Membership Tools Website

Recruiting Packets Suggested Content:Putting Eligibility to WorkIdeas for MembershipAuxiliary At a Glance Flyer Renewal letter example and questionnaire Engage to Retain Application Envelope Auxiliary At a GlanceWho we are, what we do and why it matters to you!Continuing more than 90 years of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country.Who We ArePatriotism and veterans advocacy are so important to us that for 90 years we’ve been serving, educating and giving to America’s finest—our servicemen and women. We’re individual women who answer the call of service not self.We are the more than 850,000 wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters and great grand-daughters of veterans who served our great Country during times of war. Some of us are veterans ourselves.We are the American Legion Auxiliary. And we’re passionate about making a difference. You’ll find us in more than 9,500 communities in the USA and eleven foreign countries.Founded in 1919 during the first National Convention of The American Legion, we have grown to be the largest women’s patriotic service organization in the world. And we’d love for you to be part of this outreach. Why Join?If you value patriotism, responsible citizenship, volunteerism and advocacy for veterans and their families, you will feel right at home in the Auxiliary. You can do things like teach school children about our nation’s flag, assemble care packages to send to our troops, or volunteer at your local VA Medical Center. As a member of a local unit you’ll have a readymade support system and many hands-on opportunities to serve in ways that truly make a difference. ALA Fast Stats9,500 local Units available to join100,000 hours of service volunteered by the ALA Junior members25,000 girls attend ALA Girls State and Girls Nation- Nearly $2 million collected from distributing poppies spent exclusively on veterans programs$1 million+ in annual scholarshipsNearly a quarter of $1 million granted to help fellow Auxiliary members in time of needALA Gateway to Services provides online information about resources for active duty military, veterans and their families What We DoOur members do incredible work. Every year… Nearly 1 million veterans are served$6 million is contributed for veteran programs1.9 million hours are volunteered to support veteran programs$3.9 million contributed to programs benefitting children and youth2.1 million hours are volunteered through community serviceVolunteer hours = more than 3,000 full-time employees. That value exceeds $7.5 million. Annually recognized by the Secretary of the United States Veterans Administration for outstanding contribution to the quality of life for our veterans in VA Medical Centers. Get InvolvedInterested? Your first step is to complete the attached application and send it to the local contact listed on the back of this brochure. Once your eligibility is confirmed, you’ll receive information and be directed to a unit and get involved in activities. Or, you can just logon to legion- and click on “Volunteer for Veterans.” You’ll be contacted about how you can volunteer. Once you’ve experienced more about what we do, you can then take the next steps to become a member of the American Legion Auxiliary.Auxiliary Members Discounts & Services So what else is in it for you? Plenty! In addition to what the ALA does for veterans, there are member discounts and savings especially for you as an ALA member. Special members-only savings for:ComputersPrescription drugsCell phones and calling plansEyeglassesTravel and car rentalWeight control programsSatellite networkReal Estate needsInsuranceExclusive no-annual-fee Auxiliary credit card benefits you and the ALA with each useSubscription to Auxiliary magazineFor a detailed description of all discounts and services visit legion-.In the spirit of service not self, the American Legion Auxiliary honors the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and country we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.Contact Us 24/7Facebook, Twitter, Email your questions or comments to alahq@legion- or contact American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters8945 N. Meridian Street, Suite 200Indianapolis, IN 46260-5387P: (317) 569-4500 | F: (317) 569-4502legion-Executing a Membership Plan – A Template for Success:Putting Eligibility to WorkNot everyone joins the American Legion Auxiliary for the same reason. And that’s OK. Some women join to have an opportunity to volunteer. Some women join because their grandma made them and it was expected. Some want to connect with others in the community, and yes - some actually joined to gain admittance to our members-only post environment. But keep in mind two key points: The reason members stay is not always the same as the reason they joined. All members share a common element –eligibility. No matter why we joined, we all share a common bond of eligibility and that’s special. To focus on that special element …to both secure new members and retain those who have already joined, here are our (National’s) top 10 ideas for Putting our Eligibility to Work for Membership. What are yours? 1. Understanding the Game - Make Eligibility Visual Encourage your members to surround their activities with pictures of those from whom they gained their eligibility. Put those pictures around your poppy display! Put those pictures around activities that involve the community! Make it very visual to those we engage - we are an organization that supports veterans. A couple of things will likely happen: It will give your members a starting point for conversation: ”This is my daughter” …”This is my dad” …”This my grandpa” AND it gives your guest a starting point too: “Wow…my grandfather served in World War II also!” Make starting a conversation with a stranger easy by talking about something we all care about - our troops and our families. The membership game is easily solved because the answer is in the law of averages and it’s really just math. The more people you ask to join, the more likely you will get someone to join! Helping our members to start and engage in effective conversation with strangers is the first step to making a connection that could result in a new member. 2. Shooting Fish in a Barrel – Finding Eligibility Challenge your chairmen to employ an eligibility component in to their Plans of Action and make sure to include it boldly in your department’s membership model. Sending mixed messages isn’t a good plan or very effective. Every activity, every opportunity with which you engage neighbors, friends and your communities should include the same core message of eligibility. We’ve got a few ideas: Community Service: Announce an American Legion Auxiliary “tribute” to veterans. Invite members of the community to submit photos of veterans in their families to be compiled into a memorial tribute over a patriotic holiday. Start out with well-known members of your community: the mayor, the city council, the basketball coach. Reach out to your neighbors. You will find ELIGIBILITY EVERYWHERE. Education: Get buy-in from the schools…invite the kids to bring a photo of a veteran in their family and design a montage or mural around the photos. Put the mural up for display at the post and invite the families to come for a sneak peak. You will find ELIGIBILITY EVERYWHERE. Girls State: Ask your Girls State citizens to bring a photo of a veteran in their family (or one of a close friend) to hang prominently on their door. You will find ELIGIBILITY EVERYWHERE. If you weave eligibility in to your program elements, finding new members will be like shooting fish in a barrel! 3. Be Prepared – Get a Plan The Girl Scouts are prepared…we need to be prepared too! Find something interesting, valuable, helpful to contribute to the cause. Organize an event, think outside the box, think inside the box; just THINK about how YOU can make a difference. Accept responsibility and be accountable and ask other members of your membership team to also be accountable. Be part of the solution…not part of the problem! Solution solvers are women who think, women who plan, women who act and women who identify tasks, evaluate the situation, devise a solution and then put that solution into motion. Not every plan is a winner…but having no plan is definitely a losing proposition. Remember: There is no dumb plan! 4. Buzzwords, Consistency of Message and I’m SO Excited! Act enthusiastic and you’ll be enthusiastic. Rule #1 …if you’re not excited about what we’re about, trust us: no one else will be either! If you’re having a blast…LOVING what you’re doing…EXCITED about telling about your dad’s picture on the poppy display…TRUST US…everyone else will be too! People think it’s cool to be involved in cool activities, and we’ve got 90 years of history on our side! Use words like…TRADITION and PATRIOTIC when describing what we do and WHY we do it! Make it magical! 5. Keeping it Real for Our Members Remember: We’re all eligible, but it’s our individual differences that make us unique. Ask questions and discover immediately what the “passion” of your member may be. We all have something with which we’re passionate about. Their passion may not yet be the Auxiliary, but are they in to legislative issues? Is she a computer whiz? Like to draw? Work in the garden? Discover their passion and find a fit for that passion in one of our programs. There is something for everybody in the American Legion Auxiliary. Identifying that passion, finding a fit and making EACH member feel valued is the key to getting them and KEEPING them! 6. Shake, Rattle and Roll! Shake it up…rattle the cages…roll the dice. Our future depends on our ability to manage and merge great traditions with a new, fresh and timely approach to achieving goals and fulfilling the mission of our organization. Be receptive to new ideas and embrace and encourage change. Dare to be different, and remember: Different isn’t bad; different is just different. We’re really more in common than we are different…don’t you think?! 7. Flexibility and Adaptability in a Changing World Our world is constantly in motion, and standing still is no longer an option. Therefore we must be flexible and willing to adapt to changes that impact our membership efforts. Flexibility means being open-minded, thoughtful, careful and aware of how we’re perceived by others and those we serve. Set a standard of excellence in all you do, and eligible members will follow your lead. 8. Staying Relevant If we have a purpose (we do) and are perceived as being relevant by the community and those we serve, eligible women will join. It’s when we’re not relevant and have lost our compass that we struggle. Think RELEVANCE when planning activities. Supporting America’s core values, our veterans, troops and their families is as relevant today as it was in 1919. Be good and noble stewards of our great traditions by finding a place for them in today’s changing landscape and use the powerful images of our veterans to help convey this message. It’s a proven fact; the service movement is uniting the two largest generations in American history, the Baby Boomers and the Millennials. As Time Magazine mentioned in its annual report on service, “Both of these generations want to increase their service, and both feel they have not been asked to do enough.” 9. Choosing the Right Path Sometimes it’s hard to know which path to choose. We’re faced with many challenges: competition from other non profits, making time for multiple activities, not to mention financial pressures in a difficult and volatile economy. As an organization, we place great value on those citizens whose eligibility has earned them the right for membership. When you engage an eligible member, make her feel patriotic…make her feel honored she’s eligible and make her an immediate part of the team. We all know …there is no “I” in team…so give your new member a task she can manage and recognize her success as a contributing partner to the project. Success takes many forms, so be open and generous with compliments and don’t forget to say “Thanks.” 3 We Need Your Help!-When returning membership cards to members who have renewed, include in each …a note with a plea for membership help along with an extra membership application.-We must communicate with our members…and together we can make a difference! Since you are sending their membership card anyway…why not include more helpful information! Get multiple BANG for that STAMP BUCK every time you mail an item to any member!-Our members are our best resource…why aren’t we using them to help us out?!Thank You!Please Help Unit #250!Greetings from your Auxiliary friends in Louisburg, Kansas and we hope this note finds you well! Thank You for forwarding your 2010 American Legion Auxiliary dues and enclosed is your current membership card. We appreciate your continued support and are grateful for your membership in our unit. In addition to your card we have include an American Legion Auxiliary application and are asking for your help. Kansas is working hard to reverse a declining membership trend that has occurred since the middle 1980’s and this is the year we believe we can stop that slide and get things going back in a positive direction…but we need your help! Please reach out to a friend, family member or neighbor and if eligible…ask them to join! Whether it be Unit #250…or another unit…theAmerican Legion Auxiliary appreciates your help and together we can make a difference! Don’t forget…we meet the second Monday of every month at 7pm at the Post Home in Louisburg…See you there!4 The Law of Averages…its Just Math!The more people you ask to join…the more likely you will get someone to join! Sounds simple …right! Well…Keep in mind…for this to work…YOU have to ask! And ask! And ask!Cold calling is integral to successful salespeople. So…think of yourself as a salesperson…you have a product (the American Legion Auxiliary) that you want to “sell” to new members. Engage them, be friendly, tell them about your product, explain why it would benefit them and then ASK THEM TO JOIN! There’s no high…like making a huge sale! The number one failure in sales…is salespeople forgetting to ask for the sale. Sometimes it’s not easy to “cold call” or “cold ask”…but the more you do it…the more you will become comfortable with the process.If they say “No” right away…don’t be scared off…and don’t take it personally. Smile and try responding with “Thank You…here’s my card and information. We’re a non-profit, non-partisan, non-political organization committed to supporting America’s core values, our communities, children and most importantly veterans and their families. If you should change your mind…give me a call!” But if they say …YES! Tell yourself you can do it…and then convince yourself you can! Sell yourself…and sell the Auxiliary!5 “Grandma’s Rock” Week!??Calling all Grandma’s! We know you’re out there!??OK…we all do it! There’s a significant chunk of us who pay for our grandchildren, children, sisters etc…rather then wait throughout the year to cover those for whom we always pay…how about we designate the week that Patriot Day falls on (September 11) as Grandma’s Rock Week!??Every year during “Grandma’s Rock Week”…we all pay for those family members who fall under our watch…and then use Patriot Day (September 11) as an opportunity to engage them…to …PAY THEIR OWN DUES! (There’s always hope!). Or it’s a standard to keep our junior family members current and their dues forwarded in a timely manner!6 The Big Buy In…A Challenge to All MembersI CHALLENGE you…to COMPETE with me…to SUCCEED for the benefit of our organization…and I BELIEVE we can do it. As Individuals…we have the ability to challenge ourselves at every juncture…can we do better…can we do more…can we set a goal…and really achieve it. Competition in the spirit of Fun…makes it fun for all! Setting a goal and then getting members to “Buy In” to the achievement of that goal…gets everyone on board. Challenge each other…I can sign up 10 members…can you sign up 15? Shoot for that National Silver Brigade Membership opportunity (25 new Auxiliary members)…make it a team effort or an Auxiliary unit effort…25 members is not very challenging…can you sign up 50? Can you? I bet I can! I bet our unit as a team can! It’s always great to achieve a goal…but doing the best you can and putting in 100% effort…is really the name of the game7 Premiums for Members!??Maybe it’s time we start rewarding good behavior with stuff! Unit Handbooks, Emblem Gift Certificates…you know Stuff!??Identify a list of criteria promoting spectacular Auxiliary behavior and reward those members who achieve that status at Department Convention with a ribbon or???Achievement levels should include attendance at meetings, commitment to membership, service in an Auxiliary program at the Unit level, targets of opportunity.8 Get a plan??Do something…Don’t just do nothing! Find something interesting, valuable, helpful to contribute to the cause. Organize an event, attend a meeting, sign up a new member…accept responsibility and be accountable.??Be part of the solution…not part of the problem!...Solution solvers are women who think, women who plan, women who act and women who identify a problem, evaluate the situation, devise a solution and then put that solution into motion. Help us solve our declining membership trend!??Not every plan is a winner…but having no plan is definitely a losing proposition.??We have to have a plan…Failing to Plan…is Planning to Fail!??Get a Plan…and then Put Your Plan in Motion. The American Legion Auxiliary needs you! Hey…there is no dumb plan!9 Gen Aux??Recently, the team came up with a concept that we think has merit.??It occurred to us that we have a hole in the way we address membership…the 17-27 year age group. Senior in high school to young professional. They have a different focus, a different approach to volunteerism, a different attitude…and different needs…then the very young junior or the newly married professional. How do we engage them?…How do we keep them interested? We have to modify our approach and be willing to allow a different response to the way we traditionally we receive information. We coined the term “Gen Aux” …our Gen-Aux group wants to volunteer…LET THEM…they want to help…LET THEM…they want to be a part of our organization…LET THEM….and be willing to open your traditional sphere of the American Legion Auxiliary to let them contribute. Our future depends on it. A Native American tribe once said…”Tradition is the Enemy of Progress” We think…tradition can also be the “Foundation of Progress”…our challenge is finding a comfortable fit between the two.??Let’s work with our Girls State delegates …connect them with and if eligible ask them to join. Then work with them to volunteer in a manner that works for them. Many High Schools now require a certain commitment to volunteering…and we’ve discovered our young people would like something different than traditional offerings (church, senior center)…we’re the perfect fit. Invite them to a meeting…give them loose guidelines and then let them devise a project …execute it…and report back to the unit. Have a “Gen Aux Leadership Coordinator” or “Gen Aux Mentor” to oversee their activities and provide input.10. Pay It ForwardThe “Pay It Forward” concept was popularized with the book Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde, which was later made into a movie with the same title, starring Helen Hunt, Haley Joel Osment and Kevin Spacey. The expression “Pay It Forward” is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn/deed be repaid by having it done to others…instead. How to “Pay It Forward”? The world can seem like an unfriendly, threatening place, yet we all want safety, health, and happiness for ourselves and our loved ones…and strength and success for our organization. How can one ordinary person – you or me— make a positive difference for the American Legion Auxiliary? One way is the practice of “paying it forward.” While the steps might be simple, the outcome could literally change the course of membership in Kansas…and for that matter across our country.How It Could Work For Us…-Did someone in The American Legion Family reach out to you in a special way?-Did something positive happen to you while working on one of our programs?-Did you help someone improve their situation while working for our organization?…then honor that special act with a “Pay It Forward” membership gift. Find someone who is eligible for the Auxiliary…and who would be a great person to have on board in your unit or our organization. Maybe this person represents dedication, has a unique background, or has demonstrated values aligned with those of our organization. Take a moment to explain to them…what we are about and why we exist. Then sign them up and PAY for them…one year’s membership. Tell them WHY you have chosen them to be the recipient of this gift …and then ASK them to do the same. Ask them to return your gift…at some point… for the purpose of helping move our organization forward by choosing a worthy “Pay It Forward” recipient. Mentor them to make sure they stay involved and then follow up to assure at some point…they too “Pay It Forward.” They will do it on their own…if we guide them with our principles and values. Practicing the “Pay It Forward” principle will make you alert to unexpected kindness form strangers toward you, and you may find yourself becoming more grateful for everyday kindness and consideration from people you don’t even know.Could this for your Unit? Include in your next Unit Budget the expense for (5) Pay It Forward Memberships. Then have your members submit “applications” of the names of potential members with their qualifications and who would be an asset to your unit. Have the membership “choose” from the supplied applications…five of the most worthy candidates…and then pay their dues for the first year! Have a special certificate to be presented with their membership card! The real core of “Pay It Forward” involved anonymous giving…although this probably won’t work in our situation…it’s the personal stories that make this program so valued and worthy…and these should be shared when possible. So think about all of the positive things that being a member of the American Legion family have done for you or your family…and then “Pay It Forward” to a worthy individual. What an awesome feeling!273044423854American Legion AuxiliaryUnit 60It’s Membership Renewal Time!!Your Dues will help our Unit with:Serving the needs of the local veteransSending donations to Cancer ResearchSupplying over 200 needy children with school suppliesAssisting struggling families with Christmas clothes, food, and toysTeaching the importance of the FlagChildren’s Halloween and Easter ActivitiesHelping send care packages to currently serving Military PersonalHelping to support local VA Hospital and CentersAnd much, much more …You can continue your membership benefits withReduced rates on many insurance plansAmerican Legion Auxiliary MagazineDiscount Dental PlanSuper Value rates on Car Rental at AvisDiscount on glasses and eye examsScriptSave Prescription Discount PlanLong Distance Phone ServicesBeltone Free annual hearing tests & discount on hearing aid pricesMoving, Real Estate, and Mortgage ServicesDish Network discounted activationDell Computer special pricingTribute Direct: Funeral/Final Expense InsuranceWe appreciate YOU and need you to help the Unit to continue the good work we do for our veterans, military personal, and their families.Won’t you send your dues of $____ today? Send your renewal to ALA Unit _____ ____(Address Here)_________________Call if you would like a ride to attend a meeting, participate in a fund raiser, bake a cake for the next cakewalk, donate for a silent auction, or have an idea to present to the unit. We would love to have you join us at the next meeting: Third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at Post 60 in Milan (Phone number is 287-3548). This years officers:President: Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary/ Treasurer: Sgt at Arms: Chaplain: Historian: Thank you for helping your unit achieve 100% membership early this year!Honoring their Service with Our Service…What do you think?This year is all about honoring their Service with Our Service. You can help your unit by answering this short questionnaire and returning it in the self addresses and stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes to fill this out so we can better get to know you.Name_______________________ Mailing Address_______________________________Phone Number_________________ _______________________________Email______________________________ What are some of the things you like to do (hobbies are things you do for fun)?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why did you join the American Legion Auxiliary?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why do you renew your membership with the American Legion Auxiliary?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If your local unit was planning a function, what would make you want to come participate?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tell us about the person from whom you gained your eligibility?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How has this person from who you gained your eligibility influenced your life?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you value your eligibility? Why or why not?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you think our organization id relevant in today’s world?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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