 June and State Rally dates are 21-23 June. All donations are needed by 1 April. Fun run and sponsoring the Quarterly South Central ALR are still on. More details soon.

Auxiliary Unit: Charter being completed.

Sons of The American Legion: Need members to sign-up and get the squadron going.

Unfinished Business:

a. Commander Gray to work with 20th District for Post Dedication.

b. N’De Narvaez mentioned that there is still the $375 check still missing. It was agreed to wait for it to be re-issued so that the WAA committee be created and prepare a final report so the funds can be distributed three ways (Legion, Auxiliary and ALR).

c. To be brought at the next member meeting our participation in the 2019 WAA.

d. Bonds for motorcycle titles were purchased at $100 per bike. Paperwork will be taken downtown for final processing.

e. Initial 2019-2020 ballot is ready. Officer candidates for 2020 Willis Gray – commander, Jaime Caratini – Adjutant, Mike Gilmour -1st Vice Cmdr and Mark Ochoa – Sgt-at-Arms. All other positions do not have candidates to run for office. We need more candidates to fill positions. Ballot will be presented at the March membership meeting and announcement will be made of elections at the April membership meeting.

New Business:

a. Membership booth at Helotes Market day on Saturday 6 April. Jaime Caratini will be in charge of the booth. N’De Narvaez will prepare a sign in roster for volunteers at next member meeting.

b. We agreed to have a short membership meeting followed by the celebration of the Legion’s Centennial celebration. The executive committee will provide food for the event. Menu will be turkey, ham, rice, mash potatoes, corn and cake for desert.

c. Fuddruckers proposed date is 27 March. Jaime Caratini will take the paperwork and make arrangements with the manager.

d. Willis Gray will request chicken donation from Tyson for a plate sale EOM April.

e. David Kottwitz will coordinate a fund raiser at Lubys for 10 April.

f. Cornival theme is “May the forth be with you”. Because of budget constraints, lack of volunteers for decoration and participation on the event we’ll notify the membership that the post will participate in the parade decorating the float patriotic instead of starwars. Color Guard will carry the colors, ALR members will ride if available, Post 309 member Louis Cardenas (100 years old) will be the Grand Marshall at the parade and members can ride or walk the parade route.

g. 2019-2020 ballot will be available for volunteers at the 20 March membership meeting. We will also announce that elections will take place in the 17 April meeting and installation of officers will be at the 21 May meeting.

h. Commander Willis Gray will use $31 of his discretionary funds to pay for 2019 Department and National dues for a member that lost his job and is undergoing finantial hardship. The 2019 Post 309 dues will be waived.

i. Helotes mayor will present the American Legion Centennial proclamation on 13 March at 1400hrs at the City Hall Chamber. Adjutant will send invitation to membership for participationand ask David Scepanski to take pictures during the event.

j. Officers were invited to attend the Legion College Training on 30 and 31 March at Past 593 in Converse. There might be a $25 to $40 charge.

Announcement and Upcoming Events:

a. Executive members were reminded of the upcoming important dates of the next few months.

b. David Kottwiz mentioned that 2019 Big Give participation deadline was EOM February. He stated that we should keep this in mind and enroll in the 2020 Big Give.

c. Dave Kottwitz spoke of his experience with Todd Marquardt Family Planning and living trusts. He suggested inviting Mr. Marquardt to give a chat possibly at the May meeting since his services could be beneficial to other Post members.

d. Next membership meeting will be 20 March 2019.

For the good of The American Legion: 15-17 March American Legion Official Centennial Celebration

Benediction: Stan Fritz read the benediction.

Retire POW/MIA Flag: Sgt-at-Arms retrieved POW/MIA flag from the empty chair.

Retire Colors: Color Guard retired the Colors.

Meeting Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM[pic]


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